sustainable food system

SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM Summary Presentation July 2018 TOPIC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  1. SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM Summary Presentation July 2018

  2. TOPIC ERADICATE MALNUTRITION, #1 UNDERNOURISHMENT AND OBESITY POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BUSINESS COMMITMENTS FOR G20 BY B20 RECOMMENDATION 1: Educate consumers on COMMITMENT #1: Undertake a collaborative, whole-of-society effort to the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a improve nutritional outcomes in all of our countries, including work through balanced diet starting even from pregnancy industry chambers and public-private partnerships to: and early childhood, by designing general - Communicate, through clear and transparent labeling , all the appropriate nutritional communication and school education cam- information about food products to consumers paigns with a comprehensive approach on - In collaboration with all relevant public authorities, develop comprehensive school food, physical activity, social issues, environ- programs that promote healthy lifestyle habits (including nutrition, balanced diet, physical activity, interpretation of food labels, among other topics) and train teachers, ment, and culture professionals and adults responsible for raising children in the promotion of these healthy habits RECOMMENDATION 2: Ensure access to and - Adopt self-regulatory models for advertising related to children that incorporate nutritional profiles and promotional practices appropriate to this particular age group visibility of clear and precise dietary informa- - Invest in research and development through collaborations with universities, research tion through food product labeling to allow centers and trade associations to improve the nutritional profile of ingredients and food consumers to make informed purchase and products consumption decisions - Promote and collaborate with trade associations in the development of studies and scientific works that provide reliable data and evidence about food consumption RECOMMENDATION 3: Facilitate the devel- COMMITMENT #2: Continue developing science-based public-private opment of food-producing value chains in agreements to improve the nutritional profile of food supplies , taking a developing countries (through public-private national-level comprehensive approach that contributes to broaden options partnerships) to ensure accessibility of the for consumers local food supply and provide better employ- COMMITMENT #3: Actively contribute in the development and strengthen- ment opportunities ing of agri-food value chains in developing countries through investment, capability building and knowledge sharing

  3. TOPIC ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION; #2 MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BUSINESS COMMITMENTS FOR G20 BY B20 RECOMMENDATION 1: Create economic COMMITMENT #1: Commit to increasing environmen- tal sustainability with internal company processes benefits to encourage efficient and sustaina- ble use of key resources across food produc- (e.g., procurement, production, processing, and logis- tion systems in at most a minimally tics) through tangible projects and scalable models of trade-distorting manner adoption RECOMMENDATION 2: Stimulate the devel- COMMITMENT #2: Invest in developing new technolo- gies that improve environmental sustainability through opment and adoption of innovative technolo- gies and practices to anticipate the impacts pilots in partnership with governments or other key of, adapt and build resiliency to, and mitigate stakeholders climate change COMMITMENT #3: Support agricultural producers RECOMMENDATION 3: Promote and finance (and the overall value chain) in adopting sustainable production practices by facilitating capacity building the creation of ecosystem management programs through public-private partnerships programs to ensure the transfer of capabilities associ- focused on early landscape planning, land- ated with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and by scape level management, sustainable land acting as an intermediary for small producers to gain management, and other programs access to multilateral or institutional funding

  4. TOPIC FOSTER TECHNOLOGY #3 DEVELOPMENTAND ADOPTION POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BUSINESS COMMITMENTS FOR G20 BY B20 RECOMMENDATION 1: Promote and foster COMMITMENT #1: Establish public-private the development of innovative technologies partnerships that facilitate investments to increase sustainable food production towards innovative research and develop- across the world (e.g., through biotechnology, ment of technologies that increase envi- digital technologies, etc.) ronmental sustainability RECOMMENDATION 2: Facilitate technology COMMITMENT #2: Identify, develop, and adoption in developing countries and SMEs , transfer environmentally sustainable tech- throughout the food value chain, that experi- nologies and practices to SMEs and devel- ence productivity gaps oping countries by establishing knowl- edge-sharing peer groups, information RECOMMENDATION 3: Increase investment platforms, and campaigns to educate and train producers across the food value chain for sustainable and resilient rural infrastruc- ture to foster SME technology adoption and improve access to markets and knowledge

  5. TOPIC REDUCE BARRIERS TO #4 GLOBAL FOOD TRADE POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BUSINESS COMMITMENTS FOR G20 BY B20 RECOMMENDATION 1: Enhance the design, transparency and implementa- COMMITMENT #1: Collaborate with the tion of non-tariff measures applied to and affecting agri-food trade, and public sector to identify barriers and other reduce and eliminate existing non-tariff barriers to trade obstacles to trade , and facilitate the pro- cess of eliminating or reducing them – RECOMMENDATION 2: Commit to eliminating or significantly reducing the increasing visibility of the existence and status of said obstacles to the supply chain effects of tariff barriers and trade-distortive domestic support by fully implementing negotiated WTO agreements regarding agriculture (includ- ing the Bali and Nairobi packages), implementing the new WTO Trade COMMITMENT #2: Strengthen the work of Facilitation Agreement and supporting continued WTO Negotiations to the sectoral associations regarding the enhance agri-food market access, prioritizing liberalization in markets and industry’s advocacy for Codex , and pro- sectors of interest in developing countries dependent on agricultural trade mote enhanced public and private partici- pation in multi-lateral organizations such as RECOMMENDATION 3: Move towards regulatory coherence at a country Codex, OIE, and IPPC activities, with a and regional level of rules that impact trade of agri-food products (e.g. particular focus on harmonizing nutritional front-of-pack labeling, consumer care, trade, among others) aiming to labeling guidelines achieve global equivalence, mutual recognition, and incremental progress to convergence, striving to build on internationally approved standards: COMMITMENT #3: Actively contribute to the integration to global markets of local - For SPS: Codex, OIE, IPPC agri-food supply chains in developing - For TBT: Strengthen the role of Codex in the definition of principles for guiding countries by establishing special sourcing countries in the development of labelling systems, in order to avoid unilateral advances that become technical barriers to trade strategies

  6. TOPIC MINIMIZE FOOD #5 LOSS AND WASTE POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BUSINESS COMMITMENTS FOR G20 BY B20 RECOMMENDATION 1: Design and implement COMMITMENT #1: Strengthen work in an adequate framework of regulation and partnership with NGOs dedicated to saving incentives that promotes circular economies , and redistributing food, such as food banks strengthening the role of non-profits and community organizations dedicated to reduc- COMMITMENT #2: Work in a multi-stake- ing waste by leveraging every possible use holder approach on campaigns that raise case of food awareness about the impacts of food loss and waste, and educate consumers on best RECOMMENDATION 2: Incentivize invest- practices regarding food use and conserva- ments towards storage facilities, energy avail- tion ability, transportation, access to telecommuni- cations and other infrastructure to reduce COMMITMENT #3: Measure food loss during production and logistics in own food losses in developing countries value chain and food waste in retail and RECOMMENDATION 3: Educate consumers on consumption using internationally how to reduce food waste at the household approved measuring methods and set level specific KPIs and targets for reduction

  7. OVERALL B20 STRUCTURE CHAIR Daniel Funes de Rioja B20 SHERPAS CO-CHAIR Carolina Castro Fernando Landa EXECUTIVE SHERPA POLICY SHERPA GROUP BCBA ADEBA Adelmo J. J. Gabbi Javier Alberto OF 6 Bolzico CAMARCO B20 SECRETARIAT CACS Gustavo Weiss Jorge Luis Di Fiori UIA SRA Miguel Acevedo Daniel Pelegrina HIGH LEVEL INT’L BUSINESS ARGENTINE BUSINESS ADVOCACY CAUCUS LEADERS FORUM TASKFORCES Energy, Financing Resource Employment & Digital Economy Trade and Sustainable SMEs Integrity and Growth and Efficiency and Education and Industry 4.0 Investment Food System Development Compliance Infrastructure Sustainability Jorge Martin Migoya Marcos Galperín Eduardo Elsztain Paolo Rocca Luis Pagani Miguel Gutiérrez Inés Bertón Mandelbaum (Globant) (Mercado Libre) (Grupo IRSA) (Grupo Techint) (Grupo Arcor) (YPF) (Tealosophy) (CIPPEC)


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