the central energy fund group of companies

The Central Energy Fund Group of Companies To be a leading - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Central Energy Fund Group of Companies To be a leading integrated energy company that provides sustainable energy security for South Africa Africa Oil & Power Conference September 2018 Who Are We ? The CEF Group of Companies (CEF) is a

  1. The Central Energy Fund Group of Companies To be a leading integrated energy company that provides sustainable energy security for South Africa Africa Oil & Power Conference September 2018

  2. Who Are We ? The CEF Group of Companies (CEF) is a state owned company  Create significant impact on South Africa’s energy landscape ……. of  grow energy security  optimise national dependency on imported energy  promote cleaner energy governed by the Central Energy Fund Act of 1977 conducting its  ........ in a financially sustainable way business through its subsidiaries  having a robust commercially viable portfolio with minimal dependency on public funding  ……..while transforming the local energy sector  by catalysing and increasing ownership transformation and new BEE opportunities Equalisat ion Fund (EQF)  …….. and in a socially responsible way  generating socio-economic benefits in employment, community that which represents an energy security of supply value chain comprising exploration and production, coal and gas supply, liquid development, etc.. fuels processing, a renewable division and liquids fuels storage/infrastructure. Page  2

  3. What is the South Africa Energy Legal Framework ? Key Acts Energy Sector Planning • Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), • Integrated Resource Plan for Energy, 1999 and regulations, including public 2010 private partnership (PPP) regulations • National Development Plan of 2011 • Companies Act, 2008 • National Environmental Management • Petroleum Products Act, 1977 Act • Petroleum Pipelines Act, 2003 • Operation Phakisa • Gas Act, 2001 • Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973 • Electricity Act, 1987 • Petroleum Pipelines Levies Act, 2003 • CEF Act, 1977 • Mineral and Petro leum Resources Development Act, 2002 • National Energy Act, 2008 • Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2002 • Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 • Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act No.53 of 2003 • National Energy Regulator Act 40 of 2005 • Income Tax 58 of 1962 • Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act No. 12 of 2004 • Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 Page  3

  4. What are the South Africa Energy Sectors?  Exploration Refining Natural Gas Upstream  Liquids Monetisation • Exploratory drilling for • Agree on mechanism • Promote LNG investments coal and shale gas for refinery upgrades • LNG infrastructure to • Develop West-Coast • Decision made on power CCGT  Gas Monetisation off-shore gas importing petroleum • Growing gas share of National • Understand shale products vs. new power production Development  Coal Monetisation reserves refinery Plan key pillars:  Infrastructure Development Clean energy Policy Renewables • Significant growth in • Lower carbon intensity • Improve energy related  Renewable Energy RES capacity • Vehicle carbon tax policy and planning • Encourage use of hybrid or EV & public  Utility Generation transport • Promotion of cleaner  Regulation coal technologies Page  4

  5. What is the South Africa Energy Criteria ?  Exploration  Liquids Monetisation  Gas Monetisation  Coal Monetisation  Infrastructure Development  Renewable Energy  Utility Generation  Regulation Page  5

  6. What is the South Africa Energy Value Proposition ? Energy Value Proposition = f (Developmental) & f (Commercial)  To  be catalysts for energy value creation that creates significant impact on South Africa’s energy landscape in a developmental and commercially sustainable way while transforming the local energy sector in a socially responsible way  Through  Energy Transformation – black energy ownership with diverse product energy solutions  Operational Excellence – best in class socio-economic growth  Innovation – proactive state-of-the art  Strategic Partnerships – G2G, Funders, EPC, ……  Whilst  ensuring transformation in the South African energy sector,  upskilling of our South African energy human capital,  increasing our South African energy employment opportunities,  and ensuring energy for the People of South Africa. Page  6

  7. Thank You Page  7


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