On the Capacity of Information Networks January 28, 2005 April Rasala Lehman Joint work with Nicholas Harvey, Robert Kleinberg and Eric Lehman MIT 1
“There is as yet no unified theory of network information flow. But there can be no doubt that a complete theory of communication networks would have wide implications for the theory of communication and computation.” - Cover & Thomas, Elements of Information Theory . 2
History of Network Coding • Breakthrough [Ahlswede et al. ’00]. ◦ Existence of multicast solution depends on min-cut con- dition. • Algebraic framework [Koetter & M´ edard ’03]. ◦ Led to a randomized, distributed, fault-tolerant algorithm for multicast [Ho et al. ’03]. • Deterministic algorithms for multicast [Jaggi et al. ’03, Harvey et al. ’05]. 3
The Network Coding Problem Source Source Given: a b • Directed acyclic graph G . c • Integral capacity c ( u, v ) for each edge ( u, v ). d • k -commodities: e ◦ Set of source nodes. f Sink Sink ◦ Set of sink nodes. 4
The Idea of Network Coding • There is one message for each Source Source commodity. has bit x has bit y ◦ Every source knows the a b y x message. c ◦ Every sink wants the mes- y x x ⊕ y sage. ◦ A message is a single sym- d bol from an alphabet Σ. e f • Each edge of capacity c can Sink Sink transmit c symbols from Σ. wants wants • Question: Does there exist y x a solution? 5
This Talk: from Existence to Optimization • Consider size of alphabet Σ. ◦ Model of network coding that works for multicast doesn’t work well in general. ◦ Need a notion of “rate”. • What is the maximum achievable communication rate in a network? ◦ Explore bounds based on cut conditions. ◦ Develop entropy inequalities based on graph structure. • What is the maximum rate in an undirected network? 6
Alphabet Size 7
Who Cares About Alphabet Size? • Small alphabet means simple, efficiently-computable edge functions. • Large alphabet implies large latency. • Need Ω(log | Σ | ) bits of memory at each node to compute edge functions (naively). • An upper bound on | Σ | would imply that the network coding problem is decidable. 8
Our Results - The Bad News • Sometimes an enormous alphabet is required! ◦ An n -node network may require an alphabet of size: | Σ | = 2 e Ω( n 1 / 3 ) ◦ Solution may exist but be hopelessly unwieldy! • Nonmonotonicity: ◦ Instance solvable with 4-symbol alphabet, but not with 1000-symbol alphabet! ◦ Can’t fix a single large alphabet size, e.g. 2 64 . 9
Building Block: Network I k has messages M 1 , ..., M k , P 1 , ..., P k capacity 2k-2 capacity k-1 capacity 2 wants wants wants wants all M ‘s wants all P ‘s all M ‘s & P ‘s all M ‘s all M ‘s - M i + P j - P j + M i Lemma 1 Solvable iff | Σ | = q k . 10
Doubly-Exponential Lower Bound • Network I k has O ( k 2 ) nodes and requires | Σ | to be a perfect k -th power. • Let J n consist of disjoint networks I 2 I 3 I 5 I 7 I 11 . . . I p where p is largest prime less than n 1 / 3 . ⇒ J n has O ( n ) nodes and there is a solution if and only if: Ce Ω( n 1 / 3 ) | Σ | = C 2 · 3 · 5 · 7 · 11 · · · p = 2 e Ω( n 1 / 3 ) ≥ 11
Our Results - The Good News If each edge can send one additional bit, then the minimum alphabet size is O (1). • Our bad example is an artifact of using the network at 100.0% capacity. • Are we wasting our time with this model? • Tweak the model? ◦ Messages are drawn from an alphabet Γ. ◦ Each edge transmits one symbol from larger alphabet Σ. ◦ Rate = log | Γ | log | Σ | . 12
What is the Maximum Achievable Rate? 13
What is the Maximum Achievable Rate? • Open problem except for multicast where max rate = min- cut between the source and any sink. • Is there a cut-based upper bound on rate for the general problem? • Do information theoretic tools give a better upper bound? 14
Sparsity • Sparsity of a cut A ⊆ E is: capacity of edges in cut A # commodities with no remaining source-sink path • Sparsity of a graph is minimum sparsity over all cuts. • There exist directed graphs in which the maximum rate > sparsity. Sparsity = 1/2 Rate = 1 15
Meagerness • A set of commodities P is separated by a cut if there is no remaining path from a source of any commodity in P to a sink of any commodity in P . • The meagerness of a graph is the minimum over all sets of commodities P and cuts that separate P of capacity of edges in cut | P | • The maximum rate ≤ meagerness in directed graphs. Meagerness = 1 Rate = 1 16
Sometimes Max Rate < Meagerness The meagerness is 1. This flow solution has rate 2 / 3. Best possible? 17
Sometimes Max Rate < Meagerness • The meagerness is 1. This flow solution has rate 2 / 3. Best possible? 18
Sometimes Max Rate < Meagerness 2 2 3 3 Γ = {0,1} 2 Γ = {0,1} 2 Σ = {0,1} 3 Σ = {0,1} 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 • The meagerness is 1. • This flow solution has rate 2 / 3. Best possible? 19
Better Bounds Through Entropy • Obtain strictly better bounds on rate through entropy argu- ments. ◦ Show max rate 2 / 3 for previous example. ◦ Implies meagerness is a loose upper bound on rate. • Entropy of a random variable X is the information in X mea- sured in bits. ◦ The entropy of X is denoted H ( X ). ◦ The entropy of X and Y together is H ( X, Y ). 20
Entropy View of Network Coding • Suppose messages are selected S a S b independently and uniformly S c from Γ. • As a result, the symbol trans- G F mitted on each edge is a R.V. • Structure of graph and prop- erties of entropy imply con- straints that a network code T b T c T a must satisfy. 21
Entropy and Network Coding • Properties of entropy: ◦ Nonnegative: H ( U ) ≥ 0. ◦ Nondecreasing: H ( U, x ) ≥ H ( U ). ◦ Submodular: H ( U ) + H ( V ) ≥ H ( U ∪ V ) + H ( U ∩ V ). • Constraints on a network coding solution: ◦ Uniformity of sources: H ( S A ) = log | Γ | . ◦ Independence of sources: H ( S A , S B ) = H ( S A ) + H ( S B ). ◦ sources = sinks: H ( S A , U ) = H ( T A , U ) for all U . ◦ Edge capacity: H ( e ) ≤ log | Σ | . 22
One More Condition: Downstreamness U is downstream of V if all paths from a source to an edge in U S a S b intersect V . S c If U is downstream of V , H ( V ) = H ( U, V ). F G Ex 1: T b is downstream of { S a , F } . H ( S a , F ) = H ( S a , T b , F ). T b T c T a Example 2: T a is downstream of { S b , G } . H ( S b , G ) = H ( T a , S b , G ). Example 3: T c is downstream of { F, G } . H ( F, G ) = H ( T c , F, G ). 23
One More Condition: Downstreamness U is downstream of V if all paths from a source to an edge in U S a S b intersects V . S c If U is downstream of V , H ( V ) = H ( U, V ). F G Ex 1: T b is downstream of { S a , F } . H ( S a , F ) = H ( S a , T b , F ). T b T c T a Ex 2: T a is downstream of { S b , G } . H ( S b , G ) = H ( T a , S b , G ). Example 3: T c is downstream of { F, G } . H ( F, G ) = H ( T c , F, G ). 24
One More Condition: Downstreamness U is downstream of V if all paths from a source to an edge in U S a S b intersects V . S c If U is downstream of V , H ( V ) = H ( U, V ). F G Ex 1: T b is downstream of { S a , F } . H ( S a , F ) = H ( S a , T b , F ). T b T c T a Ex 2: T a is downstream of { S b , G } . H ( S b , G ) = H ( T a , S b , G ). Ex 3: T c is downstream of { F, G } . H ( F, G ) = H ( T c , F, G ). 25
Proof: Max Rate = 2/3 26
+ + = + = + H(S a , F) H(S b , G) H(S a , T b , F) H(T a , S b , G) 27
+ + = 28
+ + = sources = sinks 29
+ + = > + submodularity 30
+ + = > + downstreamness 31
+ + = > + sources = sinks 32
+ + = > + = 5 log | Γ | 33
Max Rate = 2/3 > 5 log | Γ | + 34
Max Rate = 2/3 > 5 log | Γ | + + 35
Max Rate = 2/3 > 5 log | Γ | + + + 36
Max Rate = 2/3 log | Γ | log | Γ | > 5 log | Γ | + + + 37
Max Rate = 2/3 > 3 log | Γ | + 38
Max Rate = 2/3 2 log | Σ | > 3 log | Γ | > + 39
What is the Maximum Rate? • Simple cut-based characterizations of max rate unsatisfac- tory. ◦ Sparsity is wrong for directed graphs. ◦ Meagerness is a loose upper bound. • Do the entropy conditions give a tight upper bound on rate? ◦ Unknown in general. ◦ Many inequalities and many ways to combine; get giant LP. 40
Further Results: Coding in Undirected Graphs • How do we even model this? ◦ Rule out cyclic dependencies between edge functions. ◦ Edge capacity bounds information flow in two directions. • Entropy conditions carry over, e.g. downstreamness. • Sparsity is a loose upper bound on rate. Conjecture: In an undirected graph, the maximum multicom- modity flow = the maximum network coding rate. • We prove for an infinite class of “interesting” graphs. 41
Okamura-Seymour Example s(a) t(c) • 4 commodities. • Each edge has capacity 1. • Sparsity 1. s(d) t(d) s(b) t(a) • Maximum multicommodity flow 3 / 4. • Maximum rate with network coding is also 3 / 4! t(b) s(c) 42
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