sublinear zero knowledge arguments for ram programs

Sublinear Zero-Knowledge Arguments for RAM Programs Payman Mike - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sublinear Zero-Knowledge Arguments for RAM Programs Payman Mike Alessandra Mohassel Scafuro Rosulek OSU NCState V I S Oregon State University A Problem C Data S Problem C Data S R 1 Problem C Data S R 1 y 1 Problem C

  1. Sublinear Zero-Knowledge Arguments for RAM Programs Payman Mike Alessandra Mohassel Scafuro Rosulek OSU NCState V I S Oregon State University A

  2. Problem C Data S

  3. Problem C Data S R 1

  4. Problem C Data S R 1 y 1

  5. Problem C Data S R 1 y 1 R 2

  6. Problem C Data S R 1 y 1 R 2 y 2

  7. Problem C Data S R 1 y 1 R 2 y 2 . . . .

  8. Problem C Data S R 1 proof 𝜌 1 y 1 correct computation on same data R 2 y 2 𝜌 2 . . . .

  9. Problem C Data S R 1 Zero-Knowledge proof 𝜌 1 y 1 correct computation on same data R 2 y 2 𝜌 2 . . . .

  10. Problem Data S C R 1 Zero-knowledge y 1 𝜌 1 proof Properties

  11. Problem Data S C R 1 Zero-knowledge y 1 𝜌 1 proof Properties Efficiency: work depends only on running time T

  12. Problem Data S C R 1 Zero-knowledge y 1 𝜌 1 proof Properties Efficiency: work depends only on running time T Security: Composability

  13. Problem Data S C R 1 Zero-knowledge y 1 𝜌 1 proof Properties Efficiency: work depends only on running time T Security: Composability [constant-round]

  14. Sub-linear Zero Knowledge

  15. Sub-linear Zero Knowledge [Kil92,Mic94,Gro10a,Lip12, GGPR13,….] P V pcp / Goal: proof as short as possible snarks

  16. Sub-linear Zero Knowledge [Kil92,Mic94,Gro10a,Lip12, GGPR13,….] P V pcp / Goal: proof as short as possible snarks Problem P’s work depends on size of the input

  17. Sub-linear Zero Knowledge [Kil92,Mic94,Gro10a,Lip12, GGPR13,….] P V pcp / Goal: proof as short as possible snarks Problem P’s work depends on size of the input Circuit-based approaches

  18. Sub-linear Zero Knowledge [Kil92,Mic94,Gro10a,Lip12, GGPR13,….] P V pcp / Goal: proof as short as possible snarks Problem P’s work depends on size of the input Circuit-based approaches

  19. Sub-linear Zero Knowledge [Kil92,Mic94,Gro10a,Lip12, GGPR13,….] P V pcp / Goal: proof as short as possible snarks Problem P’s work depends on size of the input ORAM Circuit-based approaches [GO96…]

  20. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] P V Setup phase proof phase

  21. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] P V Setup phase proof phase

  22. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] P V Setup phase proof phase GC GC GC GC T garbled circuits

  23. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] P V Setup phase proof phase GC GC GC GC T garbled circuits Problem Setup Phase : O(N) for both !

  24. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] P V Setup phase proof phase GC GC GC GC T garbled circuits Problem Setup Phase : O(N) for both !

  25. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] P V Setup phase proof phase Special cases ZK Sets [MRK03] and generalizations [ORS07,..] GC GC GC GC T garbled circuits Problem Setup Phase : O(N) for both !

  26. Our Result

  27. Sulinear Zero-Knowledge for RAM programs Setup Phase V P Proof Phase T = running time work depends only on running time T UC-Secure [based on efficient primitives (GC, Zkboo[GMO16])]

  28. Sulinear Zero-Knowledge for RAM programs Setup Phase V P Proof Phase T = running time work depends only on running time T UC-Secure [based on efficient primitives (GC, Zkboo[GMO16])]

  29. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM F zkRAM V P

  30. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM F zkRAM Init: M V P

  31. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM M F zkRAM Init: M V P

  32. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM M F zkRAM Init: M V P Prove: R i , w i

  33. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM M’,y ← R i ( M , w i ) M F zkRAM Init: M V P Prove: R i , w i

  34. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM M’,y ← R i ( M , w i ) M ’ M F zkRAM Init: M V P Prove: R i , w i

  35. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM M’,y ← R i ( M , w i ) M ’ M F zkRAM Init: M R i , y V P Prove: R i , w i

  36. UC-Secure Ideal functionality F zkRAM Challenge: extract M from M’,y ← R i ( M , w i ) M ’ M transcript F zkRAM Init: M R i , y V P Prove: R i , w i

  37. Our technique

  38. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data

  39. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values

  40. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - Garbling

  41. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - Garbling R i

  42. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - Garbling access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i

  43. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - Garbling access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i prepares T garbled circuits

  44. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - Garbling access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i prepares T garbled circuits GC GC GC [JOK13]

  45. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i GC GC GC

  46. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i i 1 GC GC GC

  47. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i i 2 i 1 GC GC GC

  48. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i i 2 i 1 i 3 GC GC GC

  49. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i 0/1 i 2 i 1 i 3 GC GC GC

  50. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i 0/1 i 2 i 1 i 3 GC GC GC y

  51. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i 0/1 i 2 i 1 i 3 GC GC GC y replace used encoding

  52. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i 0/1 i 2 i 1 i 3 GC GC GC y replace used encoding soundness: V fully controls encoding of the dataset

  53. Sub-linear amortized Zero-Knowledge [HMR15] Setup phase P V Data V should do nothing. Garbling values - ORAM - “Garbling” Soundness….? access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) R i 0/1 i 2 i 1 i 3 GC GC GC y replace used encoding soundness: V fully controls encoding of the dataset

  54. P V Setup phase access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) GC GC GC

  55. P V Setup phase access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) initial data GC GC GC

  56. P V Setup phase access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM initial data GC GC GC

  57. P V Setup phase encode access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM initial data GC GC GC

  58. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM initial data GC GC GC

  59. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC

  60. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC

  61. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC

  62. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC

  63. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode ? access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC 1. Consistency with committed input? (black-box)

  64. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode ? access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC 1. Consistency with committed input? (black-box) 2. Extraction committed input?

  65. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode ? access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC 1. Consistency with committed input? (black-box) 2. Extraction committed input? 3. “Malicious" ORAM?

  66. P V Merkle Tree Setup phase encode ? access pattern (i 1, i 2, i 3,.. ) ORAM OT initial data GC GC GC 1. Consistency with committed input? (black-box) 2. Extraction committed input? 3. “Malicious" ORAM?

  67. 1. Black box proof of consistency V P y GC GC [GO S V14, IW14]

  68. 1. Black box proof of consistency V P y GC GC encode Reed- Solomon [GO S V14, IW14]

  69. 1. Black box proof of consistency V P commit y GC GC encode Reed- Solomon [GO S V14, IW14]

  70. 1. Black box proof of consistency V P Merkle Tree commit y GC GC encode Reed- Solomon [GO S V14, IW14]

  71. 1. Black box proof of consistency V P Merkle Tree commit codeword y GC GC encode Reed- Solomon i 1 [GO S V14, IW14]


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