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COMM-1010-047: Elements of Effective Communication Oral Presentation Author: Gregerson, Steve Salt Lake Community College 04/09/2012 1 Table of Contents

  1. COMM-1010-047: Elements of Effective Communication Oral Presentation Author: Gregerson, Steve Salt Lake Community College 04/09/2012 1

  2. Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 Table of Contents Audience & Occasion Analysis ...................................................................................................... 3 Pattern of Organization: ........................................................................................................................... 3 Audience Analysis: .................................................................................................................................... 3 Occasion Analysis: ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Speech Outline ................................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Hook:....................................................................................................................................... 4 Ethos: ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Thesis: ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Preview: .................................................................................................................................. 4 Body: ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Works Cited .................................................................................................................................... 8 2

  3. Audience & Occasion Analysis Specific Goal: Those that view my speech will have a clear understanding of growing epidemic of Obesity Speaker Ethos: Having completed a recent project in English regarding the “Education of Parents and Children on a Healthy Lifestyle”, I found the topic of Obesity and its worldwide epidemic a worthy issue of concern to address. Also having been 40 lbs heavier and sustained within a 10 lbs buffer, I feel my presentation on a sensitive subject will not be without merit. Pattern of Organization: My efforts will be to describe epidemic of Obesity and proposed solutions using the Cause- Effect pattern. I want to convey three related messages about Obesity. Audience Analysis: A majority of people can relate to weight gain and loss, dieting, addiction, snacking, binging etc. In order to overcome these obstacles and succeed, I will attempt to present facts and suggestions that have worked for me personally and statistically; to help students who may be suffering personally or know someone who is overweight. Occasion Analysis: As this is a topic that benefits from statistical data and visuals, I will support my presentation with a power point for re-enforcement. 3

  4. Speech Outline Introduction: Hook: Did you know that over 30% of Americans are becoming obese? If you could live a longer, happier, healthier life, would you be willing to? It is possible to change for the better, I plan to show you what worked for me and how we can change the cause and effect patterns inherent to the systems functioning all around us that not affect you, but your family and friends. Ethos: Having worked on an English project regarding some of the same subject material, and having children, I really felt a sense of urgency to pass along the research that I’ve learned and proposals I formed. Thesis: Slowing down the worlds weight gain epidemic and reversing the trend. Preview: I will compare three “cause and effect” scenarios regarding obesity 1) Failure of society and a mass psychosis 2) Personal strength to overcome neurosis 3) Instituting perpetual changes that are precocious 4

  5. Body: Introduction: Look at the following charts by the CDC CDC. Overweight and Obesity . 2012. Chart. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta. Web. 3 Mar 2012. Cause & Effect #1: Why is obesity spreading exponentially? A) Too much food consumption  Easy access delicious snack foods  Restaurant portions are too big  All you can eat buffets B) Not enough of the right foods  Snacks high in sugar, salt and fats  Regular food high in sugar, salts, preservatives and processed flour  Not enough unprocessed grains, nuts, vegetables C) Too much convenience = too little exercise or even activity  Cars, elevators, escalators, drive-up windows  Watching television, mobile devices  Surfing the Net, even reading Given so much seems to be working against us, we need to take a step back and realize both personally and socially the adverse effects of our actions; then implement plans for the greater social good. However, the best social plans will not work without equal personal effort. The following is what worked for me and I’m 30 -40 lbs. lighter for two years, without a lot of exercise. 5

  6. Cause & Effect #2: One diet plan does not fit all, but here is how I did it! A) Cutting back the junk  Drop the pop  Sugar free at worst (but still reduce)  Save money, eat out less B) Try better snack foods  Snack on nuts  Try Nabisco wheat thins or Triscuits  Cereals like Quaker Oat, Chex, Cheerios  Cookie Crip, Cocoa Puffs, Chex Chocolate  Re-hydrated wheat germ C) Activity tricks without the gym  Stair rather than elevators/escalators  Walk-in rather than drive-up windows  Treadmill, sit-ups, walking in place while watching television  Mobile device viewing and reading, while walking around park  Standing while Surfing the Net or if mobile, like above The WHO (see link) emphasizes in the following chart regarding the prevalence of insufficient activity globally. Hopefully even the above activity illustrated above would make a difference for some. Others may still require greater change and challenges and still others may require medical options given genetic make-up. Regardless of these differences, the final stage is social. Forty years ago, the 1 st world thought smoking was hip, it was ok to do and it was everywhere. A lot has changed since then. The same can happen with society’s unified mindset demanding change. Here are some suggestions for changes to benefit all. 6

  7. Cause & Effect #3: Changing the world, one person, one corporation, one government at a time! A) Personal Requirements  Deciding to change ourselves first  Examples to children  Petitioning for changes at schools, state and federal governments B) Corporate Reboot  By voting with our dollars for healthier foods  Demand taxation of junk and fast foods on or near schools C) Government Involvement  Demand subsidies for healthy snack R&D  Tax breaks for individuals and families meeting the mandates The above are several ways to unilaterally attack this problem head on. In an article titled Solutions to obesity – from the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , you will find additional commentary that goes to show the widespread concern of the epidemic by corporations and government and a growing desire to resolve the issue. 7

  8. Conclusion The CDC again emphasizes the power of prevention in a pamphlet. It shows that radical change for an individual is not required to have a desirable impact. Simple enough, it just requires moderate changes, little steps over time that add up to longer healthier lifestyle. That should sound achievable to anyone. United States. CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Power of Prevention - Chronic disease...the public health challenge of the 21st century . Atlanta, GA : CDC, 2009. Web. Prevention.pdf Imagine where society would be, if we would have implemented the plan 20 years ago. How the lives of countless many, who suffered both physical and emotional effects of being overweight or obese, could have had a very different life experience. It’s time to change. Works Cited CDC. Overweight and Obesity . 2012. Chart. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta. Web. 3 Mar 2012. Global Health Observatory (GHO) . 2012. Interactive. World Health Organization, New York. Web. 4 Mar 2012. Verduin, Patricia, Sanjiv Agarwal, and Susan Waltman. "Solutions to obesity: perspectives from the food industry 1,2,3,4." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . American Society for Nutrition, 2005. Web. 4 Mar 2012. United States. CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Power of Prevention - Chronic disease...the public health challenge of the 21st century . Atlanta, GA : CDC, 2009. Web. Prevention.pdf 8


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