the infected blood inquiry 30 september 2020 full day 1

The Infected Blood Inquiry 30 September 2020 (Full Day) 1 - PDF document

The Infected Blood Inquiry 30 September 2020 (Full Day) 1 Wednesday, 30 September 2020 1 apparent if we go to page 7. If we look halfway down 2 (10.00 am) 2 the page, under the heading "Miscellaneous", we'll see 3 SIR BRIAN

  1. The Infected Blood Inquiry 30 September 2020 (Full Day) 1 Wednesday, 30 September 2020 1 apparent if we go to page 7. If we look halfway down 2 (10.00 am) 2 the page, under the heading "Miscellaneous", we'll see 3 SIR BRIAN LANGSTAFF: Yes, Ms Richards. 3 under the heading "AIDS" it says: 4 MS RICHARDS: Sir, I'm going to pick matters up in 4 "The attention of the Haemophilia Directors is 5 relation to Cardiff and Professor Bloom in early 1983, 5 drawn to this problem (Appendix VI). It is noted that 6 which is where I left off last week. Before I do so, 6 in the US the National Haemophilia Foundation and CDC 7 I should just mention that I identified last week 7 are already conducting a survey and intend to 8 a number of statements that the Inquiry had received 8 establish a permanent surveillance programme. The 9 from nursing or social work staff at Cardiff. 9 information contained in Appendix VI has been sent to 10 I should add we've also since received and been able 10 Professor ... Bloom, Chairman of the UK Haemophilia 11 to disclose to core participants a statement from 11 Centre Directors' meeting." 12 Dr Giddings, who was the scientist working at Cardiff, 12 So we can see there appendix 6 is being drawn to 13 and a statement from Dr Liddell, who was a registrar 13 the attention of Scottish Haemophilia Centre Directors 14 working under Professor Bloom at Cardiff. Those 14 but also we're told it's sent to Professor Bloom. 15 documents have been shared with recognised legal 15 If we go on please, Henry, to -- it should be 16 representatives and core participants. 16 page 14, we will see what appendix 6 comprised. 17 Sir, picking things up in 1983, it was obviously 17 So this is -- we can see, the bottom right-hand 18 a hugely significant year in terms of the response of 18 side of the page, the words at right angles to the 19 Haemophilia Centre Directors to AIDS, led by 19 text say "Appendix VI", and this is the MMWR from 20 Professor Bloom as chair of UKHCDO. 20 December of 1982. We can see that it contains the 21 If we could have on screen please, Henry, 21 update, and we'll just look at the text so we can see 22 PRSE0001991. This is a report prepared for 22 what was being drawn to Professor Bloom's attention. 23 a January 1983 meeting of Scottish Health Service 23 If we go back, please, to the top of the page, 24 Haemophilia Centre and Transfusion Service Directors. 24 Henry, left-hand side, first paragraph under the 25 The relevance of it for present purposes will become 25 heading "Update on Acquired Immune Deficiency 1 2 1 Syndrome", we see reference there to the specific 1 "These additional cases of AIDS among 2 haemophilia patients identified in July 1982 and then 2 haemophilia A patients share several features with the 3 it's said, fourth line: 3 three previously reported cases. All but one are 4 "All three have since died. In the intervening 4 severe haemophiliacs requiring large amounts of 5 4 months, four additional heterosexual haemophilia A 5 Factor VIII concentrate; none had experienced prior 6 patients have developed one or more opportunistic 6 opportunistic infections." 7 infections." 7 Reference is made to two of the five having 8 Then it says: 8 died. 9 "... these four AIDS cases and one highly 9 Then in the right-hand side of the page, about 10 suspect case are presented below." 10 four paragraphs down, there is reference to these 11 It's set out there that: 11 additional cases providing important perspectives 12 "... inquiries about the patients ... provide no 12 on AIDS: 13 suggestion that disease could have been acquired 13 "Two of the patients described are ten years of 14 through ..." 14 age or less and children with haemophilia must now be 15 Other means such as contact or illicit drug use. 15 considered at risk for the disease. In addition, the 16 "All of these patients have received Factor VIII 16 number of cases continues to increase and the illness 17 concentrates, and all but one have also received other 17 may pose a significant risk for patients with 18 blood components." 18 haemophilia." 19 If we go back to the full page, please, Henry, 19 Then if we go back to that full page, please, 20 there are then details set out of the four cases. 20 Henry, we then see an extract from the further 21 Then the bottom right-hand side we have details of the 21 report -- this is the bottom right-hand part of the 22 suspect case, which is a seven-year old severe 22 page, under the heading "Possible 23 haemophiliac from Los Angeles. 23 transfusion-associated Acquired Immune Deficiency 24 Then if we could go over the page, please, we 24 Syndrome (AIDS)", reference there to the 20-month old 25 can see in the editorial note it's said: 25 infant from San Francisco who had been transfused. 3 4 (1) Pages 1 - 4


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