the nordic alliance for clinical genomics

The Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics NACG introduction slides - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics NACG introduction slides Updated 26. April 2019 The Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics NACG introduction slides Updated 26. April 2019 26/04/2019 NACG is an independent, non-governmental,

  1. The Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics NACG introduction slides Updated 26. April 2019

  2. The Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics NACG introduction slides Updated 26. April 2019

  3. 26/04/2019 NACG is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit Nordic association We work together and learn from each other to lift our performance standards. We aim at responsible sharing of trustworthy data for improved diagnosis and treatment, and as a resource for research. Sharing of data, Benchmarking, Vehicles for tools and standardization, Research sharing methods harmonization

  4. 26/04/2019 NACG goals Facilitate the responsible sharing of genomic data, bioinformatics tools, sequencing methods and best practices for interpretation of genomic data. Enhance quality of genomic data and processes, and explore methodologies to provide assurance. Understand legal barriers to the implementation of personalized medicine and to engage with key stakeholders that influence these barriers Develop demonstration projects that challenge perceived legal barriers that limit responsible and ethical sharing of genomic and health data. Build bridges between research and clinical communities, technologies and practices to foster innovation

  5. 26/04/2019 NACG organisation WG Sharing of data, tools and methods Kjell Petersen, UiB & Tony Håndstad, OUS AMG Secretariat WG Vehicles for sharing Henrik Stranneheim SciLifeLab Steering committee Guro Meldre Pedersen, DNV GL WG Benchmarking, standardization, Dag E Undlien, OUS AMG harmonization Valtteri Wirta, Karolinska Institutet / SciLifeLab Sharmini Alagaratnam, DNV GL & Morten Dunø / Karin Wadt, Rigshospitalet Dep Clin Gen Kaisa Kettunen, HUH / FIMM Maria Rossing, Rigshospitalet Center for Genomic Med Jón Jóhannes Jónsson, Lanspitali WG Research Stephen McAdam, DNV GL Joakim Lundeberg, SciLifeLab Janna Saarela, FIMM

  6. 26/04/2019 NACG development 2016 2017 2018 2019 • WS 1 Høvik • WS 3 • WS 5 • WS 7 Helsinki Copenhagen Stockholm • WS 2 • Symposium & Stockholm • Inaugural • WS 6 WS 8 Høvik symposium & Copenhagen WS 4 Høvik

  7. 26/04/2019 NACG - modus operandi

  8. 26/04/2019 Connect w ith NACG • NACG website • • About • Events • Resources • NACG paper • NACG workshop reports • NACG governing documents • Contact us •

  9. How to join • Open for organizational and individual members that will adhere to the guiding principles of NACG. • Application forms available at • ..or contact us at

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