the ib diploma pathway ib diploma pathway

The IB Diploma Pathway IB Diploma Pathway Two-year broad learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The IB Diploma Pathway IB Diploma Pathway Two-year broad learning experience 3 HL subjects (240 hours) 3 SL subjects (150 hours) Diploma Core: Extended Essay, TOK and CAS More learning, less assessment Culture: Motivated

  1. The IB Diploma Pathway

  2. IB Diploma Pathway • Two-year broad learning experience • 3 HL subjects (240 hours) • 3 SL subjects (150 hours) • Diploma Core: Extended Essay, TOK and CAS • More learning, less assessment • Culture: Motivated small classes & quality teaching

  3. IBDP Subjects offered at Princes Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature English A, Chinese A Chinese B, English B, French B, Group 2: Language Acquisition Italian B (Anticipated), Spanish ab initio Group 3: Individuals and Societies Economics, Geography, History Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Group 4: Experimental Sciences Sports Exercise and Health Science (SEHS), Design Technology Mathematics: applications and interpretation Group 5: Mathematics Mathematics: analysis and approaches Film, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, Group 6: Arts or free choice or another Group 3 or 4 subject

  4. IB Core: EE / TOK / CAS Theory of Knowledge (TOK) - 18 month course with 4 lessons per week - Assessed with a Presentation and Essay Extended Essay (EE) - Independent research assignment of 4,000 words in one of the six subject areas - Students work with an assigned supervisor Creativity / Action / Service (CAS) - Continuous engagement for 18 months - Activities are focused on the CAS Learning Objectives - CAS Projects are the key (minimum 1)

  5. Theory of Knowledge / Extended Essay Bonus points matrix Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Excellent Good Satisfactory Mediocre Elementary A B C D E Excellent +3 +3 +2 +2 A Extended essay Good +3 +2 +2 +1 B Failing Satisfactory Condition +2 +2 +1 0 C Mediocre +2 +1 0 0 D Elementary Failing Condition E

  6. Calculating IB Diploma Overall Score Component Maximum Score 6 Subjects (Graded 1 -7) 6 X 7 = 42 Core Components (ToK and Extended Essay) 3 Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Compulsory Completion Total 45 For example Student A achieved the following: English A Italian ab History Chemistry Maths Visual Arts ToK / EE SL initio SL HL HL Studies SL HL 5 7 6 6 7 6 2 IB Score 39 ATAR 97.30

  7. Quality Programme

  8. IBDP Grade Boundaries Overall Grade 7 required achievement (SL unless stated) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5* Group 6 English A 80% English HL 88% Economics 75% Biology 79% Math. 79% Music 82% Chinese A 83% French 86% History 74% Chemistry 76% Math. HL 83% Visual Arts 85% Chinese 85% Geography 79% Design Tech 75% Film 82% Spanish ab 86% Sport Ex 79% Physics 67%

  9. IB Diploma: ATAR and University Entrance • National ATAR conversion • Adjusted annually • Universities worldwide understand the quality of the IB Diploma • SA Universities Language, Literacy and Mathematics Bonus Scheme

  10. IB Cohort 2019 2017 Year 10 Examination Average 76.5% (B) 2019 Year 12 Average Points 34/45 Equates to ATAR 91.4

  11. Information and Contact Details • Martin McKinnon IBDP Coordinator: • International Baccalaureate Website:

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