tcusd wellness plan development

TCUSD Wellness Plan Development Fall 2019 -2020 Adverse Childhood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TCUSD Wellness Plan Development Fall 2019 -2020 Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACES) Childhood Adversity Research on ACES ACES began in the 1990s by Kaiser Between infancy and age 18 Permanente & the Centers for Disease

  1. TCUSD Wellness Plan Development Fall 2019 -2020

  2. Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACES) Childhood Adversity Research on ACES • ACES began in the 1990s by Kaiser • Between infancy and age 18 Permanente & the Centers for Disease • Child abuse in many forms Control & Prevention • Child neglect • Over 17,000 surveys and exams on adults • Household challenges (divorce, substance who had experienced childhood trauma abuse, mental illness) • Childhood trauma changes the brain and • Loss – death, incarceration, abandonment response to social situations and stimulation- long term health deficits

  3. Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACES) When we look at our students what do we see? • Behaviors, physical traits, personality, social relationships • We often miss the whole story Look at me for example…what do you see? • White, middle-upper class, educated, probably from a loving family, confident, etc. The truth is… Many children like me who experienced one trauma, experienced several. We are wired differently and our reactions are preconditioned survival mechanisms, often showing little control of our actions.

  4. Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACES) What Not to Do: Be Aware of the Signs: • • Public shaming or calling out of Becomes uninvested behavior • Lack of feeling safe or secure • • Punitive consequences Shows resentfulness • • Isolation Causing problems intentionally • • Threats as warnings Consequences do not matter • • Referrals to someone else Self-esteem goes down • Raising voice • Does not want to come to school • • Harsh criticism/demeaning Will not trust adults comments

  5. Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACES) Bui lding Awareness and Moving Forward • Train teachers about Trauma-Informed Instruction • Continue to build Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) • Establish and maintain an environment of kindness and inclusion • Make connections, offer forgiveness, offer support

  6. La Rosa Elementary Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • • • Changes within family Individual and group District-wide counseling structure causing trauma counseling each day curriculum • McKinney-Vento Support • School supplies offered • De-escalation room and more • • Social emotional skills Check-in and Check-out training • De-escalation strategies strategy • Classroom lessons • Responsive interventions

  7. Cloverly Elementary Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • • • Referrals- 56 for missed Daily check-ins with “at-risk” Training for staff: students homework / 26 no parent students with special needs and history signature / 134 behavior / 29 • Weekly individual counseling- of trauma • “other” self awareness & impulsivity Better communication • • With PBIS implementation a Group conflict resolution between sites & DO when • significant decrease this year Restorative practices students have history of • so far Classroom presentations trauma • Continued PBIS training

  8. Emperor Elementary Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • • • Between 25-40 students in Safe Schools Ambassador Mental health professional on individual counseling sessions program & Peace Squad campus • 12 risk/suicide assessments • Individual and group • Parent education regarding • Group counseling – peer counseling suicide risk assessment • • relations, social skills, anger PBIS implementation Improve 68% rating of parent • management, trauma-focused Parenting classes and homework involvement • • 82% of students feel safe on consultation Training for staff – trauma campus • Referrals to community informed instruction • 88% of students feel services respected by staff

  9. Longden Elementary Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • In 2018-19, 25 students • • assessed for suicide ideation – PBIS implementation campus- Mental health professional 0 have been assessed this year wide serving all students • Student to counselor ratio • Community partnerships with • Evidence-based social went from 1,022:1 (2018-19) Pacific Clinics & others emotional learning (SEL) • to 497:1 (2019-20) Individual and small group curriculum for all sites to • An overall increase in student counseling include small group • support services in 2019-20 Mindful meditation instruction with an emphasis on self- • Suicide prevention training to regulation and social skills all staff (based on staff survey data)

  10. Oak Intermediate Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • • • 60% of students report test Small group instruction Expand small group • anxiety 1:1 check-ins counseling- incorporate HS • • 50% of students want support Referrals to community Peer Listeners to engage in school culture partnership groups • Involve teachers in data • • 40% of students report low Classroom lessons: career collection / data sharing exploration (7 th ) / stress • self-confidence Mental health professional on • 20% of students requested management (8 th ) campus- reduce ratio • coping skills strategies Promoting Success After School program

  11. Temple City High School Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • • • 20-25 students referred to Referrals to community Options for mental health Pacific Clinics over the last 9 partner programs referrals for all students, • months Classroom lessons: healthy regardless of insurance or • Critical students access to relationships, stress & anxiety income status • Pacific Clinics on campus AB1227 Human Trafficking Wellness Center - for students • 1,241 student/counselor Education to decompress, gain coping • initiated referrals to date for Counselor sponsored skills and find a safe space • academic and social-emotional lunchtime programs Balancing academic • College and career planning counseling vs social emotional with Naviance learning with caseload & students in crisis

  12. Dr. Doug Sears Learning Center Update Student Needs Campus Programs Gaps and Needs • • • 100% of students have critical Individual plans for success Next steps for when academic needs at time of developed with each student students will not come to • enrollment Personal Development and school due to anxiety and • 85% of students have trauma Healthy Relationships courses other mental health caused deficits – attendance, • School-wide team approach to concerns • motivation, etc. focus on student needs Breakfast program to • • 55% of students require Partnership with Pacific Clinics for support students with anxiety management strategies school-based mental health challenging homelife • 11% of students battle with services situations feelings of exclusion • Regional continuation school • Water-filling stations to help sports league promote healthy living

  13. Suicide Prevention Policy Update Essential Elements: Prevention Intervention Postvention • Policy Implementation • • Develop an action plan Referral • Education • • Risk Assessment Support students/staff • Student • • Parent Notification (Referral Support family • Parents • to Psychiatric Mobile Manage media • Staff Response Team) communication • Website & Resources • • Focus on facts for reportable Return to School Meeting information – parent consent

  14. Suicide Prevention Policy Update Next Steps: • Create Suicide Prevention Taskforce • Attend training for updates and additional resources • Yearly train all staff regarding policy & procedures • Work to develop curriculum to educate students • Resilience • Anxiety • Wellness • Continue to review and adapt policy as needed

  15. Summary of Current Needs • TCUSD uniform Student Study Team (SST) process • Common and shared language among sites to help with matriculation • Continuous training for staff – Trauma Informed Education • Mental health support for all students • Crisis management support • District-wide multi-tiered systems of support


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