success stories about university partnerships innovative


SUCCESS STORIES ABOUT UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS INNOVATIVE & PRODUCTIVE IN THE EU by Jaume Fortuny Advisor at University of Barcelona Chief Technology Officer of the Smart Knowledge Alliances Jordan, May 14th-15th 2017 Round Table :

  1. SUCCESS STORIES ABOUT UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS INNOVATIVE & PRODUCTIVE IN THE EU by Jaume Fortuny Advisor at University of Barcelona Chief Technology Officer of the “Smart Knowledge Alliances” Jordan, May 14th-15th 2017 Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  2. INDEX 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background ○ Example on the Energy Sector ○ Some Facts & Figures on EIT 2. KNOWLEDGE ALLIANCES ○ Background ○ Example on Smart Technologies (Smart Water & ICT for Smart Cities) Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  3. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES The EIT Initiative of the European Commission Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  4. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background 2007 EU Budget 2007-2013 2013 EU Budget 2000-2006 2005 2005 2008 2010 2011 2015 2020 EIT Budget € 309 Million President Barroso The EIT (European Institute of first suggested Innovation and Technology) building the establishes its headquarters in European Institute Budapest of Technology Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  5. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background : EIT The EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology ) is an independent EU body that spurs innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe with one simple idea: through diversity there is strength UNIVERSITIES Development of Innovative Products & Services Development of New Companies DYNAMIC PAN-EUROPEAN Train of a New Generation of Entrepreneurs PARTNERSHIPS Bring Ideas to Market Turn Students into Entrepreneurs that Innovate COMPANIES RESEARCH LABS Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  6. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background 2007 EU Budget 2007-2013 2013 EU Budget 2000-2006 2005 2005 2008 2010 2011 2014 2015 2016 2018 2020 EIT Budget € 309Million President Barroso The EIT (European Institute of Creation of the first three first suggested Innovation and Technology) KIC’s (Knowledge and building the establishes its headquarters in Innovation Communities) European Institute Budapest dealing with: of Technology - Climate Change - Information Technology - Energy Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  7. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background 2007 EU Budget 2007-2013 2013 2014 EU Budget 2014-2020 2020 EU Budget 2000-2006 2005 2005 2008 2010 2011 2014 2015 2016 2018 2020 EIT Budget € 309Million EIT Budget € 2.700Million President Barroso The EIT (European Institute of Creation of the first three Creation of the Creation of the two Creation of a new first suggested Innovation and Technology) KIC’s (Knowledge and two new KIC’s: new KIC’s: KIC’s: building the establishes its headquarters in Innovation Communities) - Health - Food - Urban Mobility European Institute Budapest dealing with: - Raw Materials - Manufacturing of Technology - Climate Change - Information Technology - Energy Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  8. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background : EIT-KIC The EIT-KIC (Knowledge Innovation Communities) carry out activities that cover the entire innovation chain: training & education programs, reinforcing the journey from research to the market , innovation projects , and business incubators & accelerators . KNOWLEDGE TRIANGLE OF EVERY KIC SECTOR FOR BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE LONG-LASTING OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK E R B integration d e u u s s c e i INTEGRATION OF THE 3 ACTORS a a n MORE EFFICIENT t r e I c s INDUSTRY o h s n RESEARCH HIGHER IMPACT ON INNOVATION (Talent, Technology, Companies) HIGHER EDUCATION Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  9. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background 2007 EU Budget 2007-2013 2013 2014 EU Budget 2014-2020 2020 EU Budget 2000-2006 2005 2005 2008 2010 2011 2014 2015 2016 2018 2020 EIT Budget € 309Million EIT Budget € 2.700Million President Barroso The EIT (European Institute of Creation of the first three Creation of the Creation of the two Creation of a new first suggested Innovation and Technology) KIC’s (Knowledge and two new KIC’s: new KIC’s: KIC’s: building the establishes its headquarters in Innovation Communities) - Health - Food - Urban Mobility European Institute Budapest dealing with: - Raw Materials - Manufacturing of Technology - Climate Change - Information Technology - Energy Introduction of RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  10. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Background : EIT-RIS The EIT-RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) is the EIT Community’s outreach scheme, that enables the transfer of good practices and know-how from the EIT’s unique approach to boosting innovation. Local innovators – individuals (e.g. students, researchers, entrepreneurs) OBJECTIVE GOOD PRACTICES PARTICIPANTS Organisations (e.g. SMEs, universities, research labs, regions, NGOs and cities) KICommunities TO BOOST Transfer of knowledge , know-how and INNOVATION IN cooperation BENEFITS EU COUNTRIES Boost the local innovation eco-systems & REGIONS and their innovation output CONSIDERED AS "MODEST & EIT grants funds to the KIC for EIT RIS MODERATE implementation. FUNDING INNOVATORS" For scholarships, business acceleration EXPERIENCES services & Knowledge Triangle mentoring Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  11. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Example on the Energy Sector Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  12. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Example on the Energy Sector Services tailored to your needs will turn InnoEnergy offer our industrial partners, InnoEnergy is dedicated to promoting InnoEnergy provides research institutes with your early stage startup into a successful both SME and large corporations, several innovation and entrepreneurship in the a straightforward way to fund innovation business. By joining the most important ways of involvement in all our three business European sustainable energy field by activities, valorise their R&D programmes sustainable energy community in Europe, lines. bringing together academics, businesses and and industrialise their spin-off activities. you could benefit from our Venture Capital research institutes. Community, get your technology innovation financed through the Innovation projects, or find the best experts in the technology area of your interest. Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  13. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Example on the Energy Sector SERVICES FOR ENTREPRENEURS FOR THE INDUSTRY FOR STUDENTS FOR RESEARCHERS -Specialised Accelerator -Specialized Accelerator -Bring ideas or expertise -Master School -Projects (finalising & to the consortium to -Support to Start-ups -PhD School commercialising) develop a technical -Venture Capital -Executive Education innovation -PhD School Community -Professional Learning -Find new technology -Case Studies -Support to Innovation -Support to Innovation providers -Projects (finalising & -Career Center -Business Creation commercialising) -Specialized Accelerator Services for Spin-offs -Partners as -Innovation Projects -PhD School Shareholders -Institute of Sustainable -Institute of Sustainable Energy (online courses) Energy (online courses) Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  14. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Example on the Energy Sector Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  15. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Some Facts & Figures on EIT Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  16. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Some Facts & Figures on EIT Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

  17. 1. KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION COMMUNITIES ○ Some Facts & Figures on EIT Round Table : “Innovative ways of bridging Universities-Industry partnership in the Smart learning & Knowledge based society”

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