the esco platform for

The ESCO platform for NKOS integration Invited European NKOS-2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The ESCO platform for NKOS integration Invited European NKOS-2014 Workshop contribution by ESCO: European Skills, Competences and Occupations NKOS: Networked Knowledge Organization

  1. The ESCO platform for NKOS integration Invited European NKOS-2014 Workshop contribution by ESCO: European Skills, Competences and Occupations NKOS: Networked Knowledge Organization Systems 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 1

  2. Part 1: What is ESCO 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 2

  3. ESCO main reference • ESCO • • European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations • DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and DG Education and Culture of the European Commission develop ESCO in collaboration with stakeholders and with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). An H2020 initiative. EC: European Commission DG: directorate general H2020: Horizon 2020, EC programme for Research and Innovation 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 3

  4. EU: European Union CV: curriculum Vitae JV: Job Vacancy/Posting ESCO objective (1/2) • Provide the EU with a set of cross boarder multi-lingual vocabularies to facilitate EU job market transparency by using the ESCO thesauri as a hub for translating and encoding CV and Job Postings. • A set of thesauri/taxonomies (three “pillars”): Skill Qualification Groups Groups • Occupations Skills Qualifications • Skills and competences • Qualifications (certifications) Occupation • Semantic relationships between concepts of the three pillars Groups Occupations • Occupations and Skills/Competences: essential and optional skills for an Occupation • Occupations and Qualifications: Qualifications required for an Occupation • Qualifications an Skills/Competences: Skills asserted by a Qualification (certificate) 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 4

  5. PES: Public employment Service ESCO objective (2/2) ROME ESCO is a hub thesaurus for mapping like • A hub taxonomy for labor classification system about either of - occupation - skill market players - qualification • Compose • exactMatch o exactMatch • exactMatch o closeMatch • exactMatch o broadMatch O*Net ESCO • broadMatch o exactMatch • exactMatch o narrowMatch • narrowMatch o exactMatch • broadMatch o broadMatch ⊃ esco:broadTransitiveMatch • narrowMatch o narrowMatch ⊃ esco:narowTransitiveMatch ISCO, PES,... 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 5

  6. ESCO Current Status • ESCO versions • Version 0 is currently published • Version 1 is currently ongoing and will make partial upgrades (v0.1, v0.2 …) until v1 is established (from end 2013 until early 2017). • Version 0.1 is targeted for publication on 2015-02. • Improvements for 3 sectors: • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery; • Hospitality and tourism; • Veterinary 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 6

  7. ESCO v0 on the Web • Home 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 7

  8. Part 2: ESCO as an NKOS system 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 8

  9. ESCO KOS • Three main taxonomies • Top structure is a hierarchy of classes or groups • Lower structure is a hierarchy of instances • Two registers 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 9

  10. hasNACECode [1:?] NACE rev2 dct:subject Occupatio n • Example of other relatedEssentialSkill [0:?] used vocabularies Skill relatedOptionalSkill [0:?] • Languages skos:related (Publication Office, relatedQualification [0:?] Library of Congress) Qualification relatedLegallyRequiredQualification [0:?] • CERF (Common EU reference framework Occupation for languages) • Countries • NUTS (Eurostat EU regions) skos:broadMatch [1:?] • EQF (European ISCO-08 Qualification Framework) • FoET (Unesco Fields skos:broadMatch [1:?] ISCO-88 of education and skos:mappingRelation training) skos:closeMatch [0:?] ROME 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 10

  11. ESCO v1 Tagging Occupations with one or more dct:subject ranging over NACE codes ESCO occ pillar NACE AFF sector  A: AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING  AFF  Fishery  B: MINING AND QUARRYING O [Occupation][Member] O [Occupation][Member] 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 11

  12. ESCO v1 ISCO-88 Mapping relationships Occupation Groups  5123: Waiters, waitresses and bartenders skos:broadMatch ISCO-08 ESCO Occupation Occupation Groups Groups  5131: Waiters  ESCO Occupations skos:broadMatch waiter/waitress  G1801: Café, bar brasserie ROME/fr Accuracy is sometimes problematic Occupation - different scope of concepts in skos:closeMatch Groups different concept schemes  Serveur / Serveuse Occupations 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 12 de bar-brasserie

  13. Inconvenience • When mapping concepts in different skos:ConceptScheme, the rdfs:subPropertyOf between • skos:mappingRelation (skos:broadMatch, skos:narrowMatch) properties and the respective • skos:semanticRelation (skos:broader, skos:narrower) properties Typically gets problematic as it makes a dependency between the hierarchies in the different concept schemes • Proposal • Make the mentioned property hierarchy not a required part of SKOS or SKOS-XL, but use them as a possible SKOS extension. 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 13

  14. Part 3: Versioning 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 14

  15. EU: European Union ADMS: Asset Description Metadata Schema Versioning – modelling DCAT: Data Catalog Vocabulary PROV-O: The PROV(enance) Ontology • Dataset versioning based • DCAT (, • ADMS ( for dataset and resource versioning • Versioning ontology for thesaurus or dataset versions • Development: • Availability: • Publication Office of the EU (future work – see WS presentation Jean Delahousse) • Concept and Label versioning • PROV-O (, ADMS, Dublin Core 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 15

  16. DCAT – a catalog ontology Dataset Dataset register access entry details metadata Catalog about dataset register entry 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 16

  17. DCAT – a catalog ontology Taxonomy A dataset Release variant (csv, XML, TTL, …) 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 17

  18. DCAT Register Entry for ESCO Dataset ESCO vX Distribution Distribution Distribution war zip of csv rdf (API with indexed data) 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 18

  19. DCAT register with entries for ESCO versions ESCO DCAT catalog ESCO DCAT catalog ESCO DCAT catalog • Two ESCO versions in the register Dataset ISCO-08 c r • Two versions of ISCO in the register Dataset ESCO v1 Dataset ESCO v1 c c r r w w • The ESCO version control graph, a registered Dataset ISCO-88 dataset. c r dataset ESCO v0 dataset ESCO v0 c c r r w w ESCO Version history c r dataset 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 19

  20. Versioning taxonomy publications and taxonomy dependencies … /dsvhs/XYZ … /dsvhs/A dct:isVersionOf • Per thesaurus, one dataset [VersionHistorySet] isVersionRecordOf with fixed URI hasVersionHistorySet Thesaurus Data Set Version 3 (http:// … /ds/A;version=3) currentVersionRecord manages the (updated with each new release) [dcat:Dataset] taxonomy dataset Thesaurus A [VersionHistoryRecord] a - date [ConceptScheme] - identifier releases, LOD access requiresDatasetOfRecord hasVersionRecord - skos:note i.e. the VersionHistorySet isVersionRecordOf hasVersionHistorySet Thesaurus Data Set Version 2 • Each thesaurus dataset (http:// … /ds/A;version=2) [dcat:Dataset] [VersionHistoryRecord] release is detailed by a - date - identifier Thesaurus A - skos:note DCAT dataset record a [ConceptScheme] hasVersionRecord i.e the VersionHistoryRecord hasVersionHistorySet isVersionRecordOf • A released thesaurus dataset Thesaurus Data Set Version 1 [dcat:Dataset] (http:// … /ds/A;version=1) [VersionHistoryRecord] - date holds an identifier (a URI) for - identifier - skos:note Thesaurus A its VersionHistoryRecord and a hasVersionRecord [ConceptScheme] to the VersionHistorySet 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 20

  21. Part 4: Thank you • Q&A 2014-09-11 The ESCO NKOS platform 21


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