TDDE45 - Lecture 6: Metaprogramming and debugging Martin Sjölund Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University 2020-08-07
Part I Metaprogramming
What is metaprogramming? Meta (from the Greek meta- meaning ”after” or ”beyond”) is a prefjx used in English to indicate a concept that is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter. Metaprogramming is a higher order programming, often described as a program where the data is source code. With this defjnition, every compiler is a metaprogram. “ Wikipedia ”
Difgerent kinds of metaprogramming These are the main types of metaprogramming: ◮ Generative programming ◮ Template programming ◮ Refmective programming ◮ Macro programming
Generative programming A program which generates other programs. Many domain-specifjc languages fall into this category: ◮ Graphviz (generates postscript, etc) ◮ Embedded Lua (the main program can generate Lua programs at runtime) ◮ cmake/autoconf (generates makefjles) ◮ C preprocessor (generates C-fjles) ◮ Any source-to-source compiler ◮ And many more...
Macro programming A macro takes as input code and transforms it into difgerent code in the same language. Difgerent languages have difgerent levels of power that the macro language allows. conditional checks). processor, which is more powerful than C preprocessor. macro. Note that you are not always guaranteed that the output will be syntactically valid. ◮ C preprocessor macros are simple text substitution on tokens (and a few simple ◮ autoconf (in the build systems part of the previous lab) uses m4 as its macro ◮ Julia macros on the other hand allow virtually any function to be called from a
Macro programming – C preprocessor #define MIN(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (Y) : (X)) MIN(2+4/7,3) // generates (2+4/7) < (3) ? (2+4/7) : (3) MIN(sin(y),3) // generates code where sin(y) is called twice (sin(y)) < (3) (sin(y)) : (3) // Also note that the parenthesis are needed #define CUBE(I) (I * I * I) CUBE(1+1) // generates (1+1 * 1+1 * 1+1)
Macro programming – Lisp Simple Example ( let ((y 3)) (my-double-fail y)) ; is not of type ; Y ; The value ; ; during macroexpansion ... ; ; caught ERROR: 6 ; In lisp: (my-double-fail 3) MY-DOUBLE-FAIL (defmacro my-double-fail (x) (* 2 x)) ; Note that you cannot use: 6 (my-double 3) (* 2 3) (macroexpand-1 `(my-double 3)) MY-DOUBLE (defmacro my-double (x) `(* 2 ,x)) ; a macro returns an expression NUMBER
Macro programming – Lisp Example Usage (macroexpand `(dolist (i (list 'a 'b 'c)) (print i))) (BLOCK NIL (LET ((#:N-LIST392 '(A B C))) (TAGBODY #:START393 (UNLESS (ENDP #:N-LIST392) (LET ((I (CAR #:N-LIST392))) (SETQ #:N-LIST392 (CDR #:N-LIST392)) (TAGBODY (PRINT I))) (GO #:START393)))) NIL)
Template programming Less powerful than a full macro system which can manipulate entire ASTs. The basic idea is that you defjne a template as a class, function, etc that contain some blanks that can be fjlled in. When instantiating the template with a particular argument, a concrete class or function is generated from this.
Template programming - Defjning a template template < typename T1, typename T2> struct Pair { T1 first; T2 second; };
Template programming - Instantiating a template template < typename T1, typename T2> struct Pair { T1 first; T2 second; }; const Pair< int , double > p = {.first = 1, .second = 2.0}; // Generated by the above (also possible to define explicitly) template <> struct Pair< int , double > { int first; double second; };
C++ template programming is turing-complete template < int N> struct Factorial { enum { val = Factorial<N-1>::val * N }; }; template <> struct Factorial<0> { enum { val = 1 }; }; const int n4 = Factorial<4>::val;
Runtime performance of template programming template <> } return * this ; value[1] += rhs.value[1]; value[0] += rhs.value[0]; { Vector<2>& Vector<2>:: operator +=( const Vector<2>& rhs) } Templates can make it possible specialize code, making the compiler optimize it return * this ; for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Vector<length>& Vector<length>:: operator +=( const Vector<length>& rhs) template < int length> automatically: Example from value[i] += rhs.value[i];
Disadvantages of template programming Templates can make it possible specialize code, making the compiler optimize it automatically. This generates many similar functions or classes. It can take a lot of time and space to optimize and generate all of the code. Note that Java generics is similar to C++ templates, but does not have a compile-time penalty (and will not specialize the function in the same way C++ templates does).
Refmective programming The ability to examine, introspect, and modify your own structure and behavior. The next few slides have some examples from:
Refmective programming in C# // Without reflection Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.PrintHello(); // With reflection Object foo = Activator.CreateInstance("complete.classpath.and.Foo"); MethodInfo method = foo.GetType().GetMethod("PrintHello"); Source: Wikipedia method.Invoke(foo, null );
Refmective programming in Java import java.lang.reflect.Method ; // Without reflection Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.hello(); // With reflection try { // Alternatively: Object foo = Foo.class.newInstance(); Object foo = Class.forName("").newInstance(); Method m = foo.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("hello", new Class<?>[0]); m.invoke(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // Catching ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException // InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException } Source: Wikipedia
Refmective programming in Python # without reflection obj = Foo() obj.hello() # with reflection obj = globals()['Foo']() getattr(obj, 'hello')() # with eval eval('Foo().hello()') Source: Wikipedia
What use is there for refmective programming? corresponding to the object. (Those who did the build systems lab used dlopen, which contains part of what refmection is) ◮ The ability to inspect its own members allows you to (de-)serialize data ◮ Finding all classes that implement a specifjc interface allows you to create plugins. ◮ Software testing. ◮ Some design frameworks like to use refmective programming. ◮ Useful to create debugger and other tools based on your language. ◮ Accessing classes as data types is fun.
Part II Debugging
Testing Debugging and testing are very much related. Many testing techniques are applicable to debugging: If you are good at debugging code, you are probably profjcient at testing code as well. There are of course difgerences. ◮ static code analysis ◮ memory checkers ◮ code coverage checkers ◮ fuzz testing
Difgerences with testing (testing)? ◮ Are you looking to fjx a particular bug (debugging) or looking to fjnd bugs ◮ Testing is often automated; but debugging usually cannot be automated. ◮ Debugging requires you to understand the bug.
Reasoning about programs some inputs in the test suite crashes Based on Zeller 2009, p.142 (Figure 6.5). rejecting a hypothesis Experimentation n controlled runs Uses ◮ Experimentation – refjnining and Induction n runs ◮ Induction – the program crashes for Uses ◮ Observation – the program always Observation n 1 run ◮ Deduction (static analysis) Uses Deduction 0 runs
Static code analysis Examining the code without running the program. ◮ Possible to use during the testing phase. ◮ Usually focused on detecting some code smells or common errors ◮ Unused variables ◮ Read from uninitialized variables ◮ Unreachable code ◮ Dereferencing null pointers ◮ Misusing an interface (usually only standard library) ◮ False positives ◮ Halting problem
Static code analysis – ccc-analyzer (LLVM project) Bug Summary File: scanbuild.c Warning: line 9, column 3 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value Report Bug Annotated Source Code [?] 1 #include <string.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 4 int main(int argc, char **argv) { double *d; 5 1 'd' declared without an initial value → if (argc > 1) { 6 2 ← Assuming 'argc' is <= 1 → 3 ← Taking false branch → 7 d = malloc(sizeof(double)*2); } 8 9 bzero(d, sizeof(double)*2); 4 ← 1st function call argument is an uninitialized value 10 return 0; } 11
Dynamic analysis Any kind of analysis performed on a running program. ◮ Debugger ◮ Simulator ◮ Various traces
Dynamic analysis – debugger (GDB) A debugger is what people think of when you say you are debugging a program. names of functions, etc. when the program is executed by the debugger. ◮ Fast. There is usually hardware support available. ◮ Attach to a running process (to see where it got stuck). ◮ Inspects the runtime stack to get information about values of local variables, ◮ Ability to set breakpoints and watchpoints. ◮ Less information if compiled without debug symbols ( -g ), but still works. ◮ Note that the debugger often zeros out memory automatically, hiding some bugs ◮ Command-line GDB is a useful tool to learn for debugging on servers, etc. ◮ Graphical frontends such as ddd and gdbgui available.
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