th the e 12 12 gra grand nd chal hallenges



  1. COMMU MMUNI NITY Y EN ENGAGEMENT GEMENT OFF FFICES ICES AND ND TH THE E 12 12 GRA GRAND ND CHAL HALLENGES LENGES ( AASWSW.ORG) Carlton on D. Craig ig, Ph.D. D., , LCSW, ACSW, DCSW Dir irec ector or an and d Pr Prof ofes essor sor Un University y of Nevad vada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Schoo ool of Soci cial al Work rk Carlton.c on.cra raig@un ig@unlv.ed .edu

  2. Mis Mission sion of of Gr Grand and Challenges Challenges ■ To identify major social challenges for the nation ■ To gather evidence based on rigorous science ■ To design imaginative, effective, and culturally relevant solutions ■ To promote policies and professional practices that lead to positive change ■ To advance sustainable initiates that achieve the positive impacts for all families and communities, tribal nations, and society as a whole (AASWSW, 2019)

  3. Twelv elve Gr e Grand Challenges of and Challenges of Social W Social Wor ork 1. Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth 2. Close the Health Gap 3. Stop Family Violence 4. Advance Long and Productive Lives 5. Eradicate Social Isolation 6. End Homelessness 7. Create Social Responses to Changing Environment 8. Harness Technology for Social Good 9. Promote Smart Decarceration 10. Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality 11. Build Financial Capability for All 12. Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice (AA AASWS WSW.0rg .0rg)

  4. UN UNLV V Tran ansdisc sdiscipli iplina nary y Base Based Commun d Community En ity Enga gage gemen ment: t: Rebe bels f ls for Community or Community So Soluti lution ons Twelve Grand d Challenge nges s of Social Work rk 1. Ensure Healthy Development for all youth 2. Close the Health Gap Communi unity ty Needs s Assessme essment nt 3. Stop Family Violence 1. State & County 4. Advance Long and Productive Lives Trans nsdisci cipl plina nary y Approach ch assessments 5. Eradicate Social Isolation 2. Agency-based 1.Transdisciplinary Research 6. End Homelessness assessments a. Graduate Assistants 7. Create Social Responses to changing b. Post Doctoral Fellowships 3. National comparisons environment c. Transdisciplinary Doctoral 4. Community practitioners 8. Harness technology for social good Education 9. Promote smart decarceration d. Research Institutes 10. Reduce extreme economic inequality 2. Transdisciplinary Practice 11. Build financial capability for all 3. Practice Based Research 12. Achieve equal opportunity and justice Networks (AAS ASWSW.0r .0rg) 4. Evidence Based Approaches 5. Grant Writing and Procuring Univer ersity sity Experti tise se 1. Research expertise 2. Training and teaching 3. Community involvement Communi unity ty Soluti utions ns 4. Community practitioners 1) Increased prevention programs 2 Increased UNLV & community collaboration 3) Increased evidence based approaches 4) Decrease in problem epidemiology 5) Increased community resilience

  5. Pr Products oducts Ener Energetic getic GA GA fr from om gradua aduate sc te school hool Continuum Continuum of of Car Care e Boar Board d Member Membership ship (HUD) (HUD) 31 dif 31 differ erent par ent partner tners s expanded netw xpanded networ ork $135,000 fir $135,000 first st 6 months 6 months Ma Mapping pping univ univer ersity sity faculty aculty to 12 g to 12 grand and challen hallenges ges

  6. Fiv Five e White P hite Paper pers (20 (2017 17-2019) 2019) 1.) 1.) The he St State te of of Y You outh th Ho Home meless lessne ness ss in in So Sout uthe hern Ne Neva vada da ( Patricia Cook-Craig, PhD, Jennifer Guthrie, PhD, William Sousa, PhD, Carlton Craig, PhD, Michael Bruner, PhD, Judy Tudor, MSW, Jessica Word, PhD, and Melissa Jacobowitz, MPA) 2.) 2.) Unc Uncover ering ing Cha Chall llen enge ges s an and d Opp Oppor ortu tunity nity in in Ad Addr dres essing sing You outh th Home Homeless lessne ness ss in Sout in Southe hern n Ne Neva vada da: : Co Commu mmunit nity y Co Comp mpar arison isons s ( Patricia Cook-Craig, PhD, Carlton Craig, PhD, Katie Lim, Arash Ghafoori, MA, & Melissa Jacobowitz, MPA) 3.) A 3.) A Review view of of P Policies olicies th that t Impa Impact ct Ho Home meless less You outh th in in Sou South ther ern n Ne Neva vada da ( Kathleen Ja Sook Bergquist, LCSW, JD, PhD; Hannah Nelson, MSW/JD Candidate; Patricia Cook-Craig, PhD; William Sousa, PhD; Arash Ghafoori, MA; and Melissa Jacobowitz, MPA)

  7. White P hite Paper pers s (Continued (Continued ) 4.) Exa 4.) Examining mining th the Ec e Econ onom omic ic Co Cost st of of You outh th Home Homeless lessne ness ss in in Sou South ther ern n Ne Neva vada da ( Jaewon Lim, PhD; Saba Manesh, MS; Patricia Cook-Craig, PhD; Arash Ghafoori, MA; & Melissa Jacobowitz, MPA) 5.) 5.) Na Nation tional al an and d Region gional al Ga Gaps ps, , Ov Over erlook looked ed Gr Grou oups ps, , an and d Policies olicies in in Ne Neva vada da an and d Bey Beyon ond d (Carlton Craig, Patty Cook-Craig, Natalia Samoylova, & Shelby Prows) Ide Ident ntifi ified ed 4 ma 4 major jor risk risk grou oups ps for or ho home meless less you outh th -LGBTQ - Sexually Trafficked Youth -Refugees and Immigrants - Undocumented Youth Thr hree ee Pape pers s for or Na Nation tional al Pub Publi lica cation tion

  8. Annual Annual Summit Summit on Y on Youth H outh Homelessness omelessness Par Partn tnership ship wi with th th the Ne Nevad ada a Par Partn tner ersh ship p for Homeless meless Youth, th, San ands s Corpora poration, tion, UNL NLV V School chool of Socia cial l Work k and School an chool of Pu Publ blic c Poli licy cy an and Lead ader ersh ship p (O (Over er 200 00 at attendee ndees s first t year ar an and 300 00 second cond year ar) ) Two o ple lena naries ries given en by UNL NLV V Fac aculty ulty Homeless meless Poli licy cy Counci ouncil l for Ne Nevad ada Stu tude dent nt Involv olvement ment in Homeless meless Cen ensus sus an and Homeless meless All llian ance e day

  9. Sta State te of of Ne Nevad vada Sur a Survey ey (N (N =8 =883 83 Ne Nevad vada a Vot oter ers) s) C. Homelessness has become an important issue in Nevada. The State of Nevada and its local governments are working to address the issue. Which of the following would you be willing to support to help fund efforts to respond to homelessness. (Check the answer that best reflects your view on each item.) Would uld Might t Would ld Not ot Sup uppor ort Suppor ort Suppor ort Tax incentives to homebuilders to build affordable housing. 37.7% 42.8% 19.4% Increasing the tax on marijuana for homeless prevention. 50.5% 26.8% 22.7% Increasing the tax on alcohol and cigarettes to create a fund 44.9% 30.3% 24.8% for homeless prevention. Develop state and local policies that reform eviction policies. 31.3% 43.5% 25.2% Include a recording fee on real estate transactions for use on providing homeless and housing services. 18.4% 34.7% 47.0% Provide funding to the state council on homelessness to work on developing statewide solutions to address homelessness. 32.7% 43.9% 23.3%

  10. Social W Social Wor ork k Non Non-tr traditi aditional onal Sit ites es Gener Generated ted - Partnered with Clark County Libraries to do social service evaluation -Clark County Coroner's office -Police and Fire Rescue Outreach -Salvation Army outreach -University outreach

  11. UNLV School of Social Work Hires Nicholas Barr, Ph.D. ( University of Southern California ) Research is focused on improving mental and behavioral health outcomes in populations at high risk for traumatic experiences, including homeless youth and young adults and military veterans. Prior to earning his Ph.D. at the USC School of Social Work, Dr. Barr worked as an outpatient psychiatric social worker for the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Dr. Barr has a BA in comparative religion with a focus on Tibetan Buddhism. Katherine Marcal, Ph.D ( Washington University in St. Louis ) Research uses systems science to improve service delivery and promote child mental health in homeless families. Her work has been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago She has published in peer-reviewed journals across disciplines such as the Child Maltreatment , Annual Review of Public Health , and the American Journal of Community Psychology .

  12. Tangential angential Rela elations tions - Expa pand nded ed al alum umni ni net network (C (CHIPS) IPS) - Las Veg egas Police ice Homel eless ess Outre treach ch - Famil ily vio iolen ence ce ser ervic ices es - Bus usin ines ess School ool - Engi ginee eerin ing g Dep epartme tment t pr project ject coll llaborat boration ion - Publi lic c Lib ibrarie ies - Pr Prac acti tice ce Bas ased ed Res esea earch ch Netw etwor orks ks - APP for r food d in insec ecure re stude dents ts - Happ ppie ier Clark rk County ty Socia ial l Ser ervic ice - Meet eetin ing g wit ith Hope pe Schol holar ars - Ad d hoc c commi ommitt ttee ee on homel eless ess at UNLV - Free ee tuit ition ion for Foster er Youth uth and H d HOPEF EFULL LLY Y Home mele less ss Youth th - Res esil ilie ienc ncy y Cen enter er — 10 10-01 01-20 2017 7 Shooti ting ng - Israel eli i Trauma Coalit ition ion


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