the clusters around radio loud agn carla project

The Clusters Around Radio- Loud AGN (CARLA) project Carlos De - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Clusters Around Radio- Loud AGN (CARLA) project Carlos De Breuck, for the CARLA collaboration 20 21.5 CARLA SpUDS > 2 21.0 > 2 N = 178 2.5 3.5 15 20.5 percentage of fields 20.0 [4.5] 10 19.5 > 3.5 19.0 5

  1. The Clusters Around Radio- Loud AGN (CARLA) project Carlos De Breuck, for the CARLA collaboration 20 21.5 CARLA SpUDS > 2 σ 21.0 > 2 σ N = 178 2.5 − 3.5 σ 15 20.5 percentage of fields 20.0 [4.5] 10 19.5 > 3.5 σ 19.0 5 this work, α = − 1.0 BC03, z f =1.5 this work, α free BC03, z f =2 Mancone et al.,2010 BC03, z f =3 18.5 BC03, z f =4 BC03, z f =5 0 18.0 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 density (arcmin -2 ) z

  2. The seeds of the project • 1996-2000: trying to find the most distant radio galaxies ✴ ultra-steep spectrum radio selection DB + 2000 ✴ K-band follow-up (mostly Keck/NIRC) DB, DS + 2002 ✴ optical spectroscopy (mostly Keck) DB, DS + 2001 • 1999-2005: Ly α emitter search with narrow-band filters ✴ prototype: Spiderweb cluster @z=2.16 Pentericci + 2000 ✴ follow-up known high-z radio galaxies. ✴ mostly done by George Miley’s group in Leiden + DB ✴ ~10 proto-clusters found at 2<z<5.2 Venemans, DB + 2007

  3. VLT Ly α emitters

  4. The massive host galaxies • Remarkably tight correlation in the K-z diagram • Interpreted as most massive galaxies at each epoch Rocca- Volmerange, DB + 2003 • Bandpass shifting, evolution, etc. complicate interpretation. • Solution: observe radio galaxies with Spitzer. observed K

  5. Spitzer High-z Radio Galaxies Co-conspirators: Nick Seymour (SSC), Daniel Stern (JPL), Carlos De Breuck, Joel Vernet, Alessandro Rettura, Robert Fosbury (ESO), Andrew Zirm (STSCI), Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange (IAP), Mark Lacy, Harry Teplitz (SSC), Arjun Dey, Mark Dickinson (NOAO), Wil van Breugel, Adam Stanford (UCLLNL), George Miley, Huub Rottgering (Leiden), Peter Eisenhardt (JPL), Partick McCarthy (OCIW)

  6. The massive host galaxies • Remarkably tight correlation in the K-z diagram • Interpreted as most massive galaxies at each epoch Rocca- Volmerange, DB + 2003 • Bandpass shifting, evolution, etc. complicate interpretation. • Solution: observe radio galaxies with Spitzer. observed K rest H

  7. Using Spitzer for overdensities • Overdensities in Spitzer IRAC1-IRAC2 Galametz + 2012 • Overdensities In Spizer MIPS 24µm Mayo + 2012 IRAC1-IRAC2 MIPS 24µm

  8. The CARLA project

  9. The CARLA project • After initial success based on shallow SHzRG data, go for a substantial sample of all known z>1 type 2 AGN + matched sample of type 1 AGN from SDSS: 387 fields. • Spitzer warm mission proposal in Cycles 7 & 8. • Covering 1.3<z<3.2 with uniform z-L 500MHz coverage.

  10. The CARLA project • Covering the peak of the SFDR 1.3<z<3.2. • Prior knowledge of AGN redshift simplifies confirmation. • Presence of a radio-loud AGN complicates X-ray follow-up.

  11. The CARLA selection • Using IRAC [3.6]-[4.5]>-0.1 criterion (Papovich et al. 2008). • Reaching [3.6] AB =22.6 and [4.5] AB =22.9. • No statistical difference between type 1 & type II AGN. 0.4 IRAC selected sources 0.2 [3.6] − [4.5] (AB) 0.0 − 0.2 − 0.4 Bruzual&Charlot03, z f =2 Bruzual&Charlot03, z f =3 Bruzual&Charlot03, z f =5 − 0.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 z

  12. The CARLA overdensities • 92% of fields are denser than SpUDS comparison fields. • 55% >2 σ and 10% >5 σ overdense. • Overdensities statistically centred on AGN position. 20 25 CARLA SpUDS CARLA: > Σ SpUDS +3 σ SpUDS CARLA: > Σ SpUDS > 2 σ SpUDS CARLA: < Σ SpUDS 2.5 − 3.5 σ 15 20 density (arcmin − 2 ) percentage of fields 15 10 > 3.5 σ 10 5 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 density (arcmin -2 ) distance (arcsec) Wylezalek et al. 2013

  13. Cluster luminosity function • Statistical sample allows to sample LF in 6 redshift bins. • Evolution of M* consistent with passive galaxy evolution models. • Earlier quenching compared to field galaxy cluster samples. 21.5 > 2 σ 21.0 N = 178 10.0000 20.5 1.0000 Φ = dN/dm/dA (arcmin − 2 ) 20.0 [4.5] 0.1000 19.5 2.3 < z < 2.6 0.0100 N = 30 m * = 19.95 +0.30 19.0 − 0.25 this work, α = − 1.0 BC03, z f =1.5 0.0010 α = − 1.09 +0.15 this work, α free BC03, z f =2 − 0.15 Mancone et al.,2010 BC03, z f =3 m * α = − 1 = 20.09 +0.19 − 0.15 18.5 BC03, z f =4 0.0001 BC03, z f =5 18 19 20 21 22 23 [4.5] 18.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 z Wylezalek et al. 2014

  14. Protocluster evolution • Model estimates maximum ~40% contribution from SF population vs. 80% in field galaxy clusters. • See talks by Cooke & Noirot for further studies. 21.5 > 2 σ P = 90 21.0 N = 178 P = 80 20.5 P = 70 P = 60 20.0 P = 50 [4.5] P = 40 P = 30 P = 20 P = 10 19.5 19.0 this work, α = − 1.0 this work, α free Mancone et al.,2010 18.5 BC03, z f =3, CSP τ =0.1Gyr BC03, z f =5, CSP τ =0.1Gyr BC03 with ratio (SSP(z f =3):CSP(z f =3, τ =10Gyr)) (100 − P):P by mass 18.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 z Wylezalek et al. 2014

  15. CARLA J1753+6311: 
 Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.58 
 associated with a powerful radio galaxy 
 A. Rettura (Caltech/IPAC) � � Collaborators: Stern, Noirot, Cooke, Wylezalek and the CARLA Team

  16. CARLA J1753+6311: Cooke et al. 2016

  17. Keck-CARLA Title: “MOSFIRE H-alpha spectroscopy of clusters around Radio-Loud AGN at 1.4 < z < 2.6” � � Awarded 1 nights to follow up CARLA candidates � Caltech-TAC (P.I.: Rettura) � � � � � J1753+6311 (z=1.58): 1.0 hr in H-band TXS2353 (z=2.59/1.49) : 1.5 hr in K-band J0800+4029 (z=2.02): 2.5 hr in K-band J1052+0806 (z=1.64): 1.8 hr in H-band

  18. MOSFIRE Campaign [NII] H α [NII] 3.0 7C 1753+6311 2.5 z=1.578 2.0 Relative units 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.65 1.70 1.75 Observed Wavelenght [ µ m] Mosfire 1D spectra of 7C1753+6311 Rettura et al. 2016, in prep.

  19. MOSFIRE 2D spectra of Cluster Members K110 z=1.579 NII H α NII [SII] K091 z=1.578 NII H α NII [SII] K134b z=1.581 NII H α NII [SII] 7c1753+6311 z=1.578 NII H α NII [SII] K075 z=1.587 NII H α NII [SII] 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 Rest-Frame Wavelength [nm] Rettura et al. 2016

  20. HST :2D spectra of additional Cluster Members K134b/ 
 See Noirot talk H619 H614 7C1753+6311 H470 H157 Rettura et al. 2016, in prep.

  21. + + Rettura et al. 2016, in prep.

  22. AR+16

  23. CARLA J1753+6311 2.5’x2.5’ IRAC 4.5µm Rettura et al. 2016, in prep.

  24. CARLA J1753+6311 2.5’x2.5’ i-band Rettura et al. 2016, in prep.

  25. Redshift Distribution 7 spectroscopic members with 1200 km/s at <z>=1.582 2.5 2.0 No. Gal. ( Δ z = 0.002) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.60 Spectroscopic Redshift See also next talk by Cooke Rettura et al. 2016, in prep.

  26. CARLA z confirmations • HST grism spectroscopy of the 20 densest fields (see talk by Gaël Noirot). • Alternative approach to use CO(2-1) with ALMA (Cycle 4 PI Galametz) & IRAM NOEMA (PI Mei & Galametz) mosaicing. Dusty & SF population, determine gas fractions.

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