student education

Student Education Tom Price - Niagara College Student Administrative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Student Education Tom Price - Niagara College Student Administrative Council Lianne Gagnon Niagara College MULT LTI-PRO RONGED APPRO ROACH Community Engagement -Spring Clean up -Production & Distribution of Good Neighbour

  1. Student Education Tom Price - Niagara College Student Administrative Council Lianne Gagnon – Niagara College

  2. MULT LTI-PRO RONGED APPRO ROACH  Community Engagement -Spring Clean up -Production & Distribution of Good Neighbour Guides -Representation on T&Gs and Taskforces  Initiatives (Tag and Toss)  Education  Hand outs (i.e. Student safety guide)  Social Media  Member of the Ontario Town and Gown Association including participation in webinars  Co-sponsors of Building Bridges Conference  Niagara College Library Drop off for NOTG

  3. Niagar ara a College a and t the N Niagara C College Student Administrative Council a are committed t to maintaining positive c community relations with a all o of o our neighbours. In addition to the NOTL Task Force, Lianne and Tom sit on 3 additional Town and Gown committees and work on various initiatives with the respective committees including: • Thorold • Welland • St. Catharines

  4. Thank You


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