the georgia milestones

The Georgia Milestones has replaced the CRCT will be given in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

G eorgia GMAS M ilestones A ssessment S ystem What is the Milestones and what happened to the CRCT? The Georgia Milestones has replaced the CRCT will be given in grades 3-12 in these subject areas: English/Language Arts

  1. G eorgia “GMAS” M ilestones A ssessment S ystem What is the Milestones and what happened to the CRCT?

  2. The Georgia Milestones ❏ has replaced the CRCT ❏ will be given in grades 3-12 in these subject areas: ❏ English/Language Arts ❏ Math ❏ Science ❏ Social Studies

  3. The Georgia Milestones includes ❏ constructed response (open-ended) questions in E/LA and Math ❏ an extended writing component (in response to passages read by students) in E/LA ❏ multiple-choice questions in all content areas

  4. The Georgia Milestones includes criterion referenced questions to measure how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state- adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

  5. The Georgia Milestones includes norm-referenced questions in all content areas to complement criterion-referenced information and provide a national comparison.

  6. The Georgia Milestones ❏ is linked to the Lexile scale, a national reading measure that matches students to appropriately challenging reading materials. ❏ will transition to online administration for all students over time.

  7. DRAFT Testing Schedule Mon. 3/30 Tues. 3/31 Wed. 4/1 Thurs. 4/2 Fri. 4/3 ELA ELA (Writing) Math Math Math Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Students will test in only ONE Math group. Mon. 4/6 Tues. 4/7 Wed. 4/8 Thurs. 4/9 Fri. 4/10 Science Soc. Studies Make-ups Make-ups Pick-up

  8. Milestones scores ❏ will not be reported until after the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year. ❏ serve as a key component of the state’s accountability syste​m – the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).

  9. Milestones Preparations at School ❏ Teaching and learning continue to be our primary focus ❏ Keyboarding practice ❏ Technology support staff are working with us to ensure technology resources are maximized

  10. Milestones Preparations at Home ❏ Check the Monday folder ❏ Help with and review homework ❏ Morning Math ❏ Read and write together ❏ Practice keyboarding ❏ Visit

  11. GADOE Milestones Resources Parent Video- Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System. aspx Parent Brochure- Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Parent%20Brochure%20GA% 20Milestones%20Q%20and%20A%202014-2015.pdf Demonstration Tests-


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