summary cache a scalable wide area web cache sharing

Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol Li - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol Li Fan, Pei Cao and Jussara Almeida University of Wisconsin-Madison Andrei Broder Compaq/DEC System Research Center Why Web Caching One of the most important techniques to

  1. Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol Li Fan, Pei Cao and Jussara Almeida University of Wisconsin-Madison Andrei Broder Compaq/DEC System Research Center

  2. Why Web Caching • One of the most important techniques to improve scalability of the Web • Proxy caches are particularly effective

  3. Why Cache Sharing? . . . . . . Rest of Internet Bottleneck Regional Network Proxy Caches Users

  4. Cache Sharing via ICP Parent Cache (optional) – When one proxy has a cache miss, send queries to all siblings (and parents): “do you have the URL?” – Whoever responds first with “Yes”, send a request to fetch the file – If no “Yes” response within certain time limit, send request to Web server

  5. Overhead of ICP • #_of_queries = (#_of_proxies * average_miss_ratio) * #_of_proxies • Experiments – 4 Squid proxies running on dual-processor 64MB SPARC20s linked with 100BaseT Ethernet links – Workloads: traces and synthetic benchmarks • Compared with no cache sharing, ICP: – increases total network packets to each proxy by 8-29% – increases CPU overhead by 13-32% – increases user latency by 2-12%

  6. Alternatives to ICP • Force all users to go through the same cache or the same array of caches – Difficult in a wide-area environment • Central directory server – Directory server can be a bottleneck Ideally, one wants a protocol: • keeps the total cache hit ratio high • minimizes inter-proxy traffic • scales to a large number of proxies

  7. Summary Cache • Basic idea: – Let each proxy keep a directory of what URLs are cached in every other proxy, and use the directory as a filter to reduce number of queries • Problem 1: keeping the directory up to date – Solution: delay and batch the updates => directory can be slightly out of date • Problem 2: DRAM requirement – Solution: compress the directory => imprecise, but inclusive directory

  8. Errors Tolerated • Suppose A and B share caches, A has a request for URL r that misses in A, – false misses: r is cached at B, but A didn’t know Effect : lower total cache hit ratio – false hits: r is not cached at B, but A thought it is Effect : wasted query messages – stale hits: r is cached at B, but B’s copy is stale Effect : wasted query messages

  9. Effect of Delay in Directory Updates • Method: delay the updates until a certain percentage of the cached documents are “new” Directory ICP Directory ICP 0.24 0.4 0.2 T o ta l H it R a tio T o ta l H it R a tio 0.16 0.3 0.12 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.04 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 QuestNet: Threshold (%) DEC trace: Threshold (%)

  10. Compressing the Directories • Requirements: – Inclusive – Low false positives – Concise we call the compressed directories “summaries” • First try: use server URLs only – Problem: too many false hits, leading to too many messages between proxies

  11. The Problem Place A Place B . . arbitrary URI . ? . Compact . Representation . . .

  12. Bloom Filters • Support membership test for a set of keys Bit Vector v Key a 1 H ( a ) = P 1 1 k hash H ( a ) = P 2 2 functions 1 m bits H ( a ) = P 3 3 H ( a ) = P 1 4 4 1

  13. Bloom Filters: the Math • Given n keys, how to choose m and k ? Bit Vector v • Suppose m is fixed (>2n), choose k: 1 k is optimal when exactly half of the bits are 0 => optimal k = ln(2) * m/n 1 m bits •False positive ratio under optimal k is (1/2) k 1 => false positive ratio = (1/2) ln2 * m/n = (0.62) m/n 1

  14. Bloom Filters: the Practice • Choosing hash functions – bits from MD5 signatures of URLs • Maintaining the summary – the proxy maintains an array of counters – for each bit, the counter records how many times the bit is set to 1 • Updating the summary – either the whole bit array or the positions of changed bits (delta encoding)

  15. Result: Inter-Proxy Traffic 100 10 S c a le d # o f M e s s a g e s S c a le d # o f M e s s a g e s 10 ICP 1 ICP 1 ExactDir ExactDir BF-8 BF-8 0.1 BF-16 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 BF-16 Server 0 2 4 6 8 10 Server DEC-Trace: Threshold (%) QuestNet: Threshold (%)

  16. Result: Total Hit Ratio 0.25 0.4 ICP ICP 0.2 T o ta l H it R a tio T o ta l H it R a tio 0.3 ExactDir ExactDir 0.15 BF-8 BF-8 0.2 0.1 BF-16 BF-16 0.1 0.05 Server Server 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 QuestNet: Threshold(%) DEC-trace: Threshold (%)

  17. Enhancing ICP with Summary Cache • Prototype implemented in Squid 1.1.14 • Repeating the 4-proxy experiments, the new ICP: – Reduces UDP messages by a factor of 12 to 50 compared with the old ICP – Little increase in network packets over no cache sharing – increase CPU time by 2 - 7% – reduce user latency up to 4% with remote cache hits

  18. Conclusions • Summary cache enables caches to share contents with low overheads over wide area • An alternative implementation called “Cache Digest” is in Squid 1.2.0 • Many other applications of bloom filters • Technical report version available at:


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