taylor flat area

Taylor Flat Area Area 0 5 , Book 3 Proposed Determ ination Public - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Taylor Flat Area Area 0 5 , Book 3 Proposed Determ ination Public Meeting May 1 7 th , 2 0 1 2 Utah Division of W ater Rights Blake W . Bingham , P.E. Adjudication Program Manager w w w .w aterrights.utah.gov Agenda Adjudication &

  1. Taylor Flat Area Area 0 5 , Book 3 Proposed Determ ination Public Meeting May 1 7 th , 2 0 1 2 Utah Division of W ater Rights Blake W . Bingham , P.E. Adjudication Program Manager w w w .w aterrights.utah.gov

  2. Agenda • Adjudication & Proposed Determination Review • Significant Issues • Current Status and Anticipated Timeline • Questions

  3. W hat is Adjudication? State Engineer required Summons is served via to give notice of other publication in a Five or more (or a proceedings as the court newspaper for 5 majority of) water users deems necessary consecutive weeks on same source petition 73-4-21 73-4-4(1)(b) State Engineer State Engineer commences 73-4-1(1) hydrographic survey Executive Director of State Engineer files an District Court orders State Engineer gives Claimants have 90 days Following 90 - day response State Engineer files 73-4- 3(3)(a) DEQ (with concurrence action in District Court State Engineer to notice to claimants by to notify State Engineer period, State Engineer affidavit that all records of governor) petitions conduct survey of water publication in a of names and address prepares and files list of have been searched and all the State Engineer rights on the source newspaper for 2 weeks names to the court names are listed State Engineer holds a 73-4-1(2) 73-4-1(1) 73-4-1(1), 18 73-4-3(2)(a) 73-4-3(2)(c) 73-4-3(2)(d) 73-4-4(1)(b) public meetin g in the survey area to inform State Engineer is joined claimants of survey in civil action at the 73-4-3(3)(b) discretion of the Court by water users 73-4-18 List of claimants may be Claimants are served modified at any time with a summons No Yes New Claimants? 73-4-3(2)(e) 73-4-4(1)(a) State Engineer holds a public meeting in the area to discuss the PD with the claimants State Engineer submits State Engineer searches 73-4-11(2)(c) State Engineer Upon notice, claimants State Engineer provides State Engineer files notice affidavit to court attesting records for possible c omposes Proposed have 90 days to file claimants with water with the court and notifies that no additional claimants Determination and files water user claims with users claim form claimants by mail that State Engineer mails or cla imants were found with the Court the court survey is complete delivers a copy of the 73-4-22 73-4-22 73-4-11(1) 73-4- 3(4)(a)(iii) 73-4-4(2) 73-4-3(4)(a) Proposed Determination to the claimants Claimants have 90 days 73-4-11(2)(b) to file an objection to the Court appoints experts Claimants upon whom Proposed Determination as needed while notice was given through considering the publication only, can 73-4-11(2)(b) Proposed Determination apply for an extension 73-4-14 73-4-9 State Engineer serves Court gives notice of Court may be petitioned to Supreme Court renders 2 nd summons via objection to other expedite the hearing of judgment upon successful Yes Yes Objections? Appeal? publication for 5 claimants no less than 15 valid objections to the appeal. consecutive weeks days in advance Proposed Determination 73-4-22 73-4-13 73-4-24 73-4-16 No No Court renders judgment Certified copies of the in accordance with the judgment is ma de within Proposed 30 days of the entry of Determination final judgment 73-4-12, 15 73-4-17

  4. Historical Context – The Pioneer Era July 2 3 , 1 8 4 7 : Advance party of the Mormon pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley and began breaking-up the ground to prepare the land for crops. Water from City Creek Canyon was diverted to moisten the soil for plowing and later used for irrigation. July 2 5 , 1 8 4 7 : At Sunday services, Brigham Young declares, “… there should be no private ownership of the water, but that the mountain streams should belong to the people . ” 1 8 4 7 – 1 8 5 0 : The pioneer settlement went from being part of Mexico to the State of Deseret to the Territory of Utah; however, government remained Church-centric. • Diversions of water from streams were generally on a com m unity basis to meet the immediate needs of the settlers. • The doctrine of priority evolved from church leader’s acknowledgment of individuals who first put the water to beneficial use (primary and secondary rights). • Conflicts w ere settled through ecclesiastical channels ; at times being settled/ decreed by the High Council.

  5. Historical Context - Territorial Era 1 8 5 2 : The first Territorial Legislative Assembly passed an act authorizing the County Court control of “all timber, water privileges, or any water course or creek.” “So far as shown by the reports, the court of Salt Lake County was the only one in [ Utah] which assumed the duties relating to water conferred by this law… In other counties, streams seem to have been diverted without public restrictions.” - USDA Report of I rrigation I nvestigations in Utah, 1 9 0 4 1 8 8 0 : Due to failure to enforce the 1852 act, the legislature passed an act that replaced the County Court’s authority with the County Selectm en as the ex-officio water commissioners. Allowed recognition, determination, and recording… but not appropriation. “This law, like its predecessor, was enforced in only a few counties, and the certificates issued in those counties are generally considered worthless… ” - USDA Report of I rrigation I nvestigations in Utah, 1 9 0 4 • Confusion over existing water rights continues in spite of the efforts of the Utah Territorial Legislature. • The Church continued to adm inister and decree w ater rights in some areas (e.g. 1879 High Council Decision to divide the waters of the Spanish Fork River among various canal companies).

  6. Historical Context - Statehood and Beyond 1 8 9 6 : Utah gains Statehood. Due to fears of possible confiscation of existing water rights by the State under a comprehensive water code, the adopted constitution only had one sentence regarding water law: ”All existing rights to the use of any of the waters in this State for any useful or beneficial purpose, are hereby recognized and confirmed.” - Constitution of the State of Utah, Article XVI I 1 8 9 7 : The Office of the State Engineer is created in order to conduct hydrographic survey of Utah waters (un-funded). Willard Young (son of Brigham Young) becomes the first State Engineer. Also attempted to incorporate a voluntary system of recording existing rights and appropriating new rights by posting notice at the nearest post-office and recording the details at the county—failed to take hold. Willard Young State Engineer 1 9 0 3 : State legislature enacted the first Utah W ater Law which provided for (among others): • The definition and public recording of all existing w ater rights . • The examining of streams and the adjudicating of rights ; however, the legislature failed to provide funding to the local courts to complete the work. 1 9 1 9 : The legislature provided the “machinery” to adjudicate water rights on a given stream by appointing the State Engineer as the party responsible to develop a “ proposed determ ination ” of water rights for the court. 1 9 3 5 : Utah legislature amends the existing Utah law to include groundw ater .

  7. The Historical Case for Adjudication • Prior to the enactment of the comprehensive Utah Water Law in 1903, rights to the use of water typically fell into a combination of five categories: 1. Rights decreed by ecclesiastical leaders . 2. Claims filed for record at the county. 3. Rights decreed by a court (typically involving limited parties) and recorded at the Courthouse. 4. Contractual agreem ents between various entities. 5. Claims never m anifested in any record , but evidenced by pre-statutory use. • The lack of a definitive water law created a number of issues: 1. There was typically no public record of existing water rights. 2. Since there was no record, over appropriation of streams was common. 3. Often, rights w eren’t defined until they came into controversy and had to be settled by ecclesiastical or court decree. • In his biennial report for 1901 and 1902, the State Engineer made the following observation: “The definition of existing rights appears to be of first importance. This is not only necessary to pacify present contention, but to prevent future conflicts and encourage further progress. There can be no safe basis for future work before existing rights are known and made of public record.” – A.F. Dorem ous, Utah State Engineer

  8. Getting Started - Som e Basic Definitions All w aters in Utah are public property ( UCA 7 3 -1 -1 ) . • A “water right” is a right to divert (remove from its natural source) and beneficially use water. Beneficial Use: Beneficial use shall be the basis , the m easure and the lim it of all rights to the use of water in this state. - Utah Code Annotated 73-1-3 A typical w ater right w ill include: • A defined nature and extent of beneficial use ; • A priority date ; • A defined quantity of water allowed for diversion by flow rate (cfs) and/ or by volume (acre-feet); • A specified point of diversion and source of water; • A specified place of use . Adjudication: The legal process by which an arbiter or judge reviews evidence and argumentation including legal reasoning set forth by opposing parties or litigants in order to come to a decision which determines rights and obligations between the parties involved. Decree: An authoritative order having the force of law.

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