Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 The LHCf experiment ~ Calibration of interaction models of UHECRs at 10 17 eV by LHC ~ Yoshitaka Itow Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University For the LHCf collaboration
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Motivation: GZK problem of UHECR AUGER ICRC07 T.Yamamoto et al ICRC07,astro-ph/0707.2638 GZK cut off ? � Energy scale issues among the experiments must be settled � Composition is important to understand origin
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Systematic error in AGASA Interaction model Total ± 18% dependence of air shower Interaction model (QGSJET, SIBYLL) < 10% J.Knapp Astropart. Phys.19 (2003) 77 (Takeda et al., 2003) #of particles Florescence should be OK ( a few %) for E-scale Model dependence But FD �� SD problem AGASA alt. Atm. depth
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Motivation: UHECR primary composition SIBYL2.1 : proton QGSJET01 : proton QGSJET01 : Iron SIBYL2.1 : Iron p ? or Fe ? Implication depends on which model is used J.Knapp Astropart. Phys.19 (2003) 77
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Composition at GZK region M.Unger et al ICRC07,astro-ph/0706.1495 SIBYL2.1 : proton QGSJETII-03 : proton QGSJETII03 : Iron SIBYL2.1 : Iron p or Fe ? Is important to understand origin
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Contribution from very forward production 5 × 10 19 eV proton showers No cut ( 60 deg zenith) low X F γ origin ( x F < 0.05 ) Half of shower particles comes from large X F γ # of electrons π,Κ origin ( x F < 0.1 ) Measurement at very forward region Is needed
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 LHC: 7TeV+7TeV collision � 10 17 eV at lab frame � First collision at 2008 LHCf experiment IP5, CMS � Measurement of γ and n at 0 deg at 10 17 eV c.f. Previously by UA7 @ SPS Elab=10 14 eV ( E. Pare et al, Phys. Lett., B242 (1990)) � Dedicated detectors located at +-140m at IP1 IP1, ATLAS, LHCf IP8, LHCb IP2, ALICE
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 The LHCf Collaboration CERN CERN USA USA D.Macina, A.L. , A.L. Perrot Perrot D.Macina LBNL Berkeley: LBNL Berkeley: W. Turner W. Turner FRANCE FRANCE Ecole Politechnique Politechnique Paris: Paris: Ecole M. M. Haguenauer Haguenauer JAPAN: JAPAN: SPAIN SPAIN STE Laboratory Nagoya University: STE Laboratory Nagoya University: IFIC Valencia: IFIC Valencia: K.Fukui, , Y.Itow Y.Itow, , T.Mase T.Mase, , K.Masuda K.Masuda, Y. , Y. K.Fukui A.Fauss, , J.Velasco J.Velasco A.Fauss Matsubara, H.Menjo H.Menjo, ,T.Sako T.Sako, , K.Taki K.Taki, , H. H. Matsubara, Watanabe Watanabe ITALY ITALY Shibaura Institute of Technology Institute of Technology: : Shibaura Firenze University and INFN: Firenze University and INFN: K.Yoshida K.Yoshida O.Adriani,, ,, L.Bonechi L.Bonechi, , M.Bongi M.Bongi, , O.Adriani Kanagawa University: T.Tamura T.Tamura, , Kanagawa University: G.Castellini, , R.D R.D’ ’Alessandro Alessandro, , G.Castellini K.Tanaka K.Tanaka P.Papini P.Papini K Ko ona nan n University: University: Y.Muraki Y.Muraki Catania University and INFN: Catania University and INFN: Waseda University: University: K.Kasahara K.Kasahara, , Waseda A.Tricomi A.Tricomi K.Mizuishi, , Y.Shimizu Y.Shimizu, , S.Torii S.Torii K.Mizuishi
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 LHCf experiment IP1 Compact calorimeter 95mm 140m LHCf Detector ATLAS 140m TAN absorber
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Letter Of Intent: May 2004 Letter Of Intent: May 2004 Technical report: September 2005 Technical report: September 2005 Technical Design Report: February 2006 Technical Design Report: February 2006 th , 2006 LHCC approval: June 7 th , 2006 LHCC approval: June 7 The 6 th approved experiment at LHC
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Detector # 1 η ) Impact point ( η ) Impact point ( 2 towers 2 towers ~ ~24 cm long 24 cm long stacked vertically stacked vertically with with 5 5 4 pairs of scintillating fiber scintillating fiber 4 pairs of mm gap mm gap layers for tracking for tracking layers Lower:2 cm x 2 cm area Lower :2 cm x 2 cm area purpose (6, 10, 30, 42 r.l r.l.) .) purpose (6, 10, 30, 42 Upper: 4 cm x 4 cm area Upper: 4 cm x 4 cm area Absorber Absorber � 22 tungsten layers 7mm thick � 22 tungsten layers 7mm thick λ I (1.6 λ 44 X 0 ) in total in total 44 X 0 (1.6 I ) (W: X 0 = 3.5mm, R M = 9mm) (W: X 0 = 3.5mm, R M = 9mm) θ < 300 µ rad < 300 µ rad 16 scintillator layers 16 scintillator layers Compact to prevent multi particle hits Double stacks to tag π 0 � 2 γ (3 mm thick) (3 mm thick) Energy Energy Trigger and energy Trigger and energy profile measurements profile measurements
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Detector # 2 We We use use LHC style LHC style electronics and and readout readout electronics 2 towers towers 24 cm long 24 cm long stacked stacked 2 4 pairs of silicon microstrip layers silicon microstrip layers 4 pairs of on their their edges edges and offset and offset on (6, 12, 30, 42 (6, 12, 30, 42 r.l r.l.) for tracking .) for tracking from one one another another from purpose (X and Y) � � impact point impact point purpose (X and Y) Lower:2.5 cm x 2.5 cm :2.5 cm x 2.5 cm Lower Upper: 3.2 cm x 3.2 cm Upper: 3.2 cm x 3.2 cm θ < 400 µ rad θ < 400 µ rad 16 scintillator layers 16 scintillator layers (3 mm thick) (3 mm thick) Trigger and energy Trigger and energy Absorber Absorber profile profile 22 tungsten layers 7mm thick measurements measurements 22 tungsten layers 7mm thick (1.6 λ λ I � 44 X � 44 X 0 ) in total 0 (1.6 I ) in total Energy Energy (W: X 0 = 3.5mm, R M = 9mm) (W: X 0 = 3.5mm, R M = 9mm)
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Detectors already in hand and calibrated Detector #1 Detector #2
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 SPS Beam Test Test was successful Test was successful � CERN : SPS T2 H4 � CERN : SPS T2 H4 Analysis is under way for Analysis is under way for � Summers 2004, 2006, 2007 � Summers 2004, 2006, 2007 • Energy calibration of the Energy calibration of the • � Incident Particles � Incident Particles calorimeters calorimeters � Proton � Proton 150,350 GeV/c GeV/c 150,350 • Spatial resolution of the Spatial resolution of the • � Electron 100,200 � Electron 100,200 GeV/c GeV/c tracking systems tracking systems � Muon � Muon 150 GeV/c GeV/c 150 • PID capability , etc PID capability , etc… … • Setup Setup LHCf Silicon LHCf Silicon Detector Tracker Detector Tracker Moving Table Moving Table Trigger Trigger Scintillator Scintillator
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Performances of the LHCf Detector Measured at the SPS Measured at the SPS Beam Test in 2004 Beam Test in 2004 Energy Resolution Energy Resolution SciFi Position Resolution SciFi Position Resolution LHCf can measure (and provide If the center of the If the center of the to LHC) the center of neutral flux neutral flux flux hits hits LHCf LHCf neutral from the collisions � << 1 mm � << 1 mm resolution resolution
γ ray Monte Carlo γ Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 ray energy energy spectrum spectrum Monte Carlo (5% Energy Energy resolution resolution is is taken taken into into account) account) (5% 5 events in 3min. 10 5 events in 3min. ! ! 10 29 cm 1 ) 10 29 cm - -2 2 s s - -1 (@ @10 ) ( Shape analysis can discriminate SIBYLL from others ( χ 2 =135/67dof)
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Model dependence of neutron energy distribution Original n energy 30% energy energy resolution resolution 30%
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 LHCf proposed running scenario � 2008 : Phase-I ( During LHC commissioning ) � Run since the very beginning of LHC operations (L<10 31 cm -2 s -1 , 43 bunches) � 200? : Phase-II (Dedicated run ) � Re-install the detector at the next opportunity of low luminosity run ( Possibly with TOTEM run ) � Enlarge covered P T region, more detail study � 200? : Phase-III ( possible heavy ion run ) � Future extension for p-A, A-A run with upgraded detectors? So far Phase-I was approved. The detectors in hand. We are ready for beam on
Y.Itow, LHCf experiment TAUP07 14 / 09 / 2007 Summary � Analyses of UHECR air showers essentially rely on production models at very foward which should be experimentally verified at the energy as high as possible. � LHCf : Dedicated measurements of neutral particles at 0 deg by LHC, providing calibration of interaction models at 10 17 eV. � Approved parasite measurements by two small sampling calorimeters at +-140m from IP1 during LHC commissioning in 2008 � Just “one day” measurement provides good discrimination of various models in market. � All the detectors and electronics in hand. Calibration by SPS beam has been done. Installation in this fall. We are waiting for the LHC 1 st collision !
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