the connection program a peer support program the

The Connection Program A peer support program The rationale for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Connection Program A peer support program The rationale for Peer Support Any one of us could be affected by an unexpected life event or illness where peer support will be vital to our recovery and well-being. Peer Connection

  1. The Connection Program – A peer support program

  2. The rationale for Peer Support “Any one of us could be affected by an unexpected life event or illness where peer support will be vital to our recovery and well-being.”

  3. Peer Connection Program Provides peer support for people affected by a gambling problem including affected others. The service is: • Telephone based • Confidential • Anonymous • Adjunct to other support services • Can support clients to access additional services. • Client Focused Frequency and Duration of calls Services are provided by trained peer support volunteers.

  4. The Charter of Peer Support Peer support should be accessible to all who need it. Every person living with or experiencing a mental health issue has the right to access avenues to share their lived experience in a confidential, safe environment, where they are heard, respected, honoured and understood. 5

  5. Charter Statements Peer support provides each person with opportunities: 1.To Benefit from collective wisdom 2.To Understand and de-stigmatise mental health issues 3.For people to re-discover and activate their own personal, hidden resources 4.To receive hope, inspiration and empowerment for recovery 5. To give help to others, as equal-to-equal

  6. Charter Statements Peer support provides each person with: 6. A renewed sense of self-respect, understanding and belonging through being part of a circle of a caring community 7. A unique pathway to help

  7. Client Pathway

  8. Peer Connection Program Benefits for clients: • Peer Support provides hope • An interaction of acceptance and no judgment • Increases self efficacy • Reduces the sense of isolation • Provides encouragement • Someone to celebrate successes with • Opportunity to learn new strategies

  9. Client Survey Results 93% The Role is important 80% Feel their situation has improved 80% Feel hopeful 93% A sense of purpose and direction

  10. Client Satisfaction Survey Peer Connection Volunteers: Accepts and Respects me Understand 100% what I am going AGREE through 100% AGREE Listens to me 100% AGREE 11

  11. How to Refer Website: Phone: 1300 133 445 Email:

  12. Peer Support Volunteer: Recruitment and Training

  13. Benefits for Volunteers Volunteers said : “One of the big benefits is that it reinforces to me that I do not ever want to feel like my callers again. I am reminded on a regular basis of the misery that gambling can bring to the individual and their families.” “Feeling good when the caller has stopped gambling, knowing I was a part of that.”

  14. Client Satisfaction Survey Clients said: “Lots of encouragement. When I tell her I have thoughts of going back she listens and helps me. It’s another person I don’t want to disappoint by going back.” “When you speak to a trained professional they don’t have the life experience a peer does. The peer has walked in my shoes and understands my situation. It feels more organic than talking to a professional.” “Gave me confidence.”

  15. Acknowledgements Many thanks to the Peer Support Volunteers who provide the service. Without their dedication and commitment there would not be a Peer Connection Program.

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