Supporting All Employees - Classified Advisory Committee Meeting November 3, 2011
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 1 Welcome & Perspective Superintendent’s Annual Meeting We Believe How do these relate to classified employees? What should classified employees take from these?
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 2 Talent Management Office
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 3 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Evaluation TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Evaluations should include multiple Same measures or data points Increase the number of rating There are currently 3 categories: categories (gradations) available below, meets, and exceeds standards – increase to 4 to align with certificated Evaluations should have real Same ramifications Professional development and Same support must be tied to feedback from evaluation
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 4 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Differentiated Compensation/ Career Pathways TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Develop career pathways that Career lattices are in place – align promote effective teachers and with classification specifications, effective teaching examination criteria, and performance evaluation Restructure professional Professional development should development incentives in a way align with evaluation and employee growth plan that advances effective teaching and benefits student
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 5 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Differentiated Compensation/ Career Pathways (cont.) TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Same for classified employees Create incentives and conditions that attract effective teachers to and retain effective teachers in high needs schools and/or positions Explore the use of direct financial If employees as school sites are rewards for effective teaching if and rewarded for student outcomes, only if it is done in concert with the classified employees at the sites three previous recommendations should benefit as well
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 6 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Tenure TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION The tenure decision should be a Probation or determination that deliberate action, rather than a employee is at journey-level default result Create a tenure decision window of Depending on classification at least 2 years and up to the initial complexity, the same should apply 4 years of an employee’s for journey-level status probationary period Move the tenure decision point from Not applicable the current March 15 th deadline to the end of the school year
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 7 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Tenure (cont.) TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Streamline the dismissal process for Same (journey-level, rather than tenured employees without tenure) abrogating due process provisions Implement recurring re ‐ examination Same (journey-level, rather than tenure) of tenured teachers for progression along their respective career paths Use non ‐ re ‐ election data to inform Same (with data for not allowing employee to move to journey-level) recruitment and selection methods and decisions
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 8 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Legislation TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Develop a five ‐ year Legislative Same – aligned to certificated Action Plan to fund California schools competitively Not applicable The Commission on Professional Competence should be eliminated or amended Same The probation period should be extended
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 9 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Legislation (cont.) TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Same Revise layoff criteria to include quality measures, and high needs schools and positions Same/similar The permanent teacher hearing process in the case of layoffs should be amended Not applicable Amend the existing law to allow evidence of successful passage of the PRAXIS or other deemed equivalent examination to substitute for the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET)
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 10 Legislative/Policy Issues Review legislative agenda - certificated Successes Lessons learned/next steps How should classified proceed Makeup of committee Where to start
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 11 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Support Mechanisms TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Develop and support teacher leaders Allow classified employees to become masters in their classifications without becoming supervisors/managers Same Implement a seamless, common structure aligned to evaluation to support teachers once tenured Same, as applicable Institute a comprehensive, coordinated, and accessible professional growth structure aligned to clear standards of practice (e.g., California Standards for the Teaching Profession)
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 12 SAE – Classified – TETF/Classified Comparison Support Mechanisms (cont.) TETF RECOMMENDATION CLASSIFIED RECOMMENDATION Require intensive instructional Not directly applicable, but some support for every novice process can be developed for new employees (probationary) teacher during the induction phase of their LAUSD teaching career aligned to evaluation to support effective teaching Same Strengthen voluntary and involuntary exit processes
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 13 Survey of Classified Employees Survey all 38,000 classified employees Purposes Do employees feel supported? If not, where are the gaps? Communicate this initiative Develop focus groups that can help guide this work Small group discussion Engaging classified employees Engaging other stakeholder groups
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 14 Closing Remarks Next steps/next meeting District competencies Survey results Tentatively – Thursday, December 8, 2011
Supporting All Employees - Classified Page 15 For More Information Supporting All Employees Blog: Supporting All Employees Website: Heidi Hrowal, Program & Policy Development Advisor (213) 241-4683
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