sus ustainabi tainabili lity ty harvard arvard un univ

Sus ustainabi tainabili lity ty @ Harvard arvard Un Univ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sus ustainabi tainabili lity ty @ Harvard arvard Un Univ iversity ersity presented by Jennifer Bowser, HLC EcoOpportunity Team Co-Chair Drew Faust (President ) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals Katie Lapp (Exec. VP) HSPH & HMS Office

  1. Sus ustainabi tainabili lity ty @ Harvard arvard Un Univ iversity ersity presented by Jennifer Bowser, HLC EcoOpportunity Team Co-Chair

  2. Drew Faust (President ) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals Katie Lapp (Exec. VP) HSPH & HMS Office for Sustainability Operations Longwood Coordinator HLC EcoOpportunity Team Bldg. Green Dept. EcoOp Teams Representatives Subcommittees

  3. it isn’t easy being green

  4. Signage

  5. Recycling @ HSPH

  6. Closing the ENVEL P HSPH Eco- Opportunity’s Interoffice Envelope Reuse Program

  7. Visit our Green Labs website: -80 Freezer De-icing Set or Contact us to explore other green labs practices: - Solvent recycling - Glassware and pipette reuse - Mercury free microscopes - Purchasing recommendations - Freezer management - Lab recycling and reuse Lab Freecycles Bring your items to our bi-annual Freecycle events.

  8. Bikes @ Website: HSPH bikes Bikes cages are available to HUID holders • Registration details on website * NEW * Harvard Longwood Bicyclists group • Sign up on the website • Passive (email list) or Active Membership

  9. What t YOU can do! HU-OfS: EcoOpWebsite: Email:


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