SUSD Department of Educational Services Update Saratoga Elementary School PTA Fall 2015
Overview English Language Arts/ English Language Development Lucy Calkins Writers’ Workshop Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Math: Engage NY/Eureka Arts & Physical Education Assessment: CAASPP, SBAC, ELA & Math Scores Emergency Preparedness Wellness
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (ELA/ELD) November 2015: SBE takes action on instructional materials recommendations: 1. Basic ELA : comprehensive curriculum; provides foundation for instruction to ensure students master CA CCSS for ELA; addresses needs of students working at or near grade level 2. ELA/ELD : integration of ELD standards for ELs 3. Intensive Intervention program (4-8): accelerated, intensive intervention pathway for students 2 or more years below grade level
Writers’ Workshop (Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study) Ongoing TK – 5 th grade training with consultant Text Types: Narrative, Opinion, Information Rationale for Workshop Approach: ◦ Writers need to have regular, sustained practice – volume and stamina matter ◦ Children deserve meaningful writing; choice results in intense, purposeful work for the writer ◦ Writers write like readers and read like writers ◦ Workshop setting allows equal access no matter what skill level
Writing Strategies to Use at Home with Your Student 1. Encourage your child to carry a small notebook with them, paying attention to details and thinking, “I could write a true story about this.” 2. Think of a strong feeling, and then list “small moment” stories pertaining to that feeling. Choose one to write about. 3. Think of the stories that your family tells and retells. Write about one of those. 4. Keep an ongoing list of story ideas in your writer’s notebook. 5. Think of a subject, or a person, place, or thing that matters to you, then list small moments you remember. Choose one to sketch and then write the accompanying story. 6. Think of first times, last times, or important times in your life. Write about one of those moments. 7. Use a book and look at the moments and relationships and see what you connect to and may want to examine in your own life. 8. Take small moments and break them into beginning, middle and end. ◦ Develop the tension and the problem. Tell the story using the boxes. ◦ Draw pictures and label them with words. ◦ Adding words helps form a foundation for formulating the story. 9. Diagram places of memory and label the pictures with individual words. 10. Encourage your child to show, don’t tell!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Flight & Space (Project Lead the Way): 6 th grade Exploratory Wheel Google Apps for Education Chromebooks Technology Class with Ms. Watson Elementary Science Instructional Aides
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) New K-12 science standards developed through a collaborative, state-led process, that are: rich in content and practice arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades internationally benchmarked adopted by California Department of Education in Sept. 2013 Content is experienced so it can be applied to the real world Reflects the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world. Builds coherently from TK-12. Focuses on deeper understanding and application of content. Content is expressed as expectations for student performance
➢ Disciplinary Core Ideas ➢ Crosscutting Concepts ➢ Science and Engineering Practices
Dimension 1 Dimension 1 Scientific and Engineering Practices Scientific and Engineering Practices Inquiry = Practices 5. Using mathematics and 1. Asking questions (science) computational thinking and defining problems (engineering) 6. Constructing explanations (science) and designing 2. Developing and using solutions (engineering) models 7. Engaging in argument from 3. Planning and carrying out evidence investigations 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and 4. Analyzing and interpreting communicating information data 15
Dimension 2 Crosscutting Concepts Crosscutting Concepts = Disciplinary Connective Tissue 1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter in systems 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change of systems 13
Dimension 3 Disciplinary Core Ideas Main Topic Areas: • • Physical Science Life Science – 4 Core ideas – 4 Core ideas • 12 sub-topics • 14 sub topics • Earth and Space • Engineering, Technology and Science Application of Science – 3 sub topics - 1 Core topic • 12 sub-topics • 3 sub-topics
Three Dimensions Intertwined • NGSS will require contextual application of the three dimensions by students • Focus is on how and why as well as what
Summary of the Key Shifts of NGSS These new standards shift the focus of science instruction from memorization of facts to having students develop deeper conceptual understanding of core scientific ideas and be able to apply the practices of science and engineering into real world problems.
CDE Timeline for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Mathematics: Engage NY/Eureka Math Instructional shifts: ◦ Focus : deeply on the concepts prioritized in CCSS ◦ Coherence : learning is connected within and across grades, each standard is an extension of previous learning experiences ◦ Rigor : pursuits of conceptual understanding, procedural skills, fluency, and application – all with equal intensity A Story of Units: ◦ curriculum map and sequence of modules for the year. ◦ Focus is on strategies and student reasoning , not on algorithms ◦ Each module builds on skills and knowledge of previous module. Rigorous problems are embedded throughout module.
Parent Resources
5 Powerful Questions to Ask #1. What do you think? #2. Why do you think that? #3. How do you know this? #4. Can you tell me more? #5. What questions do you still have? SUSD Elementary Grades Parent Workshop (October):
Arts & Physical Education Music Teachers Art Instruction Arts Task Force Physical Education: Rhythm & Moves and classroom teachers
California State Testing Programs Grades 3-8 & 11 Grades 5, & Grades 5, 8, Replaces previous 10 Science 7 & 9 Standardized PE CAASPP Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program Testing CAHSEE CELDT English Grades Learner 10, 11 Students &12
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) • California Standards Tests (CSTs) • Grades 5, 8 & 10 • Aligned to old standards; will be replaced soon Science • Paper-based • Multiple-choice test questions • Smarter Balanced Tests – Grades 3-8 & 11 English- • Aligned to new standards • Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Language Arts • Wider range of test questions & Math
CCSS & SBAC Critical thinking, analytical writing, and real-world problem solving Require students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of key concepts. On-line tools, support, and accommodations available to give a fair and accurate estimate of each student’s achievement. Part of a larger plan for ensuring high-quality teaching and learning in every school.
What About API? No API scores calculated from this year’s tests. Parents received score reports for their students, but not the larger API report that used to measure how schools and districts scored. CA Ed Code now requires the calculation of the API to be based on multiple measures and not only on annual assessments.
Test Scores The new assessments are too fundamentally different from the old exams to make any reliable comparisons between old scores and new ones. Rather , this year’s results will establish a baseline for the progress we expect students to make over time. Think of it as pushing the reset button on assessment results – getting a fresh start. The results are only one source of information we will be using regarding student progress.
Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) Standard Exceeded Demonstrates Standard Met advanced progress toward mastery. Standard Demonstrates Nearly Met progress toward mastery. Standard Not Met May require further development for success in future coursework. Needs substantial improvement for success in future coursework. Find more information about Achievement Level Descriptors at 28
2015 SUSD CAASPP English Language Arts/Literacy Overall Baseline Results
2015 CAASPP ELA/Literacy Overall Baseline Results: Saratoga Elementary
2015 SUSD CAASPP Mathematics Overall Baseline Results
2015 CAASPP Mathematics Overall Baseline Results: Saratoga Elementary
Navigating the CAASPP Website
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