tensor network states


TENSOR NETWORK STATES FOR LATTICE GAUGE THEORIES about classical TNS simulations of a quantum problem LGT Mari-Carmen Bauls QTFLAG with K. Cichy (Poznan), K. Jansen, H. Saito (DESY), J.I. Cirac (MPQ), S. Khn (Perimeter)

  1. TENSOR NETWORK STATES FOR LATTICE GAUGE THEORIES about classical TNS simulations of a quantum problem LGT Mari-Carmen Bañuls QTFLAG with K. Cichy (Poznan), K. Jansen, H. Saito (DESY), J.I. Cirac (MPQ), S. Kühn (Perimeter) Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (Garching b. München) LATTICE18


  3. WHAT ARE TNS? • TNS = Tensor Network States A general state of the N- body Hilbert space has � | Ψ � = c i 1 ...i N | i 1 . . . i N � exponentially many i j coefficients N

  4. WHAT ARE TNS? • TNS = Tensor Network States A general state of the N- body Hilbert space has � | Ψ � = c i 1 ...i N | i 1 . . . i N � exponentially many i j coefficients N-legged tensor N d N

  5. WHAT ARE TNS? • TNS = Tensor Network States A general state of the N- body Hilbert space has � | Ψ � = c i 1 ...i N | i 1 . . . i N � exponentially many i j coefficients N-legged tensor d N A TNS has only a polynomial number of parameters poly( N )

  6. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar State at random from Hilbert space is not close to product H

  7. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar State at random from Hilbert space is not close to product H product states

  8. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar H State at random from Hilbert space is not product close to product states

  9. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar H State at random from Hilbert space is not naturally appearing close to product We look for the particular corner of the Hilbert space

  10. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar H State at random from Hilbert space is not naturally appearing close to product We look for states with little entanglement

  11. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar H State at random from Hilbert space is not naturally appearing close to product We look for states with area law little entanglement A B Hastings 2007 Calabrese, Cardy 2004; Wolf 2006

  12. WHY SHOULD TNS BE USEFUL? States appearing in Nature are peculiar H State at random from Hilbert space is not naturally appearing close to product We look for states with area law little entanglement A B TNS = entanglement based ansatz Hastings 2007 Calabrese, Cardy 2004; Wolf 2006

  13. WHY FOR LGT? TNS LGT Non-perturbative for Hamiltonian systems Extremely successful for 1D systems (MPS) Promising improvements for higher dimensions ground states low-lying excitations thermal states time evolution

  14. WHY FOR LGT? TNS LGT Non-perturbative for Non-perturbative way of Hamiltonian systems solving QFT (QCD) Extremely successful for Mostly path-integral 1D systems (MPS) formalism & MC Promising improvements 4D lattice for higher dimensions spectrum ground states finite T low-lying excitations 64 3 x96 thermal states chemical potential time evolution time evolution


  16. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach no sign problem numerical algorithms

  17. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 no sign problem numerical algorithms

  18. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 no sign problem numerical algorithms

  19. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 great descriptive power: phases, topological chiral states, anyons... no sign problem numerical algorithms

  20. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 great descriptive power: phases, topological chiral states, anyons... no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) need to contract a TN TRG approaches Nishino, JPSJ 1995 Levin & Wen PRL 2008 Xie et al PRL2009; Zhao et al PRB 2010

  21. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 great descriptive power: phases, topological chiral states, anyons... no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) need to contract a TN TRG approaches Nishino, JPSJ 1995 Levin & Wen PRL 2008 Xie et al PRL2009; Zhao et al PRB 2010

  22. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 great descriptive power: phases, topological chiral states, anyons... no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) need to contract a TN TRG approaches Nishino, JPSJ 1995 Levin & Wen PRL 2008 Xie et al PRL2009; Zhao et al PRB 2010

  23. USING TNS FOR QMB a formal approach Chen et al PRB 2011 classifying tensors Schuch et al PRB 2011 Wahl et al PRL 2013; Yang et al PRL 2015 constructing states Haegeman et al, Nat. Comm. 2015 great descriptive power: phases, topological chiral states, anyons... no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) TNS as ansatz for the state need to contract a TN efficient algorithms for GS, low TRG approaches excited states, thermal, dynamics White PRL 1992; Schollwöck RMP 2011 Nishino, JPSJ 1995 Vidal PRL 2003; Verstraete et al PRL 2004 Levin & Wen PRL 2008 Verstraete et al Adv Phys 2008; Orús Ann Phys 2014 Xie et al PRL2009; Zhao et al PRB 2010

  24. USING TNS FOR LGT a formal approach no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) TNS as ansatz for the state

  25. USING TNS FOR LGT a formal approach Tagliacozzo et al PRX 2014 gauging the symmetry Haegeman et al PRX 2014 explicitly invariant states Zohar et al Ann Phys 2015 general prescriptions, U(1), SU(2) no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) TNS as ansatz for the state

  26. USING TNS FOR LGT a formal approach Tagliacozzo et al PRX 2014 gauging the symmetry Haegeman et al PRX 2014 explicitly invariant states Zohar et al Ann Phys 2015 general prescriptions, U(1), SU(2) no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) TNS as ansatz for the state TRG approaches to classical and quantum models Liu et al PRD 2013 Shimizu, Kuramashi, PRD 2014,… talks by Meurice, Sakai, Kawauchi, Takeda 2015 Yoshimura [TheorDev]

  27. USING TNS FOR LGT a formal approach Tagliacozzo et al PRX 2014 gauging the symmetry Haegeman et al PRX 2014 explicitly invariant states Zohar et al Ann Phys 2015 general prescriptions, U(1), SU(2) no sign problem numerical algorithms tensor networks describe partition functions (observables) TNS as ansatz for the state TRG approaches to classical next... and quantum models Liu et al PRD 2013 Shimizu, Kuramashi, PRD 2014,… talks by Meurice, Sakai, Kawauchi, Takeda 2015 Yoshimura [TheorDev]

  28. a possible LGT-TNS roadmap...

  29. a wishful LGT-TNS roadmap... full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions

  30. a wishful LGT-TNS roadmap... 1+1D LGT feasibility precise equilibrium simulations time evolution sign problem scenarios full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions

  31. a wishful LGT-TNS roadmap... 1+1D LGT feasibility precise equilibrium simulations time evolution sign problem scenarios full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions 2+1 dimensions

  32. an ongoing LGT-TNS roadmap... full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions 2+1 dimensions

  33. an ongoing LGT-TNS early works with DMRG/TNS roadmap... Byrnes PRD2002; Sugihara NPB2004 Tagliacozzo PRB2011; Sugihara JHEP2005 Meurice PRB2013 full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions 2+1 dimensions

  34. an ongoing LGT-TNS early works with DMRG/TNS roadmap... Byrnes PRD2002; Sugihara NPB2004 Tagliacozzo PRB2011; Sugihara JHEP2005 Meurice PRB2013 Schwinger model U(1) in 1D full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions 2+1 dimensions

  35. an ongoing LGT-TNS early works with DMRG/TNS roadmap... Byrnes PRD2002; Sugihara NPB2004 Tagliacozzo PRB2011; Sugihara JHEP2005 Meurice PRB2013 Schwinger model U(1) in 1D precise equilibrium simulations, feasibility of QSim MCB et al JHEP11(2013)158; Rico et al PRL 2014; Buyens et al. PRL 2014; S. Kühn et al., PRA 90, 042305 (2014); MCB et al PRD 2015, Buyens et al. PRD 2016; Pichler et al. PRX 2016; review Dalmonte, Montangero, Cont. Phys. 2016 full LQCD in 3+1 dimensions 2+1 dimensions


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