the chain relation in sofic subshifts

The chain relation in sofic subshifts Alexandr Kazda Charles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Characterisation of the chain relation Summary The chain relation in sofic subshifts Alexandr Kazda Charles University, Prague WSDC 2007 Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  1. Introduction Characterisation of the chain relation Summary The chain relation in sofic subshifts Alexandr Kazda Charles University, Prague WSDC 2007 Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  2. Introduction Characterisation of the chain relation Summary Outline Introduction 1 Shifts and subshifts The chain relation Characterisation of the chain relation 2 Linking graph Theorem about chain relation Corollaries Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  3. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Basics We are interested in the structure of biinfinite words A Z . We can equip A Z with a metric ̺ ; the distance ̺ ( x , y ) of x � = y is equal to 2 − n where n is the absolute value of the first index where x differs from y . Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  4. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Basics We are interested in the structure of biinfinite words A Z . We can equip A Z with a metric ̺ ; the distance ̺ ( x , y ) of x � = y is equal to 2 − n where n is the absolute value of the first index where x differs from y . Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  5. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Basics We are interested in the structure of biinfinite words A Z . We can equip A Z with a metric ̺ ; the distance ̺ ( x , y ) of x � = y is equal to 2 − n where n is the absolute value of the first index where x differs from y . x y Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  6. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Basics We are interested in the structure of biinfinite words A Z . We can equip A Z with a metric ̺ ; the distance ̺ ( x , y ) of x � = y is equal to 2 − n where n is the absolute value of the first index where x differs from y . x y Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  7. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Basics, cont. Define the shift map by σ ( x ) i = x i + 1 . x σ ( x ) Sofic subshift is a set Σ ⊆ A Z that can be described by a labelled graph. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  8. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Basics, cont. Define the shift map by σ ( x ) i = x i + 1 . x σ ( x ) Sofic subshift is a set Σ ⊆ A Z that can be described by a labelled graph. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  9. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Labelled graph Labelled graph is an oriented multidigraph whose edges are labelled by letters from A . x ∈ Σ iff x has a presentation in G : There exists a biinfinite walk in G labelled by letters from x . Without loss of generality assume that G is essential , that is every vertex has at least one outgoing an at least one ingoing edge. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  10. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Labelled graph Labelled graph is an oriented multidigraph whose edges are labelled by letters from A . x ∈ Σ iff x has a presentation in G : There exists a biinfinite walk in G labelled by letters from x . Without loss of generality assume that G is essential , that is every vertex has at least one outgoing an at least one ingoing edge. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  11. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary Labelled graph Labelled graph is an oriented multidigraph whose edges are labelled by letters from A . x ∈ Σ iff x has a presentation in G : There exists a biinfinite walk in G labelled by letters from x . Without loss of generality assume that G is essential , that is every vertex has at least one outgoing an at least one ingoing edge. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  12. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary An ε -chain from the word x to the word y is sequence of words x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n ∈ Σ such that x 0 = x , x n = y and ρ ( σ ( x i ) , x i + 1 ) < ε . The words x , y ∈ Σ are in the chain relation C if for every ε > 0 there exists an ε -chain (of nonzero length) from x to y . Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  13. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary An ε -chain from the word x to the word y is sequence of words x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n ∈ Σ such that x 0 = x , x n = y and ρ ( σ ( x i ) , x i + 1 ) < ε . The words x , y ∈ Σ are in the chain relation C if for every ε > 0 there exists an ε -chain (of nonzero length) from x to y . Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  14. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain in picture y = x n x = x 0 x i +1 x i ε σ ( x i ) Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  15. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  16. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  17. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  18. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  19. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  20. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  21. Introduction Shifts and subshifts Characterisation of the chain relation The chain relation Summary ε -chain and jumps Take the subshift { a −∞ ba ∞ , a ∞ } . Let the empty space denote the boundary between zeroth and first letter. Then we can produce for example this ε -chain: . . . aab aa . . . . . . aabaa . . . aa aa . . . Hop! . . . aa . . . a a . . . aabaa . . . . . . aa baa . . . We have managed to shift the word to the right. Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  22. Introduction Linking graph Characterisation of the chain relation Theorem about chain relation Summary Corollaries How to describe the chain relation in a general sofic subshift Σ ? The main idea: We can jump between some vertices of G . Call such pairs of vertices linked . Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts

  23. Introduction Linking graph Characterisation of the chain relation Theorem about chain relation Summary Corollaries How to describe the chain relation in a general sofic subshift Σ ? The main idea: We can jump between some vertices of G . Call such pairs of vertices linked . Alexandr Kazda The chain relation in sofic subshifts


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