LSM PROJECT 2019 THE LOBBY Huntingtown, MD Erika Abell, Mike Bellis, Kelly Caplan, Danielle Conrow & Kate L. Harrison
Doing good is good for business
100% Goes To Charity ENDING HUNGER IN CALVERT COUNTY The Lobby Coffee Bar is a joint partnership between End Hunger In Calvert County, Honduras Compassion Partners, and Chesapeake Church. End Hunger's mission is to improve the lives of Calvert County residents by moving individuals and families from dependency to self-sufficiency. They accomplish this by supporting l ocal food pantries and through their Culinary Training Program.
More Than A Cafe A P L A C E T O G A T H E R A P L A C E T O E A T A P L A C E T O E A T Located adjacent to the church, the The Lobby offers a full menu of The Lobby also has three meeting Lobby is a place where people (of all savory and sweet foods as well as rooms that they share with the faiths) can come and relax, sit, and handcrafted coffees and lavender church. These can be used to host enjoy a meal. lemonade. larger meetings and events.
The Project: How can free meeting rooms be used to market the Lobby?
O N L I N E L S M Changes to the Direct to our leadership website/app group OUR RECOMMENDATIONS O U T R E A C H S O C I A L Connections to the Social media outreach community
Step 1: BRANDING New logo for the meeting spaces New tag line New room names (changed from meeting room 1 to river themed name)
Step 2: WEBSITE/APP New landing page New URL Detailed notes about what should be included on the website and app (including room info and booking technology)
Step 3: MEDIA/SOCIAL MEDIA Draft press release Sample tweets Sample FB posts Hashtag ideas Video tour suggestions Launch "event" concept Database of ~30 organizations/contacts
Step 4: PALM CARD 2-sided card to distibute to business people We drafted language and worked with them on the design We printed the first run of cards Please take one!
Step 5: LSM LUNCH We arranged for them to cater the Diversity Day lunch sponsored by John Felicitas We distributed the palm cards and made an announcement about the organization
Thank you!
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