The future of Environmental Services from 2013 This covers: •Waste collection •Street cleansing •Public toilets •Grounds maintenance
About today •The aim of the consultation today is to inform you about the changes we already know about and to ask for your views and ideas •We cannot tell you the finer details of the proposals at this stage because we still need to work on the service •We are working with other councils that we may go into partnership with. Hearing your views today will help us to influence this.
Waste collection system
Waste collection • Types of waste: landfill, garden, recyclable, clinical, bulky and commercial • 100,000 collections per week • 50,000 tonnes collected per year • Our current recycling rate is 43% • Cost for the service this year: £2,714,528
Why are we changing the waste collection system? •By 2020 we aim to recycle at least 50% of waste (currently we are recycling 43%) •If we fail to achieve our targets we could be fined •The public have told us that they want glass collection •This will help with our targets as they are based on weight •Collecting food waste weekly rather than fortnightly reduces concerns about smells and pests
Waste collection system From this…. To this…. New container pictures are for illustrative purposes only. + We will collect glass + We will collect food waste weekly The aim is to provide a better service at the same or lower cost
Do you see any problems with the new system for the group you represent? Such as: •Mobility •Space •Things we will be collecting •Containers (suitability, size, weight, durability) Please write your comments and suggestions on the forms
Do you have any questions or comments about the waste collection system? (1)Are there any issues you think are important which should be covered in the new service but aren’t included at present? (2)Are there any problems you’ve experienced with the current service over the last year which you don’t think will be resolved in the new service? (3)Do you have any suggestions for delivering services more effectively and efficiently? (4)What are you most satisfied with in the current service? Please write your comments and suggestions on the forms
Street cleansing
Street cleansing • This includes: street sweeping, street washing, graffiti, fly-tipping and fly-posting • Cost for the service this year: £2,402,508
Why are we changing the street cleansing system? •It is unlikely the service will significantly change •But we have the opportunity to improve services
Do you have any questions or comments about the street cleansing system? (1)Are there any issues you think are important which should be covered in the new service but aren’t included at present? (2)Are there any problems you’ve experienced with the current service over the last year which you don’t think will be resolved in the new service? (3)Do you have any suggestions for delivering services more effectively and efficiently? (4)What are you most satisfied with in the current service? Please write your comments and suggestions on the forms
Public toilets
Public toilets • 32 public toilet facilities • Cost for the service this year: £452,865
Why are we changing the public toilet facilities? •Initially the new service will be the same as the current service •As we know public toilets are important to local people and in 2012 we will be consulting residents and users on future provision •We will consider opening times, refurbishment programme, new builds, existing provision both public and private etc.
Do you have any questions or comments about the public toilet facilities? (1)Are there any issues you think are important which should be covered in the new service but aren’t included at present? (2)Are there any problems you’ve experienced with the current service over the last year which you don’t think will be resolved in the new service? (3)Do you have any suggestions for delivering services more effectively and efficiently? (4)What are you most satisfied with in the current service? Please write your comments and suggestions on the forms
Grounds maintenance
Grounds maintenance • This includes sports facilities, cemeteries, grass cutting, weed control, tree maintenance, shrubs and bedding schemes • Cost for the service this year: £2,148,148
Why are we changing grounds maintenance? •Initially the new service will be the same as the current service •We know the attractiveness of the local area is important to residents, visitors and businesses •We have the opportunity to improve services •We intend to review the standards and frequencies of the maintenance programmes within the available budget. We need to consider climate change, road safety, biodiversity, water usage and pesticide regulations
Grounds maintenance From this…. To this…. The aim is to provide a better service at the same or lower cost
Do you have any questions or comments about grounds maintenance? (1)Are there any issues you think are important which should be covered in the new service but aren’t included at present? (2)Are there any problems you’ve experienced with the current service over the last year which you don’t think will be resolved in the new service? (3)Do you have any suggestions for delivering services more effectively and efficiently? (4)What are you most satisfied with in the current service? Please write your comments and suggestions on the forms
Thank you for sharing your views Next steps •Consultation with other interested groups •Consider feedback from consultation and how it influences the services •Aiming to have service ready by summer 2012 and to start in April 2013 •Please complete details on the form if you would like to be kept informed
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