supervisor jonathan emery pmsm driving and control 15 v

Supervisor: Jonathan Emery PMSM driving and control 15 V Power - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) DRIVING and CONTROL Supervisor: Jonathan Emery PMSM driving and control 15 V Power dSPACE DS103 SLAVE I/O Interface board (CP31) -15V Supply dSPACE to driver +15V P1 P2 P3 230 V 230 V

  1. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) DRIVING and CONTROL Supervisor: Jonathan Emery

  2. PMSM driving and control ± 15 V Power dSPACE DS103 SLAVE I/O Interface board (CP31) -15V Supply dSPACE to driver +15V P1 P2 P3 230 V 230 V ADC_IN (1-4) DRIVER Digital I/O (CP30) P1 P2 P3 I A (U) 300 V Power I B (V) Supply + I C (W) 300 V U_FILTER_IN - 300 V V_FILTER_IN + - W_FILTER_IN ALTERA U_FILTER_OUT V_FILTER_OUT FPGA FILTER W_FILTER_OUT Dev. By U_MOTOR_OUT Kevin @ V_MOTOR_OUT W_MOTOR_OUT HEIG-VD Analog Voltage Transducer Front-end LEM LV25-P OUT 3 F motor MOTOR Resolver

  3. PMSM driving and control Changes in the 3-phase power supply for the PMSM  Renovated cabling, integration of new & basic electronics and integration of a DC 300V power supply.

  4. PMSM driving and control Box to simulate the Motor K500-150-5Y-1  L maximum current: 20A  R maximum power: 150W  R maximum current: 19A

  5. PMSM driving and control Going on & to do Tasks:  Investigate about the Digital I/O input signal characteristics, and how to process the signal using RTI. dSPACE DS103 Altera FPGA RTI DIGITAL/O development (CP30) Board ?  Use ControlDesk Next Generation to buid a GUI  Use Simulink to build the control of the motor

  6. PMSM driving and control Control of the Motor Torque – bloc diagram  3-phase to 2-phase converstion – Clark Transforms  Stator-based to rotor-based, 2-phase current convertor


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