sweet spotter

Sweet Spotter Silver B Traditional Wired Wireless Sweet Product - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sweet Spotter Silver B Traditional Wired Wireless Sweet Product Vision Speakers Head- Headphones Spotter phones Sweet spotter tracks listeners and directs sound beam at them Interactive exhibits: Trade shows User

  1. Sweet Spotter Silver B

  2. Traditional Wired Wireless Sweet Product Vision Speakers Head- Headphones Spotter phones ● Sweet spotter tracks listeners and directs sound beam at them ● Interactive exhibits: ○ Trade shows User maintains ○ Theme parks awareness of surroundings Does not disturb others Provides freedom of motion for user

  3. Sweet Spotter Product Contract Customer Need Attribute Specifications IR tracking range > 30 ft Follows listener with Range of sound sound beam Speaker rotation 0-180° Plays sound without Diameter of sound < 3 ft disturbing others beam Plays music at high Price: $700-1000 [1] Loudness of sound > 100 dB volumes [1] Based on current directional audio system prices

  4. Technical Risk: Tracking What is the most appropriate tracking Tilt axis method? Phototransistors Findings: ● Small view angle Swivel axis ● Ambient IR noise Arduino ● Occlusions

  5. Technical Risk: Directional Sound How is the sound quality? How is the range and isolation of sound? Findings: ● Low bass ● Surface reflections ● Range > 30 ft

  6. Future Steps ● Improve precision of tracking sensor ● Increase tracking range ● Explore higher quality speaker components ● Investigate potential issues with ultrasonic exposure


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