tap the european leg of the southern gas

TAP the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor Michael - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TAP the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor Michael Hoffmann, TAP External Affairs Director Hong-Kong Albania Trade & Investment Forum Hong-Kong, 27 October 2015 TAP the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 2 Natural

  1. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor Michael Hoffmann, TAP External Affairs Director Hong-Kong – Albania Trade & Investment Forum Hong-Kong, 27 October 2015

  2. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 2 Natural gas reserves in trillion cubic metres • Investment of approx. USD 45 bln • Crossing six countries – 3,500 km BP World Energy Statistical Review 2014

  3. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 3 TAP in Albania – At a Glance • Access roads: ~ 100 km (new and upgraded) • Bridges: 40 refurbished and 3 new built • 8,000 plots of land • 8 block valve stations (BVS) • Crossing 570 roads, 440 rivers & railway (major & minor crossings)

  4. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 4 TAP’s shareholders Supported by major energy companies SOCAR BP Statoil Fluxys Enagás Axpo (20%) (20%) (20%) (19%) (16%) (5%)

  5. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 5 1. Pre-Selection Phase Q2 2013 TAP selected by the Shah Deniz Consortium Pipeline construction 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 • TAP designated Project of National Importance , December 2012 • Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) on TAP between Albania, Italy and Greece, February 2013 • Host Government Agreement (HGA), April 2013 • TAP’s Environmental, Social and Impact Assessment (ESIA) approved, April 2013 • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for support of TAP & IAP, May 2013

  6. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 6 2. Development Phase Q2 2015 TAP begins pre-construction work in Albania Pipeline construction 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 • Albanian authorities provided full support for: o Updating cadastre data o Land Easement and Acquisition (LEA) activities o Permitting and approval process • Local communities favorable towards TAP

  7. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 7 3. Execution Phase First gas | TAP starts operations 2020 Pipeline construction 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 “TAP aims to safely deliver Caspian gas to Europe by 2020.” Ian Bradshaw, TAP Managing Director

  8. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 8 Legal & Investment Framework • EU Accession Status • Contracting Party to the Energy Community o 3 rd Energy Package compliant • Energy Charter Treaty signatory Cooperation with ERE, the national regulatory authority of Albania Third Party Access (TPA) Exemption  2013 – Approval of TAP’s application  2015 – Prolongation of the validity period of TAP’s TPA exemption Independent Transmission Operator (ITO) Certification

  9. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 9 Benefits & Opportunities Construction Operations Direct Sourcing Induced Direct Induced Gas exit Taxes benefits locally benefits benefits benefits capacities

  10. TAP – the European Leg of the Southern Gas Corridor 10

  11. Thank you www.tap-ag.com

  12. 12 Annex Slides Facilitating Connections to Several European Markets

  13. 13 Annex Slides TAP's key features Aligned with EU’s energy policy objectives • Designed to expand from 10 to 20 bcm/a (plus) • 878 km in length (105 km offshore) • 48” onshore, 36” offshore


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