synergistic modeling optimization for physical and

Synergistic Modeling & Optimization for Physical and Electrical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Synergistic Modeling & Optimization for Physical and Electrical DFM David Z. Pan Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Texas at Austin Sponsored by NSF, SRC,

  1. Synergistic Modeling & Optimization for Physical and Electrical DFM David Z. Pan Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Texas at Austin Sponsored by NSF, SRC, Fujitsu, IBM, Intel, Qualcomm, Sun, KLA-Tencor 1

  2. Outline � Background & Motivation � DFM Modeling, OPC and Characterizations › Design-oriented, PV-aware lithography modeling/OPC › Variational characterization & electrical analysis � DFM Optimizations › DFM aware routing › Variation-tolerant design � Conclusions 2

  3. Litho: WYS != WYG 227nm @ 0.85NA 136nm 114nm 91nm 68nm Resolution Enhancement Techniques (RET)…. 68nm better OAI Add Add biasing OAI “Full” OPC + PSM scatter bars OPC: optical proximity correction; OAI: Off-axis illumination (Source: ASML) PSM: phase shift mask 3

  4. Lithography State of the Art � Industry stuck with 193nm lithography (in the next 5 years, 45nm, 32nm, likely 22nm) › Push the limit of RET and immersion lithography, … › NGL still many challenges [SPIE’07] » EUVL, E-Beam, nano-imprint… » 157nm declared dead [EE Times 2/23/07] � Very deep sub-wavelength (VDSW) + very deep sub-micron (VDSM) 4

  5. Other Manufacturing Challenges Random defects Litho CMP 5

  6. Call for Synergistic DFM � Modeling, extraction and characterization � Insert proper metrics into the main design flow Shape/Electrical Optimization Higher Level Opt. DFM Clock Syn. DFM P & R OPC/RET Var. Si-image Model Var. Electrical Model Shape/Electrical Analysis (litho, CMP, etc) 6

  7. Outline � Background & Motivation � DFM Modeling, OPC and Characterizations › Design-oriented, PV-aware lithography simulation › Variational characterization & electrical analysis � DFM Optimizations › DFM aware routing › Variation-tolerant design � Conclusions 7

  8. Lithography Model � To guide lithography aware physical design, fast yet high-fidelity lithography modeling/metrics are essential � Process-oriented vs. Design-oriented � Two key stages in litho-model (in a simplified view) › Optical system: will generate aerial image from mask › Resist system: photoresist and patterning inside the wafer 8

  9. Aerial Image Simulation � Hopkins image equation is generic for optical system › U I : Image complex amplitude › F : mask transmission function › K : optical system transmission function +∞ +∞ ∫ ∫ , = , − , − U ( x y ) F x ( y ) K x ( x y y dx dy ) I 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 −∞ −∞ › Image intensity function for partial coherent system ∫∫∫∫ ∗ , = − , − , , ' ' ' ' I ( x y ) J ( x x y y F x ) ( y ) F ( x y ) I 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ × − , − − , − ' ' ' ' K x ( x y y K ) ( x x y y dx dy dx dy ) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9

  10. Aerial Image Simulation � Directly using Hopkins equation can be extremely slow � Kernel decomposition into the sum of a small number of fully coherent systems (SOCS) [Cobb 98, Mitra et al 2005] − P 1 ∑ ∑ , = | ∗ , | 2 I x y ( ) ( F K )( x y ) 1 j i = ∈ i 0 j A , ( x y ) (a) (b) 10

  11. Fast Lookup Table Technique � Store convolution table for rectangles w.r.t the top-right reference point � Support region is pretty small � Design-oriented fast simulation by pattern-matching/caching R2 R1 R3 R4 R 11

  12. Simple Threshold Resist Model � From the aerial image => printed image (resist model) � Example: simple threshold model (e.g., 0.3 I max ) to decide where to etch based on image intensity distribution › And many more accurate models 12

  13. Variational Lithography Modeling � The printed image is subject to process variations › Dosage, focus, mask, … › Lithography simulation shall be variational aware › Extensive process-window sampling TOO SLOW defocus 13

  14. Variational Lithography Model (VLIM) [Yu et al, DAC’06] � Focus variation: defocus aerial image expansion › I 0 and I 2 through kernel decomposition and table lookup � Dosage variation: equivalent threshold variation in the threshold bias resist Model Threshold Bias Resist Model 14

  15. Variational EPE � EPE under process variations › analytical function of defocus and dosage where 15

  16. Variational EPE Example � Given certain focus and dosage variations, e.g. => Analytical V-EPE metrics, e.g., first moment � Concepts are generic to other “raw” distributions of focus/dosage or variational EPE metrics 16

  17. Applications: PV-OPC and Beyond � Key Idea: Derive/Extract variational EPE from “raw” variations: focus and dosage, etc. � Run time only 2-3x compared to nominal process, but explicitly consider process variations � Can be used to guide true PV aware OPC (PV- OPC) or litho-aware routing US Patent Pending (supported by SRC) [Yu et al, DAC’06] 17

  18. Geometry => Electrical � Electrical characterizations of a 65nm inverter � PV-OPC is able to meet design intent under process variations Conventional OPC PV-OPC Ideal mask 3x difference in leakage! I-V curves with V gs = 0.4, 0.8, 1.2V NMOS Leakage with V ds = 1.2V 18

  19. Variational Electrical Analysis � Layout-dependent non-rectangular gate characterization [Shi+, ICCAD’06] => more accurate static/statistical circuit analysis � A novel sparse-matrix formulation for SSTA [Ramalingam+, ICCAD’06] › Model path-based SSTA using sparse matrix multiplication (fast Monte-Carlo in one-short) › Handle arbitrary correlations › Handle slope propagation › Very accurate and fast! › Can use block-based SSTA for path-pruning 19

  20. Path Enumeration c a � ½ adder example: f b d Each column is All i/p – o/p, latch-latch e g an input pin paths are represented a b c1 c2 d1 d2 e1 e2 f1 f2 g Each row is a 1 1 complete path 1 1 1 A 1 means 1 1 input pin is on this path 1 1 1 1 1 Incidence matrix is quite 1 1 sparse! � Path delays can be written in p = A d . 20

  21. Delay Modeling � By linear regression, express gate delay as a polynomial in: › Operating environment, e.g., C Load › Technology variables, e.g. L, V T � Linear regression ( ≠ Linear models), e.g.: › d = c 0 + c 1 C Load L 2 + c 2 L V T ½ – … Regression term z 1 Regression term z 2 � Collect all regression terms into one vector z › d = c T z 21

  22. Gate delay Vector c a f � Delay for gate k: d k = c kT z k b d › d c1 denotes the delay from gate c’s pin 1 to o/p � Expanding for all gates/arcs: e g d a = c aT z a d b = c bT z b d c1 = c c1T z c1 d c2 = c c2T z c2 d d1 = c d1T z d1 d d2 = c d2T z d2 … � => d = C z 22

  23. Path Delays using Monte-Carlo � Equation for all path delays given by: › p = A d = A C z � Values of z determined by technology settings such as V T , L, V DD etc. › Given an arbitrary distribution of z , we can generate n samples Z = [z 1 … z n ] � Path delays corresponding to these n samples: › [p 1 … p n ] = A C [z 1 … z n ] � Fast Monte-Carlo SSTA in sparse-matrix form: › P = A C Z � Handle slope propagation nicely (a new C’ matrix) � Method implemented/used by industry. 23

  24. Outline � Background & Motivation � DFM Modeling, OPC and Characterizations › Design-oriented, PV-aware lithography simulation › Variational characterization & electrical analysis � DFM Optimizations › DFM aware routing › Variation-tolerant design � Conclusions 24

  25. Routing in VLSI Physical Design a c a Placement b a d Global Routing Routing Routing Blockage Manufacturing Track Routing d Detailed Routing b a c c 25

  26. Critical Area [Courtesy IBS] Lithography CMP Yield Loss Mechanisms 26

  27. Which Stage to Tackle What? Lithography enhancement Global Routing CMP variation optimization Track Routing Critical area minimization Detailed Routing � CMP variation optimization › Minimum effective window (20x20 μ m 2 ) and global effect › Global routing plans approximate routing density � Critical area optimization › Adjacent parallel wires contribute majority of critical area. › Track router has good flexibility with wire ordering/spacing/sizing. � Lithography optimization › Effective windows (1-2 μ m 2 ) are small › Detailed router performs localized connection between pins/wires. 27

  28. Litho-Aw are Routing � More & more metal layers need RETs � Rule vs. model based approach � Rules - › Exploding number of rules › Very complicated rules › Too conservative or not accurate rules › No smooth tradeoffs (either follow or break rules) � How about directly link litho-models with routing? › Lithography simulations could be extremely slow ! › A full-chip OPC could take a week › Accuracy vs. Fidelity (Elmore-like) › Design-oriented vs. process-oriented 28

  29. RET-Aw are Detailed Routing (RADAR) [Mitra et al, DAC’05] � First work to truly link lithography modeling with design implementation level � Introduce the concept of Litho- Hotspot Maps � Fast lithography simulation to generate LHM › Guided by our design-oriented fast litho simulations � Post-routing optimizations to reduce hotspots › Wire spreading › Ripup-Reroute (RR) with blockages (protect “good” regions) 29


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