the center for integrative genomics

The Center for integrative genomics Report 20052006 Index - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Center for integrative genomics Report 20052006 Index Presentation Directors message 4 Scientifjc advisory committee 6 Organigram of the

  1. ����������������� ������������ The Center for integrative genomics Report 2005–2006

  2. Index Presentation Director’s message 4 Scientifjc advisory committee 6 Organigram of the CIG 7 research The structure and function of genomes and their evolution alexandre reymond – Genome structure and expression 10 henrik Kaessmann – Evolutionary genomics 12 Victor Jongeneel – Cancer genomics 14 The regulation of gene expression nouria hernandez – Mechanisms of transcription regulation 16 Winship herr – Regulation of cell proliferation 18 christian Fankhauser – Light–regulated development in plants 20 The genomics of complex functions Mehdi tafti – Genetics of sleep and the sleep EEG 22 Paul Franken – Genetics and energetics of sleep homeostasis and circadian rythms 24 Walter Wahli – Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptors (PPARs) as regulators of metabolic and tissue repair processes 26 Béatrice Desvergne – PPARbeta and fjne tuning of cell fate decision 30 Liliane Michalik – Roles of PPARs in skin biology and angiogenesis 34 Bernard thorens – Molecular and physiological analysis of energy homeostasis in health and disease 36 core FaciLities Core facilities of the CIG 39 DNA array facility – DAF 40 Protein analysis facility – PAF 42 Core facilities associated with the CIG 44 eDucation Lectures and courses 48 Seminars at the CIG 51 CIG retreat 56 The CIG & the public 56 FunDing (acKnoWLeDgeMents) 58 PeoPLe 59

  3. CIG Timeline CIG Timeline Inauguration of the Pro- tein Analysis Facility (PAF – December 2002) Inauguration of the DNA Array Facility (DAF – March 2003) Arrival of Prof. Kaessmann (September 2003) Installation Arrival of of Vital–IT Prof. Thorens in the Génopode (October 2003) Arrival of Inauguration of the Prof. Hernandez The construction of Prof. Hernandez, Cellular Imaging Facility becomes the second the big animal facility Herr and Tafti at the Génopode CIG director is rejected by popular (September 2004) referendum Arrival of Arrival of Arrival Arrival Inauguration First CIG retreat Prof. Reymond Prof. Fankhauser of Dr. Franken of Prof. Desvergne, of the CIG in Saas Fee (October 2004) Wahli and Dr. Michalik 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 2003 2004 2005 2 cig 2005/2006

  4. Installation HeLa in the «Journées de «passeports vacances» Lectures Inauguration of the hall of the Génopode la recherche en (July and August) «continuing Center for Investigation (until December 2006) génétique» education» and Research on Sleep (CIRS) UNIL Second CIG Installation of the Mouse open house days retreat in Metabolic Evaluation Saas Fee Facility (MEF) 2007 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 2006 3

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