the kuratowski ryll nardzewski theorem and semismooth

The KuratowskiRyll-Nardzewski Theorem and semismooth Newton methods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The KuratowskiRyll-Nardzewski Theorem and semismooth Newton methods for HamiltonJacobiBellman equations Iain Smears INRIA Paris Linz, November 2016 joint work with Endre S uli, University of Oxford Overview Talk outline 1.

  1. The Kuratowski–Ryll-Nardzewski Theorem and semismooth Newton methods for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations Iain Smears INRIA Paris Linz, November 2016 joint work with Endre S¨ uli, University of Oxford

  2. Overview Talk outline 1. Introduction: Howard’s algorithm / policy iteration for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations. 2. Semismoothness of HJB operators in function spaces. 3. Applications to discontinuous Galerkin FEM approximations of HJB equations with Cordes coefficients.

  3. Overview Talk outline 1. Introduction: Howard’s algorithm / policy iteration for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations. 2. Semismoothness of HJB operators in function spaces. 3. Applications to discontinuous Galerkin FEM approximations of HJB equations with Cordes coefficients.

  4. 1. Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equation [ L α u − f α ] = 0 F [ u ] := sup in Ω , α ∈ Λ (HJB) u = 0 on ∂ Ω , where L α u := a α ( x ) : D 2 u + b α ( x ) · ∇ u − c α ( x ) u . d d a α ( x ) : D 2 u = � a α b α ( x ) · ∇ u = � b α Notation: ij ( x ) u x i x j , i ( x ) u x i . i , j =1 i =1 Assumptions: • bounded domain Ω, • control set Λ is a compact metric space, • continuous functions a , b , c and f in x ∈ Ω and α ∈ Λ. Remark: Further assumptions are required for well-posedness of the problem, but not for the semismoothness discussed here. 1/28

  5. 1. Motivation Howard’s algorithm / policy iteration Formal structure 1. Choose an initial guess u 0 . 2. For each k ≥ 0, choose α k : Ω → Λ such that α k ( x ) ∈ argmax α ∈ Λ ( L α u k − f α )( x ) , ∀ x ∈ Ω . 3. Then, find u k +1 as a solution of the PDE L α k u k +1 = f α k with u k +1 = 0 on ∂ Ω , in Ω, where L α k v := a α k ( x ) ( x ) : D 2 v + b α k ( x ) ( x ) · ∇ v − c α k ( x ) v In practice: used in a discrete context after discretization by a numerical method. 2/28

  6. 1. Motivation Howard’s algorithm / policy iteration Formal structure 1. Choose an initial guess u 0 . 2. For each k ≥ 0, choose α k : Ω → Λ such that α k ( x ) ∈ argmax α ∈ Λ ( L α u k − f α )( x ) , ∀ x ∈ Ω . 3. Then, find u k +1 as a solution of the PDE L α k u k +1 = f α k with u k +1 = 0 on ∂ Ω , in Ω, where L α k v := a α k ( x ) ( x ) : D 2 v + b α k ( x ) ( x ) · ∇ v − c α k ( x ) v In practice: used in a discrete context after discretization by a numerical method. 2/28

  7. 1. Background Classical works: [Bellman, Dynamic Programming , 1957] [Howard, Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes , 1960]. Historical summary from [Puterman & Brumelle, 1979]: Policy iteration is usually attributed to Bellman [...] and Howard [...] Bellman developed the technique, which he called iteration in policy space, to solve several dynamic programming problems. Howard [16] later developed a version of this procedure for Markovian decision problems which he called the policy-iteration method. [Puterman & Brumelle, 1979]: interpretation as Newton–Kantorovich method & convergence rates assuming: there is δ ∈ (0 , 1] such that, for all functions u and v , � L α v − L α u � L ( X , Y ) � � v − u � δ X where α v and α u are arg-maximisers for v and u . NB: this cannot hold when arg-max operation is non-unique or not continuous. 3/28

  8. 1. Background On solver algorithms for HJB: [Santos & Rust, 2004] Analysis of policy iteration for finite dimensional MDP problems. [Bokanowski, Maroso, Zidani, 2009]: Superlinear convergence and semismoothness of finite dimensional HJB operators of form α ∈A N [ B α x − c α ] = 0 min with matrices B α ∈ R N × N and vectors x , c ∈ R N , (see also discussion of Bellman–Isaacs). Variant algorithms and applications: penalty methods [Reisinger & Witte, 2011, 2012], coupled value-policy iteration [Alla, Falcone, Kalise, 2015] Semismooth Newton methods [Ulbrich, 2002], [Hinterm¨ uller, Ito, Kunisch, 2002] (primal-dual active set method as as semismooth Newton method) 4/28

  9. 1. Semismooth Newton methods Notation: Let X and Y be sets. We write G : X ⇒ Y if G is a set-valued map that maps X into the subsets of Y . Definition of semismoothness [Ulbrich, 2002] Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Let F : X → Y . Let DF : X ⇒ L ( X , Y ) with non-empty images. We say that F is DF-semismooth on U if, for all x ∈ U , 1 lim � e � X sup L ∈ DF [ u + e ] � F [ u + e ] − F [ u ] − L e � Y = 0 . � e � X → 0 Then DF is then called a generalised differential of F on U . Semismoothness + uniform stability of linearizations: � L − 1 � L ( Y , X ) < ∞ sup L ∈ DF [ v ] , v ∈ X = ⇒ local superlinear convergence of semismooth Newton method. 5/28

  10. 1. Semismoothness of max( v , 0) and norm-gap Important example from [Ulbrich, 2002], [Hinterm¨ uller, Ito, Kunisch, 2002] Let 1 ≤ q < r ≤ ∞ . Let G : L r (Ω) → L q (Ω) be defined by G : u �→ max( u , 0). Then G is semismooth from L r (Ω) to L q (Ω) with differential DF [ v ] the set of all L ∈ L ∞ (Ω) of the form:  1 if v ( x ) > 0    L ( x ) = 0 if v ( x ) < 0   an arbitrary fixed value if v ( x ) = 0  Norm gap : the restriction q < r cannot be removed (counter-examples). How to generalise this to HJB operators? 6/28

  11. Overview Talk outline 1. Introduction: Howard’s algorithm / policy iteration for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations. 2. Semismoothness of HJB operators in function spaces. 3. Applications to discontinuous Galerkin FEM approximations of HJB equations with Cordes coefficients. 7/28

  12. 1. Motivation Howard’s algorithm / policy iteration Formal structure 1. Choose an initial guess u 0 . 2. For each k ≥ 0, choose α k : Ω → Λ such that α k ( x ) ∈ argmax α ∈ Λ ( L α u k − f α )( x ) , ∀ x ∈ Ω . 3. Then, find u k +1 as a solution of the PDE L α k u k +1 = f α k with u k +1 = 0 on ∂ Ω , in Ω, where L α k v := a α k ( x ) ( x ) : D 2 v + b α k ( x ) ( x ) · ∇ v − c α k ( x ) v In practice: used in a discrete context after discretization by a numerical method. 8/28

  13. 2. Semismoothness of HJB operators For FEM applications: let T h be a mesh on Ω. Space X = W 2 , r (Ω , T h ), 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞ , with norm: 1   r   � � u � r � u � W 2 , r (Ω; T h ) = . W 2 , r ( K )   K ∈T h Function u ∈ W 2 , r (Ω , T h ) have element-wise gradient ∇ h u and Hessian D 2 h u . For Λ compact and continuous coefficients, F : W 2 , r (Ω , T h ) → L r (Ω) is well defined and Lipschitz continuous [ L α u − f α ] . F [ u ] := sup α ∈ Λ 9/28

  14. 2. Semismoothness: argmax set-valued map u , ∇ h u , D 2 ∈ L r (Ω; R m ) for suitable m . � � For each u ∈ X , we define u = h u We then view the differential operator F [ u ] as a composition of x �→ u ( x ) with the scalar function F : Ω × R m → R defined by [ a α ( x ) : M + b α ( x ) · p − c α ( x ) z − f α ( x )] , F ( x , v ) = sup v = ( z , p , M ) α ∈ Λ Define the set-valued map Ω × R m ∋ ( x , v ) �→ Λ( x , v ) ⊂ Λ by Λ( x , v ) := argmax α ∈ Λ [ a α ( x ) : M + b α ( x ) · p − c α ( x ) z − f α ( x )] Straightforward: Λ( x , v ) is non-empty and closed in Λ. 10/28

  15. 2. Semismoothness: argmax set-valued map Important lemma: The mapping Λ( · , · ): Ω × R m ⇒ Λ is upper semicontinuous: For every ( x , v ) ∈ Ω × R m , and any open neighbourhood U of Λ( x , v ) , there is an open neighbourhood V of ( x , v ) such that Λ( y , w ) ⊂ U for all ( y , w ) ∈ V . Λ Λ( x, v ) Λ( x n , v n ) ( x n , v n ) → ( x, v ) 10/28

  16. 2. Kuratowski–Ryll-Nardzewski Theorem Kuratowski–Ryll-Nardzewski Let Ω ⊂ R d be a bounded open set, let Λ be a compact metric space, let Λ( · , · ): Ω × R m ⇒ Λ be an upper semicontinuous set-valued function, such that Λ( x , v ) is non-empty and closed for every ( x , v ) ∈ Ω × R m . Then, for any Lebesgue measurable function u : Ω → R m , there exists a Lebesgue measurable selection α : Ω → Λ such that � � α ( x ) ∈ Λ x , u ( x ) for a.e. x ∈ Ω . (Presented here in the form needed for our purposes - original result is rather more general) Kuratowski & Ryll-Nardzewski, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., 1965: A general theorem on selectors. A (specialised) proof in Aubin & Cellina, Differential Inclusions , 1984. 11/28

  17. 2. The generalized differential of HJB operators Recall u ( x ) = ( u ( x ) , ∇ h u ( x ) , D 2 h u ( x )) for u ∈ W 2 , r (Ω; T h ). Define the set of measurable selections Λ[ u ]: Λ[ u ] = { α : Ω → Λ; α Lebesgue measurable, α ( x ) ∈ Λ( x , u ( x )) a.e. in Ω } . ⇒ Λ[ u ] is non-empty for all u ∈ W 2 , r (Ω; T h ). Kuratowski–Ryll-Nardzewski Thm = Define the differential DF [ u ] := { L α = a α : D 2 h + b α · ∇ h − c α , α ∈ Λ[ u ] } The measurability of α ∈ Λ[ u ] implies that L α is well defined in L ( W 2 , r (Ω; T h ) , L r (Ω)). 12/28


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