tcs toolmakers cluster of slovenia

TCS - Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia General Presentation July 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TCS - Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia General Presentation July 2016 Why TCS? 2 TCS answer on globalization and fast technology development, TCS answer how to develope and maintain the global competitiveness, TCS opportunity for

  1. TCS - Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia General Presentation July 2016

  2. Why TCS? 2  TCS answer on globalization and fast technology development,  TCS answer how to develope and maintain the global competitiveness,  TCS opportunity for SME’s Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  3. TCS Networking motivation 3  International collaborative R&D and acquisition of new technologies,  Support competitiveness on the foreign markets,  Specialization and outsourcing,  Be more close to customers,  To accelerate a technology transfer between “company to company” and “R&D institutes to companies”,  Precompetitive research projects,  Etc. Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  4. TCS – General Data 4  Organisation: Network organisation, with C- TCS Institute as management, information and communication centre  Location: RITS - Development Innovation and Technology Centre, Celje, Slovenia  Members – enterprises , mainly SMEs, from mechanical engineering, toolmaking, electrical engineering and ICT sector  Members – knowledge organizations – faculties, technological centres, consulting companies, and regional institutions Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  5. TCS Members and Partners Manufacturing Companies 5 Members Partners Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  6. TCS Members ICT and Consulting Compan ies 6 BALMAR d.o.o. Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  7. TCS members Research and Business Supporting Organizations 7 Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  8. TCS Location RITS – Development Innovation and Technology Centre 8 Celje, Slovenia Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  9. TCS Vision & Target Markets 9 VISION TARGET MARKETS “Regional network of  Automotive, high qualified  Aerospace, companies and  ICT and organisations – development partner  Service Industries of the most demanding industries in the EU” Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  10. The Most Important TCS Customers 10 BENTELER Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  11. Purposes of Collaboration with TCS 11  Improvement of the competitiveness of participating companies and institutions  Research and development of new technologies  Sales increase and new markets penetration,  Cost reduction  To establish regional network of integrated and specialised companies, development partner of the most demanding industries in the EU Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016


  13. In our focus: KETs – Key Enabling Technologies 13 Advanced Information & Communication Manufacturing Technologies Technologies Nanotechnologies & Advanced Materials Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  14. Key Programme Orientations 14  RoboFLEX Technology Platform – Next generation of flexible robots for SMEs – Human-Robot collaboration, Smart Robotics System Abilities  AM – Additive Manufacturing – Laser Technologies – Applications in Tool and Die, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Automotive and Aerospace Industries Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  15. Example of Ongoing Collaborative 15 Research and Innovation Projects Project HORSE H2020 FoF -9-2015 (I4MS) Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes Project coordinator: European Dynamics SA This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 680734 Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  16. Scope of Work 16 Source: HORSE Project This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 680734 Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  17. Examples of Implemented Collaborative 17 Research and Innovation Projects Partner 1 Partner 2 Project Partner n Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  18. Examples 18  Project Tool-East : O pen Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops EU, 6th Framework Programe, 2006-2008 Project coordinator: RWTH, FIR, Aachen, Germany  Project HPM-High Performance Manufacturing : EU ERA-NET CORNET Programe, 2006-2008 Project coordinator: ACVR-Automotive Cluster Vienna Region, Vienna, Austria  LENS-Laser Engineered Net Shaping Project : Ministry of Economics of Slovenia, TIA-Slovenian Technology Agency, EFRD – European Fund for Regional Development, 2006-2008, Project coordinator: RITS – Regional Inovation and Technology centre, Celje, Slovenia Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  19. Project TOOL – EAST: Expertise and Vision Research experts 19 “To enable Eastern European SMEs to participate and collaborate in Dynamic Business Networks by Developing open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionalities” ZMM Metalik Source: Tool-East Project Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia,July 2016

  20. Tool-East Project Consortium 20 Tool-East Consortium  2 Research Institutes  7 partners from Tool-and-Die making industry  5 partners from IT-Sector ZMM Metalik Source: Tool-East Project Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  21. Project CORNET HPM (1) 21 Reference materials HPM Machining Production tools & methods processes Source: CORNET HPM Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia,July 2016

  22. Purpose of project CORNET HPM (2) OEMs/Suppliers RTOs SMEs Cluster Petermann Fahrzeugtechnik DATABASE Source: CORNET HPM Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  23. Project LENS - Laser Engineering Net Shaping 2 Laser Forming offers a multi-functional enabling technology platform, providing solutions for a wide range of metal fabrication & repair applications. Source: LENS Project / World Tech Inc. / Optomec Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  24. International Research, Industry 24 Networks, Alliances & Ambitions Networks Research Industry Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  25. The Most Important Networks in Which TCS is Partner 25  European Cluster Collaboration Platform  Technological Platform, member of EU Technological Platform Manufuture - Platform on Future Manufucturing Technologies  SBRA – Slovenian Business & Research Association  ITA Automotive Service Partner (Project partner) Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  26. European Cluster Collaboration Platform 26  This platform provides online quality information and networking support for clusters (organisations and members) aiming to improve their performance and increase their competitiveness through the stimulation of trans-national and international cooperation.  This brand new online portal rich in features and information has been developed aiming to build communication bridges between cluster players from the same or a different sector. The ultimate goal is to facilitate cluster cooperation, both between cluster organisations, as well as between cluster members (i.e. companies, R&D institutions, other players). Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  27. Connections with EU TP Manufuture 27 Source: MANUFUTURE Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia,July 2016

  28. Technological Platform Manufuture Slovenia 28, PRESENTATION: The technology platform TP is connected with the European platform Manufuture and other similar platforms. It focuses on R&D processes and also influences innovation and education in the field of manufacturing technologies and systems. All of these efforts will encourage Slovenian industry to produce parts with a high added value. KEY CHALLENGES TO TP MANUFUTURE.SI: With innovative combination of existing and new technologies, development of new, competitive products and technologies , enabling sustainable development and existence of Slovene and EU industry. This will be done with the high degree of industrialization. WORKING AREAS TP MANUFUTURE.SI: • Development of products and technologies • Automation and informatization • Industrialization • Development of new business concepts Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016

  29. TCS Networks EU Institutions of Knowledge EU Enterprises International Networking Organizations BENTELER SLO Institutions of Knowledge SLO Enterprises SLO Networks Organizations Industrial Zones 29 BALMAR d.o.o . Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, July 2016


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