the future of hardware wallets D419 C410 1E24 5B09 0D2C 46BF 8C3D 2C48 560E 81AC @StepanSnigirev
hardware wallets can : spend funds user input spending output user input user output receive funds multisig 💪 do shitcoins
hardware wallets could do : CoinJoin user input external output external input user output external input external output Lightning user input channel channel unilateral moneyback custom scripts sidechains
Coin Join register inputs with CoinJoin server sign CoinJoin transaction retry if someone fails
attack with Coin Join user input user output user input attacker output external input external output
proof of (not) ownership input ( proof body ) signature hmac( id_key, txid || vout ) sign( UTI || proof_body, input_key ) can be wallet-speci fi c prevents DoS on CoinJoin server host may collect them for utxos only wallet can sign not replayable
beyond P2WPKH 0 signature1 signature2 witness_script input ( proof body ) witness hmac( id_key1, txid || vout )|| hmac( id_key2, txid || vout )
challenges requires script veri fi cation on HW needs full previous transactions for signature veri fi cation Schnorr and Taproot — fi x-size proofs?
Lightning some keys need to be online timelocks everywhere monitor blockchain
secrets in Lightning on-chain keys channel keys funding revocation secrets commitment + + or or channel updates + + or or mutual close +
just storing secrets is not enough Operations: Extra functionality: Manual: Checks: - Open channel - First commitment tx - Pay invoice - HTLC propagation - Channel lock Automatic: Extensions: - Remote open - Custom derivation path - Route payments - Revocation calculation - Close channel - Storage / encrypted DB - Blocks parsing - Real time clock - Backup channel
initial hardware wallet support on-chain keys channel keys funding revocation secrets commitment + + or or channel updates + + or or mutual close + no changes in hardware wallets hardware wallet can steal funds with lightning payments
initial hardware wallet support trusted node Funding Commitment + + or or our node Channel updates + + or or Mutual close + hardware wallet
thanks ,,,^_^,,, D419 C410 1E24 5B09 0D2C 46BF 8C3D 2C48 560E 81AC @StepanSnigirev
Additional attack surface Operations: Increased attack surface: Extra functionality: MCU-based: Manual: Checks: - Side channels with automatic - Open channel - First commitment tx signing - Pay invoice - HTLC propagation - Channel lock SE-based: Automatic: Extensions: - Parsing transactions on the - Remote open - Custom derivation path secure element - Route payments - Revocation calculation - Close channel - Storage / encrypted DB - Blocks parsing - Real time clock - Backup channel
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