the magic of storytelling

The Magic of Storytelling! The Boyhood of Raleigh by Sir John Everett - PDF document

3/31/2018 The Magic of Storytelling! The Boyhood of Raleigh by Sir John Everett Millais oil on canvas, 1870. A seafarer tells the young Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother the story of what happened out at sea. 1 3/31/2018 If you know where you

  1. 3/31/2018 The Magic of Storytelling! The Boyhood of Raleigh by Sir John Everett Millais oil on canvas, 1870. A seafarer tells the young Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother the story of what happened out at sea. 1

  2. 3/31/2018 If you know where you want to end, the story is easier to find and much easier to fit to a time limit. 2

  3. 3/31/2018 Rags to Riches (rise) versus Riches to Rags (fall) Man in a Hole (fall then rise) versus Icarus (rise then fall) Cinderella (rise then fall then rise) versus Oedipus (fall then rise then fall) The Six Traits of Writing Ideas Voice Organization Sentence Fluency Word Choice Conventions 3

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  7. 3/31/2018 Storytelling is useful in far more situations than most leaders realize. The five most commonly used are: Inspiring the organization Setting a vision Teaching important lessons Defining culture and values Explaining who you are and what you believe Storytelling differentiates you, giving you a competitive edge. Tell your brand story. Storytelling establishes your personal credibility. People don't just want to buy a product or engage a service. They want to know what the people leading the business are like. Storytelling connects you with what your audience needs. It’s about them not you. #1: : Set The Paramet meters ers #2: Be Authen entic ic #3: : Have e a Clear ear Outcom ome #4: : Be Consist nsistent ent #5: : Get Cust stomers omers Involved olved 7

  8. 3/31/2018 cricket cricket cricket 8

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  10. 3/31/2018 Next… Choose your story There are three types of stories THE ROCKSTAR This is the hero story Challenge is given Challenge is rejected Challenge is finally embraced The world is saved The Maverick This is the change the world story The dreamers The difference makers The rule breakers The world is changed The Sherlock This is the problem/solution story Problem presented Solution determined Each concept is a character 10

  11. 3/31/2018 Six Key Tips for Business Storytelling The 5 C ’s 11

  12. 3/31/2018 Stop bragging and start relating to your audience Get Your Audience Engaged Through the Senses 12

  13. 3/31/2018 Give Your Audience What Matters Learn more about Regina and her books by visiting her website Books for kids and adults 13

  14. 3/31/2018 Jesus esus The greatest st Storyt yteller of all time me. Matthew 13, provi vides s that examp mple for us. s. 14


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