
Surgery AskmyGp Our experience so far.. Background 12,700 pt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

St Chads and Chilcompton Surgery AskmyGp Our experience so far.. Background 12,700 pt practice. Radical overhaul of appt system May 2017 to full doctor triage using GP Access model. Average 900 phone appts per week, approx 1/3

  1. St Chad’s and Chilcompton Surgery AskmyGp Our experience so far…..

  2. Background • 12,700 pt practice. • Radical overhaul of appt system May 2017 to full doctor triage using GP Access model. • Average 900 phone appts per week, approx 1/3 brought in for f2f appt. • Incorporated online access via askmyGP May 2018.

  3. How it works • Patients can access ‘ askmyGP ’ through our website 24/7 instead of phoning reception. • They are informed their request will be dealt with within opening hours. • They have to create a log-in first time. • Links to NHS choices self help offered and told not for use for emergencies.

  4. • Patient is prompted to detail if new or existing problem, what’s changed, what their concerns are and how best and when to contact them. • Plenty of characters to put enough detail. • Can contact about a child or as a carer. • Patient can select a specific doctor if wishes to. Can set rota of which staff available.

  5. Implementation • Training of reception/admin staff and clinical staff. Videos provided by Gp Access. • Individual log-ins/desktop short-cuts. • We opted for soft launch by just adding to our website without promotion to test internal processes. • Minimal usage until we changed our phone message offering it as an alternative to phoning.

  6. • Reception lead closely overseeing process. • Designated reception staff check for new contacts throughout working day and allocate/respond appropriately. • First time patient contacted need to verify identity. • Many queries dealt with by Admin team. • Can reply to patient securely by email or phone.

  7. Benefits • Seems popular with patients who’ve used it. • Should reduce phone call burden on reception staff. • Patient able to give lots of detail, more than when ring reception, so we respond more informed and more timely. • Useful alternative for patients who struggle to speak on phone/mental health issues.

  8. • Some doctors like it more than others! • We’re getting quicker at using it. • Does seem to be being used by all ages, 13% contacts by >65 yrs olds. • Can save time as often difficult to contact by phone, repeated missed calls.

  9. Problems • Separate system to log into daily, all information has to be ‘copy and pasted’ into patients notes. • Reception team are finding it as much work as phone calls, not reducing workload for them just another system to check/run. • Numbers too small to see if reducing number of phone calls yet. • Potential for some patients to over-use system.

  10. Usage Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan-18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Total Total number of submissions 8 11 14 25 141 238 201 638 Male 2 3 6 7 61 100 117 296 Female 5 8 8 17 79 135 79 331 Not known 1 1 1 3 5 11 Number of unique patients 6 6 10 15 105 183 144 469

  11. Summary • We’ve opted to use it as a bolt -on alternative to our phone triage rather than divert all patients through it. Currently approx 4.5% patient contacts through it. • Seems to suit some patients really well, mixed feelings from staff. • If could be embedded into Systm one has potential to save staff time, doesn’t currently.

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