The new battleground… The power of personalisation
James Skellington Strategic Automation Consultant Formerly with hair and of: • Google • Agencies • Force24 “People make technology valuable.” +44 7860 530 997
Today: • The risk of not personalizing personalisation • Some of the challenges facing marketeers and the views of the specialists. • The dangers of vanity metrics • Person vs personas • Manual vs dynamic campaigns – a Force24 case study • Tips to enhance your personalisation experience
The modern marketeer
“I didn’t become a marketeer for the boring bits” Adam Oldfield Force24
The new battleground… Personalisation is the biggest challenge to a marketeer right now… but what is it?
The new battleground… Current state of personalisation 71% of consumers feel frustrated when a shopping experience is impersonal. - Segment 70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant emails. - SmarterHQ 42% of consumers are annoyed when content isn’t personalized. - CMO by Adobe 66% of consumers say encountering content that isn’t personalized would stop them from making a purchase. - CMO by Adobe 26% of companies across regions stated their data was available in real time, allowing them to consistently make informed and smart decisions around personalization – Dynamic Yield
The new battleground… So much more than: Hi, [insert name here]
The new battleground… Two components of personalization: • Triggering – when to send • Personalisation – what to send
Agnostic of channel
Quality vs Quantity
The human argument
The new battleground… The new battleground… To create highly personalised, contextual experiences at both digital and human touchpoints.
Customers are zoning out
The new battleground… The problem… Most marketeers are using, largely, the same tools and metrics in a more demanding and more challenging environment
Vanity metrics
The new battleground… The danger of vanity metrics
Do not take these stats • as gospel! • Can you distinguish between human and bot activity in your results • Who are you target audience, how are you segmenting do they engage differently? • These results are based upon a single email not campaigns What are your • objectives… Email open = job done?
The new battleground… Force24 case study… Senior decision makers at £10m+ t/o businesses 8% average open rate through the week 12% on a Sunday eve CTR as a % was the same
The new battleground… Some hard truths… Vanity metrics can be misleading…. You can be the strongest and most muscular sprinter, but unless you run 100m faster • than those in your race at that time, it’s irrelevant. You could have the best open rate in your industry but the worst conversion rate, you need to consider the whole process. • You could have a low click through rate one day but he highest level of engagement/conversion/quality of leads • 1 in 6 emails is the average engagement rate for cold acquisition, do not put you focus into vanity metrics. Focus on a • multilayered approach to educate, not sell. Every communication should have a goal, what is the response you want, data capture, download, etc. •
The new battleground… Some hard truths… A landing page which supports that message is essential, somewhere they can digest the whole of your story after the • taser that is your emial The tracking is essential – what they do next should influence and shape your next communication, in real time. • Lead scoring is your best indicator of engagement • Where possible, we need to be able to tie to commercial objectives. • It is important to tie your objectives in to commercial goals rather than focus on the open or click •
Email is bait!
Single customer view – one to one communication a scale
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you” Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People
Person vs Persona
Lead scoring
The new battleground… Force24 insight: Automated vs Manual campaigns
Force24 insight The new battleground… 33% increase via automated campaigns Average 12 month open rate (%) Manual Camaign Automated Camapign
Force24 insight The new battleground… 88% increase via automated campaigns Average 12 month click rate (%) Manual Camaign Automated Camapign Manual Camaign Automated Camapign
Force24 insight The new battleground… 228% increase via automated campaigns Average 12 month 12 post click engagement Manual Camaign Automated Camapign
Force24 insight The new battleground… 37% increase via automated campaigns Average 12 month post click high value engagement Automated Camapign Manual Camaign Manual Camaign Automated Camapign
Force24 insight The new battleground… 485% increase via automated campaigns Average 12 month post click conversions Manual Camaign Automated Camapign
The new battleground… Personalisation Impacts the bottom line Personalisation can reduce customer acquisition costs by up to 50%. - Adweek Personalisation can increase marketing spend efficiency by up to 30%. - Adweek
The new battleground… The customer experience will consist of multiple journeys
Connected by actions and audiences
The new battleground… 1. Cleanse your data 9 Tips every 2. Segment and personalise where you can business can 3. Campaigns - not mail shots follow 4. Measurement - what does success look like 5. Ask questions 6. Listen! 7. Humanise 8. Education never selling 9. Tell a story - one chapter at a time
The new battleground… Thank you. James Skellington Strategic Automation Consultant +44 7860 530 997
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