supporting our asd students

Supporting Our ASD Students Programming, Interventions, and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Supporting Our ASD Students Programming, Interventions, and Outreach Theresa Violette, Director of Title 1 & McKinney-Vento Liaison Erika Turner, Literacy Specialist at Gilbert School Title 1 Program Federally funded program

  1. Supporting Our ASD Students Programming, Interventions, and Outreach Theresa Violette, Director of Title 1 & McKinney-Vento Liaison Erika Turner, Literacy Specialist at Gilbert School

  2. Title 1 Program  Federally funded program  Supports student literacy achievement K-6 and math achievement grades 1-3  Supported 267 students in the 16-17 school year in the ASD and St. Michael’s School  Provides 1 Director, 4 Literacy specialists, 1 literacy interventionist, and 10 educational technicians

  3. Title 1 Interventions  Title 1 provides a double dose of instruction for identified students.  Small group and/or 1-1 literacy and math instruction is provided. Groupings are based on student need.  Use a variety of assessments to inform instruction.

  4. Title 1 Family Involvement  Open House events  Parent Advisory Committee  Literacy and Math Nights  Author visits  Home-school book bags and math backpacks  Theater program  Summer reading support and outreach  Collaborations with other agencies

  5. Home Reading & Math

  6. Literacy and Math Events Escape Room

  7. Escape Room cont’d

  8. Author Visit- Josh Alves

  9. Monmouth Theater

  10. Summer Reading Programming  Each child who signed up selected 5 free books; one at the end of the school year and 4 in the mail throughout the summer.  139 children participated.  Other learning opportunities were offered and highlighted throughout the summer.

  11. Summer Outreach  Wooden Kit Building

  12. Summer Outreach  Family Cook Night

  13. Summer Outreach  Cookout & Story Walk at Viles Arboretum

  14. Literacy For ME  501c non profit organization that promotes literacy in the Greater Augusta area birth through adulthood.

  15. Literacy For ME  Preschool Event

  16. Literacy For ME  Little Libraries  Can be found in 7 different locations around Augusta

  17. Augusta Literacy For ME  Supply books for children who receive our weekend food program.  Reading to children at Calumet Park.  Attend various events to promote literacy: Whatever Family Festival, Chili & Chowder Challenge, Gardiner Story Walk…  Collaborate with other area agencies to promote literacy.

  18. Student Supports for Children & Youth  Augusta Community Closet

  19. Student Supports for Homeless Children & Youth  Weekend Food Program

  20. Thankful for Collaborations!

  21. Q and A

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