study on the potency of blue carbon ecosystem in southern


13/09/2013 By. Terry L. Kepel, Agustin Rustam, Restu Nur Afi Ati, August Daulat, M. Astrid. K, Peter M dan Andreas A. Hutahaean STUDY ON THE POTENCY OF BLUE CARBON ECOSYSTEM IN SOUTHERN COAST OF NORTH SULAWESI FOR CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION

  1. 13/09/2013 By. Terry L. Kepel, Agustin Rustam, Restu Nur Afi Ati, August Daulat, M. Astrid. K, Peter M dan Andreas A. Hutahaean STUDY ON THE POTENCY OF BLUE CARBON ECOSYSTEM IN SOUTHERN COAST OF NORTH SULAWESI FOR CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION Preliminary Results & Plans 2014-2015 Blue Carbon Research Group Center for Research and Development of Marine and Coastal Resources Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development Email: and BACKGROUND Temperature rise CO 2 rise Climate change Sea level rise 1

  2. 13/09/2013 NATIONAL ACTION PLAN – GREEN HOUSE GASES FORESTRY AND President Commitment made at the G20 Meeting PEAT LAND (Pittsburgh) and COP15 (Copenhagen) on Indonesia GHG Emission AGRICULTURE ENERGY AND TRANSPORTATION Self effort Self effort and assistance from outside INDUSTRY WASTE Coastal & BLUE CARBON Marine • Source Carbon • GHG’s • Sink Reservoir Coastal • Atmosfer Climate Marine • Forest change (Blue Carbon) • Coastal Marine [Hoekstra, 2008] Biological carbon captured by coastal-marine living organisms by photosynthetic process (ex. Mangroves, Seagrass, Seaweed and Chlorophyll ) 2

  3. 13/09/2013 OBJECTIVES T o study the growing /increment and the utilisation of coastal-marine resources such as mangrove, seagrass and seeweed. T o find out the factors influence the changes in coastal-marine reources management. T o assest the importance / contribution of coastal-marine ecosystem in Climate change Mitigation and Adaptation. Study Area 3

  4. 13/09/2013 Village Mining Pearl Seafarm Grouper Seafarm Rehabilitated Mangrove 4

  5. 13/09/2013 1 st year 2 nd year 3 rd year Data Collection Data Fieldwork & Collection Initiation Analysis Fieldwork & Report & Public outreach Analysis 5

  6. 13/09/2013 3. Metodology of Integrated Blue Carbon Study Meteorological Social & Data Economic e.g. Air temp, precipitation,wind Satellite OC Images Satellite OC Images Modis-SST&Chl Time Series Measurements Blue MODEL Oceanography Carbon (Physic-Chem-Bio) e.g. pCO2, PAM,Chl, Temp, sal, PON, POC, DIC etc Marine biology Data e.g. Seagrass & Mangrove, coral, etc Verification Satellite Images of Alos & Landsat Tim Survey Blue Carbon T omini 10 – 15 Juni 2013 6

  7. 13/09/2013 ACTIVITIES Establishing 1 station for time series measurement : water temperature and sea level Measuring on mangrove and seagrass ecosystem : Community structure, biomass In situ coastal water parameter Applying time series sensor T emperature and water level sensor Automatic Weather Station (AWS) 7

  8. 13/09/2013 Seagrass Measurement 6 stastions Line transect 50 m (6 quqdrat transect) 25 x 25 cm quadrat for biomass 8

  9. 13/09/2013 SeagrassWet Weight : gC/m2* 1.200 1.000 800 600 400 200 0 Ea Th Si Hp Cr Ea Ea Th Hp Ea Th Cs Ho Ea 1 2 3 4 5 120 Average on sea grass dry wet : 100 12,2 g/m2 (above) 28,8 g/m2 (below) 80 60 AG BG 40 20 0 Ea Th Si Hp Cr Ea Ea Th Hp Ea Th Cs Ho Ea Th Cs Ho Si 1 2 3 4 5 6 9

  10. 13/09/2013 T otal dry weight per species (g/m2) 60 50 40 30 AG BG 20 10 0 Ea Th CS Cr Ho Hp Si 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mangrove Measurement Line transect and quadrat method DBH measurement Allometric equation for Biomass according to Donato and Kaufmann (2012) 10

  11. 13/09/2013 6500 Kerapatan (ind/ha) 5500 4500 3500 2500 1500 500 -500 Jenis Mangrove Diameter max: 45 cm (Sa), average: 14 cm Biomass : 113,65 ton/ha Sedimen Coring Sedimen was cored in 8 location both in mangrove and seagrass Maximum depth : 195 cm 11

  12. 13/09/2013 12

  13. 13/09/2013 FUTURE CONCERN : 1. Estimation on mangrove and seagrass area based on remote sensing and insitu data 2. Permanent transect (Mangrove & Seagrass Ecosystem) 3. Time series database (Meteorology dan Physc ‐ Chem ‐ Bio Oceanography) 4. Ecological footprint (?) 5. Conferenceon Blue Carbon Blue Carbon Center Puslitbang Sumberdaya Laut dan Pesisir Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kelautan dan Perikanan Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan DAN kepel 13

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