structure from motion

Structure from Motion Computer Vision Jia-Bin Huang, Virginia Tech - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Structure from Motion Computer Vision Jia-Bin Huang, Virginia Tech Many slides from S. Seitz, N Snavely, and D. Hoiem Administrative stuffs HW 3 due 11:55 PM, Oct 17 (Wed) Submit your alignment results! [Link] HW 2 will be out this

  1. Structure from Motion Computer Vision Jia-Bin Huang, Virginia Tech Many slides from S. Seitz, N Snavely, and D. Hoiem

  2. Administrative stuffs • HW 3 due 11:55 PM, Oct 17 (Wed) • Submit your alignment results! [Link] • HW 2 will be out this week

  3. Perspective and 3D Geometry • Projective geometry and camera models • Vanishing points/lines • x = 𝐋 𝐒 𝐮 𝐘 • Single-view metrology and camera calibration • Calibration using known 3D object or vanishing points • Measuring size using perspective cues • Photo stitching • Homography relates rotating cameras 𝐲′ = 𝐈𝐲 • Recover homography using RANSAC + normalized DLT • Epipolar Geometry and Stereo Vision • Fundamental/essential matrix relates two cameras 𝐲 ′ 𝐆𝐲 = 𝟏 • Recover 𝐆 using RANSAC + normalized 8-point algorithm, enforce rank 2 using SVD • Structure from motion (this class) • How can we recover 3D points from multiple images?

  4. Recap: Epipoles • Point x in the left image corresponds to epipolar line l’ in right image • Epipolar line passes through the epipole ( the intersection of the cameras’ baseline with the image plane

  5. Recap: Fundamental Matrix • Fundamental matrix maps from a point in one image to a line in the other • If x and x’ correspond to the same 3d point X:

  6. Recap: Automatic Estimation of F Assume we have matched points x x ’ with outliers 8-Point Algorithm for Recovering F • Correspondence Relation  Fx  x T 0 1. Normalize image coordinates ~ ~     x  x T x Tx 2. RANSAC with 8 points • Randomly sample 8 points • Compute F via least squares   ~  • det 0 Enforce F by SVD • Repeat and choose F with most inliers ~  3. De-normalize:  T F T F T

  7. This class: Structure from Motion • Projective structure from motion • Affine structure from motion • HW 3 • Fundamental matrix • Affine structure from motion • Multi-view stereo (optional)

  8. Structure [ ˈstrək (t) SHər ]: 3D Point Cloud of the Scene Motion [ ˈmōSH(ə)n ]: Camera Location and Orientation Structure from Motion (SfM) Get the Point Cloud from Moving Cameras

  9. SfM Applications – 3D Modeling

  10. SfM Applications – Surveying cultural heritage structure analysis Guidi et al. High-accuracy 3D modeling of cultural heritage, 2004

  11. SfM Applications – Robot navigation and mapmaking

  12. SfM Applications – Visual effect (matchmove)

  13. Steps Images  Points: Structure from Motion Points  More points: Multiple View Stereo Points  Meshes: Model Fitting + Meshes  Models: Texture Mapping = Images  Models: Image-based Modeling + + = Slide credit: J. Xiao

  14. Steps Images  Points: Structure from Motion Points  More points: Multiple View Stereo Points  Meshes: Model Fitting + Meshes  Models: Texture Mapping = Images  Models: Image-based Modeling + + = Slide credit: J. Xiao

  15. Steps Images  Points: Structure from Motion Points  More points: Multiple View Stereo Points  Meshes: Model Fitting + Meshes  Models: Texture Mapping = Images  Models: Image-based Modeling + + + = Slide credit: J. Xiao

  16. Steps Images  Points: Structure from Motion Points  More points: Multiple View Stereo Points  Meshes: Model Fitting + Meshes  Models: Texture Mapping = Images  Models: Image-based Modeling Slide credit: J. Xiao

  17. Steps Images  Points: Structure from Motion Points  More points: Multiple View Stereo Points  Meshes: Model Fitting + Meshes  Models: Texture Mapping = Images  Models: Image-based Modeling Slide credit: J. Xiao

  18. Steps Images  Points: Structure from Motion Points  More points: Multiple View Stereo Points  Meshes: Model Fitting + Meshes  Models: Texture Mapping = Images  Models: Image-based Modeling Example: Slide credit: J. Xiao

  19. Triangulation: Linear Solution X • Generally, rays C  x and C’  x ’ will not exactly intersect x x' • Solve via SVD: A least squares solution to a system of equations   x   PX x P X    T T u p p 3 1    T T v p p    AX  3 2 A 0       T T u p p  3 1      T T   p p v 3 2 Further reading: HZ p. 312-313

  20. Triangulation: Linear Solution 𝑼 𝑼 𝒀 𝒒 𝟐 𝒒 𝟐 𝑣   T   p u 𝑼 𝑼 𝒀 𝑤 𝐲 = 𝑥 = 𝑸𝒀 = 𝒀 = 𝒒 𝟑 𝒒 𝟑 1      1  T 𝑼 𝑼 𝒀 P p   𝒒 𝟒 𝒒 𝟒 x w v   2   T   p  1    𝑼 𝒀 𝑼 𝒀 𝑣𝒒 𝟒 𝒒 𝟐 3 𝑣 𝑼 𝒀 𝑼 𝒀 𝑤 𝑥 = = 𝑤𝒒 𝟒 𝒒 𝟑 1 𝑼 𝒀 𝑼 𝒀     𝒒 𝟒 𝒒 𝟒   T u p 1           T x w v P p     2       1  T p   3 𝑼 − 𝒒 𝟐 𝑼 𝒀 = 𝟏 𝑼 𝒀 − 𝒒 𝟐 𝑼 𝒀 𝑣𝒒 𝟒 = 𝑣𝒒 𝟒 𝑼 − 𝒒 𝟑 𝑼 𝒀 = 𝟏 𝑼 𝒀 − 𝒒 𝟑 𝑼 𝒀 𝑤𝒒 𝟒 = 𝑤𝒒 𝟒   x   PX x P X 𝑼 − 𝒒′ 𝟐 𝑼 𝒀 = 𝟏 𝑼 𝒀 − 𝒒′ 𝟐 𝑼 𝒀 = 𝑣′𝒒′ 𝟒 𝑣′𝒒′ 𝟒 𝑼 − 𝒒′ 𝟑 𝑼 𝒀 = 𝟏 𝑼 𝒀 − 𝒒′ 𝟑 𝑼 𝒀 = 𝑤′𝒒′ 𝟒 𝑤′𝒒′ 𝟒

  21. Triangulation: Linear Solution      u u         x w v x w v     Given P , P ’, x , x ’         1 1 1. Precondition points and projection matrices   T    p T p 2. Create matrix A 1   1    T    P p   T P p   3. [U, S, V] = svd(A) 2 2   T    p   T p   4. X = V(:, end) 3 3    T T u p p Pros and Cons 3 1    T T v p p   • Works for any number of  3 2 A       T T corresponding images u p p 3 1       • T T   v p p Not projectively invariant 3 2 Code:

  22. Triangulation: Non-linear Solution • Minimize projected error while satisfying 𝒚 ′𝑈 𝑮ෝ ෝ 𝒚 =0 𝒚 2 + 𝑒𝑗𝑡𝑢 𝒚′, ෝ 𝒚′ 2 𝑑𝑝𝑡𝑢 𝒀 = 𝑒𝑗𝑡𝑢 𝒚, ෝ 𝒚′ ෝ 𝒚 𝒚 𝒚 ′ ෝ Figure source: Robertson and Cipolla (Chpt 13 of Practical Image Processing and Computer Vision)

  23. Triangulation: Non-linear Solution • Minimize projected error while satisfying 𝒚 ′𝑈 𝑮ෝ ෝ 𝒚 =0 𝒚 2 + 𝑒𝑗𝑡𝑢 𝒚′, ෝ 𝒚′ 2 𝑑𝑝𝑡𝑢 𝒀 = 𝑒𝑗𝑡𝑢 𝒚, ෝ • Solution is a 6-degree polynomial of t , minimizing Further reading: HZ p. 318

  24. Projective structure from motion • Given: m images of n fixed 3D points i = 1 ,… , m, j = 1 , … , n x ij = P i X j , • Problem: estimate m projection matrices P i and n 3D points X j from the mn corresponding 2D points x ij X j x 1 j x 3 j x 2 j P 1 P 3 P 2 Slides from Lana Lazebnik

  25. Projective structure from motion • Given: m images of n fixed 3D points • x ij = P i X j , i = 1 ,… , m, j = 1 , … , n • Problem: • Estimate unknown m projection matrices P i and n 3D points X j from the known mn corresponding points x ij • With no calibration info, cameras and points can only be recovered up to a 4x4 projective transformation Q : • X → QX, P → PQ -1 • We can solve for structure and motion when 2 mn >= 11 m + 3 n – 15 DoF in P i DoF in X j Up to 4x4 projective tform Q • For two cameras, at least 7 points are needed

  26. Sequential structure from motion • Initialize motion (calibration) from two images using fundamental matrix • Initialize structure by triangulation points • For each additional view: • Determine projection matrix of new camera using all the known 3D points cameras that are visible in its image – calibration/resectioning

  27. Sequential structure from motion • Initialize motion from two images using fundamental matrix • Initialize structure by triangulation points • For each additional view: • Determine projection matrix of new camera using all the known 3D points cameras that are visible in its image – calibration • Refine and extend structure: compute new 3D points, re-optimize existing points that are also seen by this camera – triangulation

  28. Sequential structure from motion • Initialize motion from two images using fundamental matrix • Initialize structure by triangulation points • For each additional view: • Determine projection matrix of new camera using all the known 3D cameras points that are visible in its image – calibration • Refine and extend structure: compute new 3D points, re- optimize existing points that are also seen by this camera – triangulation • Refine structure and motion: bundle adjustment

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