The Bible and the Chinese Language
Chinese Language -Is the oldest, continuous written language in the World. -First written over 4,500 years ago. -The inventors of the written language drew pictures to express words or ideas. -Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts.
Si Simpl ple e pictures es were combin ined ed to make more comple lex x thoughts + = MOUTH MAN OLDER BROTHER ER The family “ mouth h man ” or “ spokes kes person ” was usually ly the oldest st son or brother.
Death of Chinese se Buddha ha Today First five Jesus language ge books s of first t written Bible le writte ten
The God of the Universe: “For more than 4,000 years the reigning emperors of China traveled annually to the border of their country or to the imperial city. There, on an outdoor altar, they sacrificed and burned young unblemished bullocks to their God, ShangDi …whose name literally means the God above or supreme God.” ( God’s Promise to the Chinese , p. 1) He was the creator of all things (not a god among other gods). The worship of Buddha did not come to China until about 50 BC.
Creation of Man “Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being .” Genesis 2:7 + + = TO TALK DUST BREA EATH ALIVE + = TO TALK TO TALK WALKIN KING TO CREATE
Creation of Man According to the Bible, the first man was a… LIVIN ING G DUST MAN + + = ALIVE DUST MAN FIRST
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 + + + GOD ONE MAN GARDEN EN
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 “And God ASIA planted a garden eastward, in Eden; and there he East st EDEN CHINA for put the man whom West t from China Moses es he had formed.” + = + WEST ONE MAN ENCLOSU SURE
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 To want, necessary ary + + + ONE MAN ENCLOSU SURE WOMAN “And the LORD God said, ‘ It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him …’ And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man .” Genesis 2:18, 21, 22
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 + = TWO TREES ES COMMAND FORBID BIDDEN EN “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” - Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 2:8-9
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 Genesis esis 3:1-4 + + + = LIFE SECRET ET GARDEN EN MAN DEVIL + + = DEVIL TWO TREES ES COVER TEMPTER ER
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 + = WOMAN TWO TREES ES TO COVET, , DESIRE “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasan sant t to the eyes, , and a t tree desir irable le to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate .” Genes esis is 3:6
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 + = MAN FRUIT IT NAKED ED “… she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes s of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; ; and they sewed fig leaves togeth ther r and made themselv lves s coverings.” Genesis 3:6-7
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 + = PIECE CE TWO TREES ES PAIN To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow w and your conception tion; ; In pain you shall bring forth h children en; ; Your desire e shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.” Genes esis is 3:16
Garden of Eden: Genesis 2-3 + = ANCIEN ENT WEEDS SORROW “… curse sed d is the groun ound d for thy sake; e; in sorrow row shalt thou ou eat of it all the days s of thy life; e; Thorns rns also o and thistle istles s shal all l it bring ng forth h to thee; ee; an and thou u shal alt eat at the e herb b of the field;” Genesis 3:17-18 18 KJV
Tower er of Ba Babel – Genesis is 11:1 :1-9 Summary ry -Took place 5000 years ago - World’s oldest written language (Chinese ese) ) is more that 4500 years s old -Languag uages es were divid ided ed -People le were scattered
Loca cati tion of the e Tower er of Babel el circa rca 3000BC Today y it is in Iraq
The Chine nese ASIA EUROPE woul uld d have mig igrat ated d or CHINA walk lked from the BABEL west st to China na AFRICA = + + + MIGRATE GREAT DIVISIO ION WEST WALKIN ING
The Global Flood – Genesis 6-9 = + + LARGE GE BOAT EIGHT PERSON SON SHIP
The Global Flood – Genesis 6-9 + = HAND LANCE ME ME ME ME + = ME ME ME ME SHEEP EP RIGHTEO EOUS USNESS ESS “Then Noah ah built t an altar ar to the LORD D and he took k of every ry clea ean anima mal and of ever ery y clean an bird and offere red burn rnt t offering rings s on the altar.” Genesis 7:20
If the accounts s in Genesis sis originate ted from the mind of Noah, how did the Chinese e know about it before e Noah? Death of Chinese se Buddha ha Today First five Jesus language ge books s of first t written Bible le writte ten
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