Autism Spectrum Disorder • 1. 2. 3. 1 IN 100 • Quinn, an autistic boy, and the line of toys he made before falling asleep. Repeatedly stacking or lining up objects is a behaviour commonly associated with autism. • WIDE
Picture Communication Augmentative and Alternative Communication Functional Communication Assistive Technology
What if it spoke back? • • • • •
Virtual Assistants (Conversation Agents) Alexa Siri
What is a chat-bot? C HAT BOT ( CHAT - BOT ) ,
HARLIE The Chat-Bot
Picture Based A.I.
Adding your own pictures
Why do my friends laugh at me? Bullying Learning Small Talk Mental Health Logic
Today is my birthday. How old am I? Bullying Learning Small Talk Mental Health Logic
Mum bought me a monster truck! Bullying Learning Small Talk Mental Health Logic
Thank you Dr. David Ireland CSIRO
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