technology transfer strategy

Technology Transfer Strategy At Institut Pasteur & within the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technology Transfer Strategy At Institut Pasteur & within the RIIP Dr Isabelle Buckle Ex VP, Technology Transfer & Industrial 03/07/2017 Partnerships (DARRI) The 4 Missions of Institut Pasteur Our institute will be at the same

  1. Technology Transfer Strategy At Institut Pasteur & within the RIIP Dr Isabelle Buckle Ex VP, Technology Transfer & Industrial • 03/07/2017 Partnerships (DARRI)

  2. The 4 Missions of Institut Pasteur « Our institute will be at the same time a health centre for the treatment of rabies, a research centre for infectious diseases and a teaching centre. » Louis Pasteur 1) Research An international research institute of excellence in medecine, clinical research and public health 2) Public Health A mission of public health with 14 National Reference Centers and 9 WHO collaborating centers at national and international levels 3) Education A teaching and training centre 4) Technology Transfer Developing Research applications through industrial partnership

  3. Technology Transfer within Institut Pasteur * * * * * *  * The Tech Transfer Department is part of the Executive Committee Objectif 4: Developp the Objectif 1: Increase Industrial application of research partnerships

  4. Process of Innovation at Institut Pasteur

  5. Consolidating acceleration and maturation phases Today, a number of inventions remain unexploited, as the generated results are not developing enough to convince an industrial partner or an investor 12 months Time Several years R&D Collaboration or Death Licensing to industrial Applied research Research with toward solid patent partners TT potential Valley done on case by @Pasteur case basis Start-up creation Invention KEY « Maturation » « Acceleration » OUTPUTS Disclosure (duration/budget Applied research depends on areas) “TRL 1” Patent toward solid toward solid Publication patent prototype/POC “TRL 2 - 3” Revenues POC for Institut Pasteur Business plan “TRL 4 - 5”  Early identification of key projects  Work with researchers to develop their inventions throughout the acceleration and maturation phases by bringing industrial development skills  Help in attracting specific external funding

  6. Innovation Innovation definition according to OECD Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development “When Scientific knowledge translates into new Products, Medicines, Technologies, Processes“ Products Research Inventio Acceleratio Processes Maturation Exploitation Development n n Discoveries Technologies Technology Transfer process Industrial Scientific  Technology Transfer is a professional process which support Invention and Development and lead to INNOVATION

  7. Enhancing acceleration and maturation phases: Focus on Developability • New Incentives for the inventors • Advisory Committee on Innovation • New rules for a scientist to work with an industrial • New process for Start-up creation • Education programs • 2 new activities/teams working in synergy with the other Directions: Innovation Dectection & Develoment

  8. Technology Transfer Office (TTO) Organisation at Institut Pasteur Around 40 TECH TRANSFER OFFICE people Industrial Innovation Patent partnerships & Post contact Entrepreneurship management Office Office Office Office in 4 areas Diagnostic, Therapeutic, Vaccins and Technology Partnership Business dev management Project scouting in Invention Start-ups Innovation those 4 areas Co-ownership disclosure Sourcing management Support RIIP in Partners and Patents tech transfer Internal financement Financial maturation funds identification for management Financial Strategic management specific projets in management Alliances those areas Consulting agreement Contracts Maturation and management follow-up of those projects Products Research Exploitation Processes Invention Acceleration Maturation Development Discoveries Technologies Scientific Scientific Knowledge Industrial Competences Scientific Scientific Knowledge vision Innovation and Industrial Administration skills Patent vision Required Innovation vision Market and Marketing Vision knowledges Contract negociation

  9. Ecosystem organisation along the Innovation process Products Research Inventio Acceleratio Processes Maturation Development Exploitation n n Discoveries Technologies PRODUCTS Maturation Pasteur Incubators PROCESSES Incentives and funding INVENTION TECHNOLOGIES Innovative Project Startup creation Maturation  Public funding:  Public funding  Private fundings: VC French and R&D Collaboration  External Private funding: call for offer with and License International industrials on going to an Industrial  Accelerator: Kurma Diagnostic partnership  Internal funding: Call for offer , “ arrow projects “

  10. Process de création de Start-up

  11. From Education to Technology Transfer and Scientific Careers Academic Career Permanent Under Ph-D Post Scientist Graduate Training Graduate Industrial Career iGEM competition Amgen Scholars program CIFRE French Funding: Ph-D student between Industry and Academic Incentive programs on Intellectual Property Tech Transfer training (France and International) Start-up Breakfast Meetings Start up creation workshops Visiting Scientist Program Shared Laboratories  Fos oster the Acq cquisit ition of of In Innovation Process s an and Ind Industrial l Min indse set at t all all ste teps s al along the scie scientific car areers

  12. Innovation within the RIIP Phase I: Implementation of the Action Plan 2015 – 2019 Phase II: Empowering the critical mass of the network Antonio Borderia Business development manager – Tech Transfer office

  13. DARRI - Direction des applications de la recherche et des relations industrielles Antonio Borderia Coordinator DARRI International actions 13 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

  14. Applied Research and Technology Transfer - RIIP “ Bringing innovations to patients and public health Training while generating fair financial staff returns to the RIIP Institutes Sharing Making on and their scientists through tools and site / line templates collaboration and synergies expertise in technology transfer throughout the RIIP" BD Alliance Team  Significantly improve technology transfer and its deliverables throughout the RIIP Combining Developing technologies  Develop the critical mass of the opportunities and between network scientific teams offers 14 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

  15. Applied Research and Technology Transfer - RIIP Phase I Phase II Project/Collab mapping Mapping TTO - needs Combining Developing Sharing Making on technologies opportunities Training tools and site / line and between staff templates expertise scientific teams offers 15 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

  16. Phase I Training Staff: Course in Institut Pasteur de Montevideo 2019 36 Participants in total 15 Pitch participants 16 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

  17. Phase II Empowering the critical mass of the network Phase II Project/Collab/Industrial mapping Combining Developing technologies opportunities and between scientific teams offers 17 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

  18. DARRI - Direction des applications de la recherche et des relations industrielles Around 40 DARRI people Industrial Post contract partnerships & Innovation Office Patent Office management Entrepeneurship Office Office 4 areas Diagnostic, Partnership Therapeutic, Vaccins and management Technology Business dev Invention Co-ownership disclosure Project scouting in those 4 Start-ups Innovation Sourcing management areas Patents Support RIIP Internal maturation Financial Partners and financement funds management management identification for specific Financial Strategic Alliances projets in those areas management Consulting Contracts agreement Maturation and follow-up management of those projects Products Research Exploitation Invention Acceleration Maturation Development Processes Discoveries Technologies Scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific Knowledge Industrial Competences Knowledge vision Innovation and Industrial Patent vision Innovation vision Market and Marketing Administration skills Required Vision knowledges Contract negociation 18 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

  19. Phase II Mapping of projects and collaboration: Innovation Development Team Therapeutic Diagnostic Dr Michel Perez Dr Sébastien Quesney • 25 years in the pharma industry • 17 years in the diagnostic industry • research to preclinical development • Experience in LMIC • breakthrough innovation in fields such as • towards a diagnostic innovation and to rare diseases, antimicrobial resistance, gene support them in its maturation therapy… Vaccines Technology Dr Christiane Gerke Dr Elodie Brient-Litzler • • 6 years in the vaccine industry 3 years experience technology industry • • research to clinical development research to development and management • • Developing challenging projects in vaccine Microscopy, microfluidics, reagents development 19 | Borderia | Applied research and technology transfer | 20/06/2019

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