sustainability science 1 and the sustainability pathway

Sustainability Science 1 and the Sustainability Pathway - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sustainability Science 1 and the Sustainability Pathway Specializing in spaceship repair Douglas Jay January 23, 2019 A Bit About Me... B.S. Natural Resources and Environmental Science from Purdue Univ. (2005) M.A.

  1. Sustainability Science 1 and the Sustainability Pathway Specializing in spaceship repair… Douglas Jay January 23, 2019

  2. A Bit About Me... ● B.S. Natural Resources and Environmental Science from Purdue Univ. (2005) ● M.A. Educational Administration (2013) ● 12th year in Livingston ○ 6 yrs @ MPMS ○ 6th yr @ LHS Courses Taught: Environmental Science- CP/H, ● Natural Disasters, Astronomy Envirothon Coach ● ● LPS Teacher of the Year 2012-13 ● NJ Green Educator Award- 2011

  3. Source: Why? ● Limitless consumption of finite resources = disaster ● Earth NEEDS solutions to these complex ecological problems by ○ Education ○ Design ○ Experience ● Civilization is too precious to have disappear when you have the means to save it

  4. What does it mean to be sustainable ? Lowest ecological footprint to sustain our natural resources for future generations - Land - Energy - Food - Water - Resources Embracing technology, not de-evolving Science and Engineering as tools toward enlightenment

  5. The only constant is change ...the pendulum swings 29 States have adopted Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS): mandating a certain percentage of their electricity come from renewable sources Sources:;; and

  6. It’s not just’s society-level change involving collaboration and cooperation NATURAL RESOURCES “Cap and Trade” Carbon Taxes GOAL Subsidies COP Climate Pacts GLOBAL POLITICS ECONOMY

  7. Enviro Pathway Strategies Students will need to “double up” in science between grades 10-11 ● Gr. 10: Enviro Gr. 11: SusSci 1 + Physics/Chem ● NEED to take Enviro (CP/H/AP) in their Sophomore year Cannot take Enviro and Sussci 1 at same time Highly Recommended: Tech & Design, NatDis, AP Physics, Woodshop

  8. Opportunities Kean- Sustainability Science (B.S.) - Field Trips - Partnership - LEED Certified Buildings FDU- Sustainability Minor (15 credits)

  9. NJDEP / EPA Entrepreneurship Soil Scientist - Retail Soil Conservationist (NRCS) - Landscaping What can I do with this knowledge? Engineer - Contractor (LEED Buildings) - Civil Educator- public, private, outreach - Mechanical Natural Resource Management - Electrical - Forestry - Agricultural/Biological - Rangelands - Materials Science - Green Acres/Blue Acres - Systems Environmental Consulting Architect - Geologist Interior Design - Hydrologist Chemist - Biologist Naturalist/Park Ranger Waste Management Construction Management Attorney Marine Biology/Fisheries What can I do when I journey through this pathway?

  10. How will SusSci1 differ from Enviro courses? CPES/HES: SusSci 1: Soil Lab- Design and conduct an experiment that can grow the highest biomass of - Determine texture using % sand, lettuce with: silt, clay - Minimal inputs (water, fertilizer) - How does soil texture affect - Quickest time frame permeability of the soil? - NPK testing?

  11. How is this course different than Enviro? First course unique to the Sustainability Pathway at LHS NO traditional tests and quizzes Assessments: Projects, experiments, engineering, case studies, discussions Final Project- Complete a Sustainable NJ action Community Stewardship- LHS, Livingston Twp., and beyond! NOCTI- Sustainability 101 certified????

  12. SusSci 1 vs. SusSci 2 ● Begin applying content learned in Enviro ● NOCTI Certification- Sus101 (CP/H/AP) into novel situations GEFI ○ ● Independent Research ○ Engineering Design Laboratory investigations Collaboration w/ Tech. department ○ ○ ● Analyzing complex nature of sustainability ● Community Partnership problems Sustainable NJ Schools ● ○ Case Studies ○ Actions Discussion Board Grant writing and implementation ○ ○ ● Climate Conference Simulation NOCTI Certification- Sus101 ● ○ GEFI

  13. Units of Study (SusSci 1): These major units of study are focused around the essential needs of human populations, regardless of how advanced they may be: water, food, shelter, and energy . 1. Energy- How do we break our addiction to fossil fuels? 2. Food- Why did the “green” agricultural revolution cause more harm than good? 3. People- Why does gender inequality threaten a sustainable future? 4. Buildings and Cities- How can cities produce more than they consume? 5. Land Use- How can we wisely use resources while enhancing biodiversity? 6. Transport- What will society look like when oil runs out? 7. Materials- How does scale affect our prospect for a zero-waste society? 8. Coming Attractions- What can we do to make a change?

  14. Sustainable NJ LINK

  15. Sustainable New Jersey for Schools Register through the Board of Education (Spring 2019) Complete “ACTIONS” and submit paperwork through SNJ Earn Certification Status- Bronze, Silver, Gold Grant writing opportunities available (SusSci 2)

  16. Questions?


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