Teaching with technology Inge de Waard
Two main topics, one quickie Management and implementation: with SECTIONS model of Bates and Pool Teaching: with Chickering and Ehrmann Screen your current educational institute with ….
SECTIONS model by Bates & Poole This is a framework that allows you to strategies pro-actively on how (new) learning technologies will influence your learning institute (link to the paper)
And after that…. ? So the technologies are reviewed, tested and choosen… How are we going to teach with whatever technologies we have?
Teaching with Chickering and Ehrmann 7 principles: Teaching with technology… encourages contact between students and faculty, develops reciprocity and cooperation among students, encourages active learning, gives prompt feedback, emphasizes time on task, communicates high expectations, and respects diverse talents and ways of learning. Link to paper
Screen your current educational institute
Thank you ! I will post this ppt on slideshare Blog: ignatiawebs.blogspot.com linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/B09/452
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