The Honorable Nathan Deal, Governor August 25, 2015 8/25/2015 1
Welcome Approval of Minutes from July 28, 2015 Meeting Report of Progress by each Sub-Committee ◦ Funding ◦ Early Childhood ◦ Move on When Ready ◦ Teacher Recruitment, Retention, Compensation ◦ Expanding Educational Options Discussion by Commission Members Next Meeting – September 24, 2015 – DECAL 854 Public Comment Adjourn 8/25/2015 2
Report to Full Education Reform Commission August 25, 2015
Furt rther her discussion cussion on n T & E propo posal sals was s th meeti postp tpone ned until ntil Augu gust t 27 th eting ng Informa formatio ion reque uested ted at previou vious s meet eetin ing g was s provided vided to com ommit mittee tee member embers: s: ◦ Review ew of other r states tes with similar r demograp raphics s to Georgia and higher r NAEP scores es than Georgia. . Contact t Susan Andre rews s for copies es of the data. ◦ Side-by by-sid side e compariso son of QBE/St Studen dent-Based sed Formulas s 8/25/2015 4
States es includ ude e a va variety ety of perso rsonnel nnel and programs grams in the base se and there re is ve very little consi sisten stency cy or comparabi arabili lity ty between een states; es; Range ge of base e amounts nts among g states es: ◦ $1,614 ,614 - $11,52 1,525 ◦ 7 7 St State tes s have ve a base lower wer than an $3 $3K K (O (OK, K, SC SC, , LA LA, UT) or higher gher than an $10K 0K (MA, A, NJ, J, CT). ). 8/25/2015 5
Info formati rmation on was provi vided ed to illustrate trate the items s that t would have ve been en fund nded ed in the base se if the money ey had been en earned rned throu rough h QBE. Using ng FY16 K-12 allocation ation, , districts tricts wo would d earn rn $2,046.6 .69 per r stud udent ent in the Base. se. This s amoun unt does es not include ude fund nding ng for Trainin ning g and d Experi erien ence e (T & E), TRS contrib ributi ution, on, or stat ate e heal alth th benef nefit. t. 8/25/2015 6
Info formati rmation on on we weigh ghted ted stud uden ent charact racter eristi stics cs provi vided ed to committee: tee: ◦ Number mber of states tes weightin ighting the stude udent nt characterist aracteristic ics s being ing consider sidered ed by commi mittee ttee (K (K-3, , 9-12, 12, ESOL, SOL, SWD, D, CTAE, AE, Eco con. . Disadv adv. . and d Gifted ed); ); ◦ Ra Range ge of weigh ghts ts used d in other her states; tes; ◦ Median ian nati tional onal weig ight ht for r each h characteristi aracteristic; c; ◦ QBE-rel related ated weigh ght; t; and ◦ Propose oposed d weig ight ht for r each student udent characteristi aracteristic. c. 8/25/2015 7
Characte acteristic ristic Range ge Median an Proposed 23 States weight K-3 0.5 – 1.6519 1.0 0.2658 23 States weight 9-12 1.0 - 1.36 1.2 0.1876 24 States weight CTAE 0.05 – 2.0 0.5 0.1058 23 States weight SWD 0.03 – 5.7555 1.9 Cat I-1.5160 Cat II – 2.9333 Cat III – 3.6157 41 States weight ESOL 0.096 - 2.43 0.25 0.1047 34 States weight ED 0.025 – 2.41 0.25 0.2500 33 States weight Gifted 0.01 – 1.6597 0.15 0.1058 8/25/2015 8
All school ol districts tricts parti rticipating ipating in QBE BE are e requ quired ired to levy vy the equi uivalent valent of at least st five ve mi mills in proper perty y taxes es to indicate cate the e local commitmen ent to publ blic ic educ ucation ation. FY16 16 Ap Appropriatio propriation: n: $1 $1,66 664,5 4,572,2 72,225 25 Fund nds ge generat erated ed by the five ve mill share are do not lea eave ve the e district trict; ; howe wever, ver, the e amo mount unt is subtracted from each district’s QBE earned allocation ation. 8/25/2015 9
Equalization grants are Georgia’s method of equalizi zing ng the dispariti ities es in propert rty wealth h per studen ent t that exist in the state. e. Distri rict cts may le levy up to 21 mills, , except t in locations ions with local legislat ation ion allowing ing more. Curren ent t range of mi millage e rates – 5.7 to 25.39. 9. Equalization is calculated using “effective” mills. Beginni nning ng FY16, 6, distric icts ts requir ired d to levy at least 12 effective mills to receive e Equaliz lizatio tion. n. Effective ive millage e rate required ed will increase ase to 14 eff ffective e mills by FY20. 0. Curren ent t range of e effective e mills- 11.04 04-30.1 0.13. 3. FY16 Allocatio tion n $498,2 ,225 25,9 ,928 28 8/25/2015 10
Sparsit ity grants ts are allocate ted d to qualifi fied ed school ol systems ms that do not earn sufficie ient nt funds through ugh the QBE BE formula to provide de a compara rabl ble e educati tiona onal l progra ram m because se their r FTE E counts ts are less than establi lishe shed d base sizes. . Recogniz nizes s administ istra rativ tive and other overhe head d costs s associ ciate ated d with operatio tion of a f a school/ ol/dis distri trict t which h has exceptiona ionall lly low enrollm lments nts FY 16 Allocat ation on $5,41 411, 1,22 224 8/25/2015 11
Determine ermine how w money ey wi will be allocated ted to distri tricts cts for teacher her salari aries es (T & E); Revi view w propos oposed ed we weigh ghts ts for stud udent ent charact racter eristi stics cs due e to input ut from committee; tee; Continu inue e discuss cussion ion of Local l Five ve Mill Share, are, Equal ualizat izatio ion, n, and Sparsi arsity ty; ; and Begi gin n discussi cussion on of other r issues ues relat ated ed to fund nding ing. 8/25/2015 12
RESA Fund nding ing State e Schools ls for Blind and Deaf Pre-School School Ha Handi dicapped capped Departm artment ent of Juven venile le Justi stice e Schools ls Residential ential Treatm atment ent Cent nter ers Chart arter er Syst stem em Supp pplem lemen ent State e Charter rter Schoo ool l Fund nding ing Spec ecial al Educ ucati ation on Schol olarship arships Virtual tual Schoo ools ls 8/25/2015 13
8/25/2015 14
Governor’s Education Reform Commission Early Childhood Education Subcommittee UPDATE August 25, 2015 Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Governor’s Charge to Subcommittee Study and make recommendations for expanding early education options including: addressing current funding formula for Georgia Pre-K expanding Pre-K access in Georgia increasing access to quality rated programs for all children, from birth to age five. considering innovative approaches for getting more children in high quality programs Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 16
Recommendations for Pre-K Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Recommendation Develop a pay structure based on Pre-K lead teacher’s years of experience and credential Retention of lead teachers impacts quality Would address teacher retention Currently there is not a uniform measure for teacher effectiveness Further study needed to develop teacher effectiveness measure that would be feasible and reliable across multiple program types Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 18
Recommendation Increase Assistant Teacher salary Assistant teachers are integral to the classroom. Would address assistant teacher retention Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 19
Recommendation Combine Benefits and Non-instructional Costs into a single, budget line item known as “Operating Costs” Allows for program flexibility to use funding for additional teacher salary based on performance, benefits, non-instructional, and administrative costs Would reduce average financial loss reported by providers per class by 30%-50% Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 20
Recommendation Reduce class size to 20 children with a lead and assistant teacher Addresses Governor’s charge to “expand Pre -K in Georgia” Reduction would improve quality of classroom instruction Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 21
Recommendation Increase Pre-K class start-up funds Would address increased cost of new classroom set-up Would support continued high quality program Amount of start-up funds never increased Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 22
Recommendation Provide bond funds for a pilot project to expand Georgia’s Pre -K classes in public schools where the need is the greatest. Current bond funds do not include Georgia’s Pre-K Limited space is one reason local school systems don’t offer Georgia Pre -K Grant process between DECAL and local school systems Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 23
More recommend