thames water our journey karl simons chief health safety

Thames Water Our Journey Karl Simons Chief Health, Safety & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thames Water Our Journey Karl Simons Chief Health, Safety & Security Officer Risk Visualisation is the key to setting the scene Understand your risk profile Karl Simons Chief Health, Safety & Security Officer Thames Water 15

  1. Thames Water Our Journey… Karl Simons Chief Health, Safety & Security Officer

  2. Risk Visualisation is the key to setting the scene Understand your risk profile… Karl Simons Chief Health, Safety & Security Officer

  3. Thames Water 15 million 150,000 km of water 100 water treatment works customers mains & sewers 350 sewage treatment works 4 million customer 7,000 water & Waste 5,500 employees enquires annually pumping stations 10,000 Banbury contractors River Cherwell R i v e r L e e River Colne Oxford iver Thames R High Wycombe S windon S lough R eading R i v e r K e n n e t G uildford >2 billion annual y e W r e v i R investment programme >10,000 ‘break ground’ jobs a month on our network

  4. Risk Profile temporary works Sewer Flooding manual COMAH lifting equipment slips, trips and falls handling psychological reservoir Breach stress Trees chemical tanks sewers crossing trunk Mains railways CDM display pressure vessels screen DSEAR fire equipment excavations legionella face fit testing Road risk management of change Buried services Toxic Gas

  5. Psychological Health 5

  6. Set your strategy - ‘Time to Talk’ The strategy must aim to Increase the visibility & profile of mental health in the workplace An approach which changes the business culture to one of caring … 6

  7. Tone from the top – Leadership in Mental Health Executive & Main Board visibility Mental Health included within the Company Annual Report Mental Health KPIs captured and reported at Executive & Main Board level every month Deep dive spotlight on Health topics at quarterly Group Health, Safety & Environmental Committee meeting 7

  8. Engage Your Supply Chain Two thirds of the company’s work is delivered through our supply chain partners. Our strategy had to embrace our supply chain…and set out our expectations regarding physical and psychological health management 8

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