the jparc neutrino target

The JPARC neutrino target KEK Yoshinari Hayato (For J-PARC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The JPARC neutrino target KEK Yoshinari Hayato (For J-PARC target/monitor Group) High-power targetry for future accelerators Ronkonkoma, NY. Next generation LBL experiments in Japan J-PARC - Kamioka neutrino project Baseline ~295km

  1. The JPARC neutrino target KEK Yoshinari Hayato (For J-PARC target/monitor Group) High-power targetry for future accelerators Ronkonkoma, NY.

  2. Next generation LBL experiments in Japan “J-PARC - Kamioka neutrino project” Baseline ~295km ν Conventional beam µ Beam Energy ~1GeV Will be adjusted to the oscillation maximum Beam power Physics Far detector ν µ → ν disappearance X Super ν µ → ν appearance 0.75MW e Kamiokande(50kt) NC measurements

  3. J-PARC facility N JAERI@Tokai-mura Neutrino Beam Line (60km N.E. of KEK) Construction 3GeV PS 2001 ~ 2006 JFY 400MeV Linac S (Approved in Dec.2000) P ) W V e M G 5 0 FD 7 5 . 0 ( J-PARC K2K To SK E (GeV) 50 12 Int. (10 12 ppp) 330 6 Rate (Hz) 0.275 0.45 Power (kW) 750 5.2

  4. ������� JPARC neutrino beamline Primary Proton Primary proton beam line beam line Extraction Proton beam kinetic energy Extraction point ( ���� ) 50GeV ring Cryogenics Cryogenics point 50GeV (40GeV@T=0) # of protons / pulse 3.3x10 14 Target Beam power target target station Target station 750kW Decay volume 130m Decay volume Bunch structure 8 bunches ( ����� Bunch length (full width) Beam dump beam dump 58ns ( ������ ) Bunch spacing Muon monitor muon monitor 280m ( ��������� ) 598ns Spill width Near neutrino ~5 µ s Near detector detector Cycle 3.53sec

  5. Off Axis Beam (another NBB option) (ref.: BNL-E889 Proposal) Far Det. Target and Horns Decay Pipe θ ( a few degrees) WBB w/ intentionally misaligned beam line from det. axis Decay Kinematics Quasi Monochromatic Beam

  6. Target station 40ton crane Ground level Service pit Concrete Beam Iron shield window Machine room He container Beam window Cooling Concrete Baffle Waste storage area Target+1st horn 2nd horn 3rd horn

  7. Target for JHF neutrino Requirements Solid target Easy to handle melting point should be high enough. Thermal shock resistance Candidate Graphite Target ° Melting point ~ 3550 C ⋅ Thermal conductivity ~ 100W/m K − ° × 6 Thermal expansion ~ 4 10 / C ~ 1 0GPa Young’s modulus

  8. Determination of the size (radius) of the target External conditions Temperature rise / pulse • Inner radius of the horn of the inner conductor (1st horn) ∆ T (degree) minimum r target ~10mm A.K.Ichikawa (heat load from radiation) φ maximum r target ~15mm (pions are not well focused) inner (Target needs to be embed conductor in the 1st horn to focus pions efficiently.) • Size of the beam at the target Larger than σ r ~0.4cm (for 24 π mm mrad beam) Z (cm) Radius of the target : 10~15mm

  9. Determination of the size (radius) of the target Yield of pions (=neutrinos) Smaller is better ( reduce the absorption of pions) But even if we change diameter from 20mm to 30mm, the difference of # of π is ~5% Beam size ( σ r = r/2.5 ) effect of the π absorption Typical angle of the π focused by the horn in this region is fairly small ~100mrad A.K.Ichikawa diameter (mm)

  10. Energy deposit in the target Target and beam size dependence Carbon (density 1.81g/cm 3 ) φ = beam = φ = beam = 2cm, σ 0.4cm 3cm, σ 0.6cm J/cm 3 J/cm 3 /spill /spill 2.5 2.5 cm cm A.K.Ichikawa A.K.Ichikawa 300 2.25 2.25 500 2 2 Maximum < 3 300J/cm Maximum>460J/cm 3 250 400 1.75 1.75 200 1.5 1.5 300 1.25 1.25 150 1 1 200 0.75 0.75 100 0.5 0.5 100 50 0.25 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 cm cm 3 3 deposit/cm deposit/cm This time, we used the target with φ =30mm in the calculations and the simulations.

  11. Estimation the temperature rise Material properties used in the simulation Speci f i c H eat Temperature dependences J/gK) have to be taken into account. 2 Specific heat ( 1. 5 increased at higher temp. 1 Temperature rise is overestimated (Tokai Carbon G347) 0. 5 Maximum temperature rise ( ∆ T max ) 100 500 900 1300 Constant ~240K Temperature (K) (W/mK ) 115 Temp. dependent ~170K (Tokai Carbon G347) Thermal conductivity 90 decreased at higher temp. 65 Temperature at the center 40 of the target is underestimated (Still, far below the melting point) 200 700 1200 Temperature (K)

  12. Estimation of the temperature rise Parameters = 6.5W/m 2 /K Thermal convection coefficient = 30 o C (fixed) Temperature of the surrounding area just after the spill just before the next spill (after 5 µ s) (after 3.53s) M.Minakawa, Y.H. ° = ° = @ @ ~ 225 C r 0, z ~ 160mm ~ 55 C r 0, z ~ 510mm ° = ° = @ @ ~ 77 C r 15, z ~ 700mm ~ 46 C r 15, z ~ 510mm 43 ° 230 ° C C

  13. Time dependence of temperature Maximum temperature 225 ° Center (r=0mm) C r=0mm,z=161mm ° ~ 225 C far below the melting point Surface (r=15mm) 75 ° r=15mm,z=700mm C ° ~ 75 C (temperature of 4 8 12 32 (Sec.) the surrounding area was fixed at 30 o C) M.Minakawa, Y.H. Consider direct water cooling To keep the surface temperature below 100 o C, water temperature should not exceed ~50 o C. Thermal convection coeff. needs to be larger than ~6kW/m 2 /K. Is it possible?

  14. Cooling test According to the results from the calculations, larger than ~6kW/m 2 /k. heat transfer rate Heat up the target with DC current and try to cool by the flowing water. DC ~1.5kA ~20kW water DC Current measure water flow rate and temperature at various points estimate the heat transfer rate.

  15. Cooling test set up heat transfer rate measurement water DC Current Water Thickness of the water path : 2mm Radius of the target: 15mm ~25 o C Water temp. (in) DC Current: up to 1.3kA corresponds to ~ 20kW Current feeds Thermocouples

  16. Cooling test results Results & calculations This time we measured up to 12l/m. Theoretical formula α = 0.023 x Re 0.8 x Pr 0.4 x λ x d -1 Re Reynolds number Pr Prandtl number Generated heat λ Thermal conductivity 5~20kW Calc. equivalent diameter d (Re and Pr also depend Data S.Ueda on the surface temp.) Measurements and theoretical calculations seem to agree α > 6kW/m 2 /k cab be achieved when the flow rate is more than 18l/m

  17. Change of the material properties by neutron irradiation The thermal conductivity is largely reduced by the neutron irradiation effect ( about by factor 10.) T.Maruyama et al., J. of nucl. materials, 195(1992), 44-50 Reduce the thermal conductivity by factor 10 in the simulation. Temperature at the center was increased but it was saturated after 10 spills and the maximum temperature was less than 400 o C. (Temperature of the surface did not change or slightly reduced.) Effect of the neutron irradiation on thermal conductivity will not be the problem.

  18. Actual design of the target Direct cooling or put in the container? This time, we tested the “direct cooling”. It seems to be working. But • The target will not be dissolved? • If water get into the deep inside of the target ... Boiled when the beam hits the target (?) • 90cm long target can not be made by using the best material. If we put the target in a metal container, water does not contact with the target, it is possible to cut the target in small pieces, even if the target brakes up, the target material does not flow away. We are planning to put the target in a container and measure the heat transfer rate.

  19. Estimation of the thermal stress Material properties used in the simulation Thermal expansion coeff. Young’s modulus 9 (GPa) 16 (1/K)10 -6 7 14 5 12 (Tokai Carbon G347) (Tokai Carbon G347) 3 10 300 550 800 200 600 1000 1400 1800 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) If these temperature dependences are taken into account, the estimated thermal stress will be increased.

  20. Estimation of the thermal stress (Analytical) Analytical calculations α 2 E T 0 σ ≈ − stat z − ν 3 1 Young’s modulus α E E T 0 σ φ ≈ − stat ν − ν 3 ( 1 ) Poisson ratio α α E T linear expansion coeff. (thermal) 0 σ ≈ − stat r − ν 3 ( 1 ) T 0 Temperature 1 σ ≈ ± α dyn E T 0 z 3 Manufacturer Type Equivalent Tensile stress (MPa) strength (MPa) Toyo Tanso IG-43 ~7 37.2 ISO-88 ~11 68.6 Poco Graphite ZXF-5Q ~15 95.0 Tokai Carbon G347 ~6 31.4 Here, we do not have the data of temperature dependences of the material properties other than G347, we assume that the shape of the temperature dependences are the same.

  21. Thermal stress estimation (ANSYS) Condition: Simulate the hottest part (z=100mm ~ 200mm) Both of the edges (z=100 & 200mm) are fixed (z direction). just after the spill (after 5 µ s) Equivalent stress maximum temperature @ maximum temperature (r=0,z~170mm) (r=0,z~170mm) 0 ~8.8MPa. r (mm) (analytical calc: 6.0MPa) [Tensile strength (Tokai Carbon G347) 15 : 31.4MPa] 100 200 @ r=0, z=200mm z (mm) ~14.5MPa. (Because both of the edges were fixed) slightly larger but consistent with the analytical calculations (due to the approximation of the temperature distribution)

  22. Water system for the target cooling We have to remove H 2 ,N ions and heavy metal ions. Also, the water have to be cooled.( ∆ T (water)~15 o C@20l/min.) Service pit Underground machine pit Filters /Ion exchangers Target Area Degasser Target Heat ~20kW To the decay volume Buffer tank Water vol.= 1l cooling system (0.1m3) Flow 20l/min.


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