The North Dakota Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Database Kodi Berg, Autism Database Administrator Division of Children’s Special Health Services North Dakota Department of Health
North Dakota Facts on Autism According to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), the data below represents the number of individuals identified with autism through the educational system December 2013: 837 December 2012: 786 December 2011: 718 December 2010: 627
History of House Bill 1038 In 2012, the Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force and other autism advocacy organizations provided recommendations to the Human Services Interim Committee During the 2013 legislative session four autism bills were introduced Ultimately a more comprehensive autism bill known as House Bill 1038, was officially passed
North Dakota Century Code (NDCC) Requirements for the North Dakota Department of Health The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) will establish and administer an ASD Database Must include a record of ALL reported cases of autism Collect any additional information determined relevant by NDDoH Establish criteria regarding who is qualified to report cases of ASD into the database
NDCC Requirements Continued Individual must be diagnosed using the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Must include a complete physical evaluation of the reported individual by a licensed physician NDDoH shall adopt rules for mandatory reporting requirements NDDoH shall keep confidential records of the database
Comparison to Other State Registries Staff and the NDDoH researched information from other states that have autism registries Delaware New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina Rhode Island Utah West Virginia
Main Data Elements Collected by Various State Registries Individual’s contact information or information that can be used to identify an individual Family information Diagnosis Diagnostician Information
Development of the ASD Database Purchased the autism database Determining the design of the autism database and the data elements to be collected with the help of the expert panel
Regions in N.D. that are Represented on the Expert Panel
Draft Mandatory Reporting Form
Next Step for the ASD Database Development of Administrative Rules Promote awareness Conduct outreach activities and education Collect data for analysis and reporting
For More Information Contact: Kodi Berg, Autism Database Administrator North Dakota Department of Health Community Health Section Division of Children’s Special Health Services 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 301 Bismarck, N.D. 58505-0200 Work: 701.328.4832 Fax: 701.328.1645 E-mail: Website: Facebook:
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